Endless Plunder in High School DxD

Chapter 496: Made it come true

Item 0496

The cold wind breeze brought a touch of coolness, but at this time the sky fell hot.

Because he has got the answer he wants!

With her eyes closed, Rose Weiser was ashamed.

She also had no idea what kind of mood she was at this time, maybe she just couldn't stand the expectant look of the other party. In short, she just let it go.

Speaking of which, it seems that none of the men of the same age that she knows and is familiar with are better than Tianluo, and that they have experienced so many battles and get along with each other in peace, and Rose Weiser still has a good opinion of Tianluo. .

Although Tianluo's only shortcoming is to be more careful, and there are more scary girls around, but at home, everyone is very close and good, and they are happy to get along, and it seems that there is nothing bad.

Besides, she really should find a boyfriend ...

"Rossweiser, please take care of it in the future."

Stroking the girl's silver silk hair, Tianluo laughed.

"Well, take care of it, the sky is falling."

Rose Weiser replied shamefully.

Looking at each other silently, then Tianluo blocked the girl's lips again.

No longer as passive as before, this time, Rose Weiser responded shyly and rustly.

"Ahhhhhh, it's nice to be young."

A grandma with a basket saw the two embracing each other not far away, and could not help but send out a kind joke, as if also recalling the lush years of herself and her husband ...

At night, the God's Night House--

Watching Tian Luo and Rose Weiser holding hands, she took Cangna's expression stiff, Liyas frustrated, Zhu Naimu bemoaned ... The reaction of the girls at home was mixed.

"Little fox, you see it, what do I say, the thing that Ouni is best at is this kind of thing!"

Holding her little fist, Levier said resentfully and indignantly.

Her **** group is going to grow again!

"Also, it really is ..."

His face was red, and Nine was a look of astonishment.

Even Miss Roswisser has done it, but she can only say that it is worthy of the heavenly sauce.

Elme next to her felt nothing. In her opinion, Tian Tian adults are so powerful and excellent that they have no more women, but considering the atmosphere at this time, she feels that she is still quiet.

"Liyas, we ... we ..."

Seeing ashamed by everyone, Rose Weiser was completely at a loss, and Lias stood up and walked to her:

"Rose Wether, I had expected that you would not be like us, but in the end you still did not escape the clutches of heaven, and you did not know whether this was your luck or misfortune."

"All in all, you are welcome to join a bad guy's harem group, and we will be true sisters in the future."

Patting Rose Weiser on the shoulder, Lias said sincerely.

"Thank you, Lias ..."

Unexpectedly, Lias accepted herself so easily, and Rose Weiss felt a sense of movement.

"Even Rose Weisser got the hand, are you satisfied now?"

Looking at the sky next to her, Liyas's eyes were full of that resentment.

In addition to Gaspar, Zhu Nai, Aisha, Genovea, Irina, kitten sauce, black song, and now Rose Weisser, this wicked villain really treats her and her family Eat clean!

"Oh, Lias, my love for you will never change."

It is just an excuse to say anything at this time, and Tianluo coughed and hit a home run directly.

With a glance at someone, Liyas looked helpless.

This abominable villain is like this every time, but this trick just works for her.

The relationship between Rose Weiser and Tian Luo is so determined, and the daughters in the family have actually seen it.

There have been such examples again and again before, and there will definitely be more and more in the future!

After dinner, Lias and Zanna called for a meeting, mainly to discuss some issues that will be going to the underworld in the next few days.

The school that Canna has always dreamed of is finally completed in the territory of Agarez. It has also made a lot of publicity in the early stage. After three days, many parents will bring their children to the school to participate in the teaching experience. Everyone in the family will go together to help.

With two capable engagement parties, Lias and Canna have almost planned and arranged everything well, there is no need to worry about the sky, anyway, he just needs to obey the command and work. Already.

After the meeting, Rosemiser's grandmother did send a contact to check the results of their appointment.

Both of them have already come true, and naturally they can easily pass.

Soon after three days--

"Master Tianluo, Minister Lias, Valerie, everyone."

Cheering and leaping from the vortex of teleportation, it was Gaspar, and this time he will go to the underworld to go to Cangna's school to help with this time.

"Canna Sidi, congratulations, the school you set up may be able to change the future of the underworld."

Said Asachel from the vortex of teleportation.

"Thank you for your compliment, Your Excellency the Governor."

There was a smile on his face, and Zanna, who took it, nodded at Asschel.

Assachere still has his own business to handle. Naturally, he will not go to Cangna's school with Tianluo. After greeting with Tianluo, the daughters of Lias, and Gerndal, who seems to know each other, , And swirled away by transmitting light again.

Everyone has arrived, and Tianluo and the girls are almost on their way.

"Luffy, I'm sorry, and I want you to look at the house again."

He stroked Lu Feifei's forehead and said apologetically.

Orpheus was in the room at the moment. The reason why Lu Fei was left was to take care of the Lord Dragon God.

"It's okay, Lord."

She shook her head, but Lu Fei didn't care.

"Master, why did you stay with me? I can help too."

Reina Lei's voice seemed quite dissatisfied, because besides Lu Fei and Orpheus, she was left at home this time.

"We're going to Cangna's school to teach those children this time. What can you do to help and teach them all?"

Tianluo said angrily, and the girls beside him couldn't help laughing.

Indeed, such a thing can't be seen in the dark and twisted fallen angel of Lei Nalei to participate in it!

Leaning her lips, Rena Lei, who was so angry, went straight to her room. She was so sorry that she was so dark and distorted.

"Well, let's go!"


Liyas and Zana took charge of the teleportation array, and then Tianluo, Gaspar, and the daughters walked in together, and under the watch of Lu Fei, they turned into dust and disappeared ...

To be continued ...

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