Endless Plunder in High School DxD

Chapter 494: Each other's past

Item 0494

Rose Weiser's family is a group of demigods living in Askar, Northern Europe. There are many families of demigods like them, and each family will develop their own unique magic, technology and tradition. After each generation The exploration and perfection will be passed on to the next generation.

Rosemise's mother once inherited the family's micro-textures from her grandmother, and the eldest daughter Rosemise should have inherited the family's micro-textures from her mother.

However, unfortunately, no matter how the inheritance ceremony is performed, Rose Weisser cannot inherit the family's fine lines, nor can it be engraved into her body and mind and her magic skills. Instead, it allows a child from a distant relative's house to easily inherit.

Although she does n’t catch the magic of her family ’s magic, she ca n’t learn how to learn it, but according to Rose Weiser, she ’s accidentally matched the Valkyrie ’s magic, especially the combat-type attack magic used by the Valkyrie. In terms of how she **** like a sponge, she can't **** enough, so that she is now the number one attacking magician in the family.

Thanks to this blessing, she could finally go to the school specialized in training the Valkyrie, and she also became a formal Valkyrie.

Of course, on the way to becoming a Valkyrie, it was not easy.

Apart from the fact that the Nordic Valkyrie must have a high level of magical ability to fight, there is also a very important point is to collect the soul of a brave and transform it into a hero to protect himself, and let his hero assist him to fight side by side. Traditional and authentic Valkyrie.

Yingling is an extremely important combat force for Valkyrie, and even some powerful heroes are far more powerful than their contract Valkyrie. The Valkyrie and her heroes know each other and fall in love with each other side by side. Since ancient times, they have left one romantic legend after another on the land of northern Europe.

However, what made Rose Weiser speechless was that she had once again shown the same resistance to the magic of the family in collecting the soul of the brave, no matter how hard she tried, but she couldn't.

If you ca n’t collect the soul of a brave, you ca n’t have your own spirit, and you ca n’t become an orthodox valkyrie. So even though Rose Weither ’s personal strength has far surpassed those of her period, in the eyes of others Without the spirit, she is still just an unqualified half-dead, and she has lived a life-long life before meeting the old Odin old man.

"When I was young, I only unknowingly felt that I would inherit the lineage of my family, just like my mother and grandma did, but it did n’t materialize. Although I later became a Valkyrie, it was only a half-deaf in others' eyes , Not even your own guardian spirit. "

"I am really happy when Lord Odin chose me to be an entourage. Although the stinky old man is a headache, I still feel that this job is very fulfilling."

"I thought I would continue to do this in the future, but the stupid old man left me when I came to you!"

"After that, she turned into a demon and became a dependent of Lias, and became a teacher in the human world ..."

"Now in retrospect, I'm almost confused, I don't know if there will be any changes in my future life, and in what direction ..."

Sighing, Rose Weisser's face was complicated, while Tian Luo took a sip of coffee and smiled slightly:

"Isn't it interesting to be wrong?"


"Ah, life is full of these unknowns that make people look forward to it. If one layer is unchanged, everything is as smooth as expected, but it is boring."

"Although you have gone through so many inflections, Rose Weiser, it still feels fulfilling in retrospect, doesn't it?"

"Okay, that seems to be true ..."

For a moment, Rose Weither could not help thinking.

"I'm so sorry, Tianluo, I've kept you listening to me about these past things. Even a good friend, I wouldn't mention them too much, probably because my grandma came here and made me want to find someone to say Say it. "

Returning to God, Rose Weiser, who was shocked, said apologetically.

"Nothing, I am very happy to have the opportunity to learn more about Rose Weiser's past like this."

Tian Luo replied indifferently.

Although they are all used to the candid and even audacious way of speaking in the sky, under the atmosphere at this moment, Rose Weiser is still shy.

"Yes, yes, Tianluo also tell me about your past, if it is not convenient, then forget it."

Turning the subject, said Ross Weiser.

"There is nothing inconvenient, if Rose Weiser is willing to listen."

It is not an amazing secret, Tianluo also told his past like Rose Weiser.

If Roth Weisser's life is twists and turns, then the sky's life is magnificent.

As a hybrid of humans and demons, the blood of Phoenix could not be awakened, and his mother died prematurely, living alone, and then traveled to the world behind.

Thrilling battles, lingering on the edge of life and death. Although I have heard of Tian Luo's past before, I have heard a lot from Zhu Nai and Tosca, but at this time I heard Tian Luo's own story. Rose Weiser still couldn't help but feel ups and downs, just felt that the man's experience was like the legend of a hero and a brave in the epic.

"Different from Rose Weiser, I always felt like killing and running around."

After speaking, Tianluo said with a mockery.

"But it is precisely because of this that it makes the sky fall now?"

"Just a moment ago, I would still be very surprised. Tomorrow will be so young but it has reached such an incredible height."

"Kakabil, Valli Lucifer, the evil **** Rocky, the heroic leader Cao Cao ... one enemy after another who was so powerful that fouls were lost to the sky."

"Now I feel that these are things that are taken for granted, all these are the rewards of the effort and sweat you used to throw."

Looking directly at the sky, Rose Weiser said with a serious face.

"It ’s actually not as powerful as Rose Weiser. I just want to be stronger, I want to live a better life, I want to have more beautiful and capable wives, but all of them are selfish. Reasons. "

Looking away, Tian Luo's face showed a look that was rarely seen in ordinary times.

There was a smile on his face, and Rose Weiser only felt that there was something like this--

Cute too!

"Well, stop talking about these past things."

"The coffee is over. Is there anything else Rose Rosse wants to go to?"

Soon after adjusting his mood, Tianluo asked.

"Nothing ..."

Before I just thought about going to the hundred yuan store, I didn't think too much about other things, and Rose Weiser was a little awkward.

"Since Rose Weiser is gone, leave it to me for the next journey."

"Today is our date. If we just end Gendal's predecessor like this, we will doubt it."


To be continued ...

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