Endless Plunder in High School DxD

Chapter 495: I am your brave

Chapter 0495 I am your brave

Tokyo is a very lively and prosperous place. The next day, I took Rose Weiser to the amusement park, the aquarium and even the Tokyo Tower. The last two people went to the cinema to watch a movie.

In the movie theater, a movie about youth love is happening. Although Tian Luo feels very old-fashioned, but after watching the hero and heroine in the movie finally go through twists and turns, Rose Weisser's eyes are sparkling The glowing expression on his face was extremely touching.

Although she is a rather wretched female warrior, she still feels like a normal girl in this respect.

After watching the movie, it wasn't too early, and the date of the date of the duo was also over.

When he came to a place without people, Tianluo launched the ability of [Space Jump], and a light group flashed suddenly, engulfing the two and disappeared.

Instead of returning directly to the house, Tianluo chose to teleport to a remote lane in the town of Kuwang.

It's still a while before it's dark, and the evening sunset is still shining, and walking home from here can be regarded as the last time that the two of them got along alone.

It has entered the deep winter season, and the cold wind can make people feel a little bit cold, but this degree of cold is not much to Tian Luo and Rose Weisser.

The two walked on the trail holding hands together, a faint and warm atmosphere lingering in each other's hearts, but the thought of all this will soon end, Rose Weiser's heart was also inexplicable. Shed.

"Rose Wether, are you having fun today?"

Tianluo asked while walking.

"Well, I'm really happy today. Thank you, Tianluo."

With a slight whisper, Rose Weiser replied.

"How many times have you said thank you today, if you really want to thank me, come on for something."

Tian Luo laughed jokingly, and Rose Weither, who heard the sound, stopped.

"What's wrong, Ross Weiser?"

"I was just kidding. You don't need to take your heart."

Seeing Rose Weiser's appearance, Tian Luo was also a little confused.

"But you're right, Tianluo. You obviously helped me so much, but I don't even have a little sincere gratitude."

"Sky falls, you, you close your eyes first."

There was a glow of red on his face, and it seemed to decide what, Rose Weiser said.

"Hey, Ross Weiser, wouldn't you want to kiss me? It's all outdated."

Although a little funny, Tianluo closed her eyes as the girl asked.

The quiet girl's body scented, and then Tian Luo felt a soft lip stuck to her lips.

It really kissed him!

Opening his eyes, Tianluo saw Rosemiser's shameless jade face. When she met Tianluo's gaze, Rosemiser quickly separated like a frightened deer and stepped back. .

"I and I don't really understand these things, so I can only think of doing so."

"It was just my first and first kiss, just as a thank you to today."

His face was so red, Ross Weiser whispered.

"Is Rose Weiser's first kiss? This is really a big thank you."


"Rose Wether, you shouldn't kiss me."

Shaking his head, Tian Luo sighed.

"Shouldn't I kiss you?"

Rose Weiser's head couldn't be turned a bit. Was it rude to kiss Tian Luo just now?

"You've held hands with me, I've already met, and now even gave me my first kiss."

"Rossweiser, you will never find another boyfriend after you do this."

Looking at the beautiful Valkyrie in front of him, Tian Luoyu said earnestly.

"Fool, fool!"

"I can still find other boyfriends if I can do this, I still know these!"

His face flushed, Rose Weiser retorted.

"Well, you know it, you are so simple and confused in this regard."

Slightly surprised, Tianluo grinned as she touched her chin, while Rose Weiser couldn't help but be ashamed.

Tianluo, did you want to lie to her just now? !!

"Since this method doesn't work, there is only one alternative."

He muttered in a low voice, Tianluo seemed to decide something, his expression was serious, and then he held up a jade hand of Rose Weser like a gentleman:

"Rossweiser, I like you so much. Be my girlfriend!"

Be my girlfriend ... Be my girlfriend ... Be my girlfriend ...

Tian Luo's voice seemed to be echoing in the air constantly, and Rose Weiss blinked, and then it took a long time to respond.


"Skyfall, are you telling me or confessing?"

Rose Weiser seemed to ask a little unbelievably.


"We've held hands, we've met, we've even kissed, isn't it the right time to confess?"

"Even the waste material male in the movie knows this kind of thing, and I certainly know how it is possible to miss this rare opportunity."

Nodded, Tianluo answered.

I feel that Tianluo really makes sense, but it's not right, the point is not this!

"But we are just pretending to be dating, just for grandma, not really."

Rose Wether eagerly said.

"Rossweiser treated it as a pretending date, but I took it as true from the beginning."

"Again, what about fake, aren't all the things we do today that are done by real couples?"

"But ... but ..."

The whole man was confused, and Rose Weiser was completely at a loss.

Tian Luo suddenly confessed to her, what to do, what to do, she had no experience in this area at all!

Looking at the tangled and chaotic look of Rose Weiser, Tian Luo's mouth slightly raised, knowing that it was almost time to add another fire.

Taking a step forward, Tianluo held Rosser's waist and then directly blocked her lips.

"Woohoo ..."

There was no time to resist at all, and Rose Weiser's mind went blank.

Different from the fleeting kiss before, this time it was a real kiss. Tian Luo broke through Rose Weiser's defense with ease and tasted her delicious sweetness.

"Is this, is this how it really feels to kiss ..."

Eyes blurred, Rose Weisser's body gradually lost its strength, and was only able to let the bully plunder.

After a long time, the satisfied sky finally let go of the girl, added Tim's lips and then leaned down to Rose Weiser's ear:

"Rossweiser, don't you think this is a destiny arrangement, you have never been able to find your own brave, because I am your true brave."

"Leave everything to me, let me guard you, care for you, love you, and become your hero and hero."

"Be my girlfriend, Rose Weiser, my real girlfriend, and then I will be my wife like Lias!"

Tian Luo's words that sounded like magic sounded in his ears, and Rose Weiss couldn't help shaking:


To be continued ...

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