Endless Plunder in High School DxD

Chapter 500: Night Strike Girls

Chapter 0500 night attack girls

All day, everyone was busy, taking the children around to visit, during class, and let the demons play with them during the break, and even Queen Wen Dini was called out by Tian Luo and waving [Akuya Scepter] performs a wonderful water magic for children.

Until the evening, the first day of experience was finally over. Parents and children followed the staff to the accommodation they arranged. The tired sky and the daughters were finally relieved.

"Congratulations, Canna, those children and parents love this place, and your school will definitely get more recognition in the future."

"Thank you, Lias, for your help."

The first day of the admission experience was very successful, and Cangna's face also had a strong joy.

The school she founded can be recognized by those children and parents, which is the highest honor and reward for Canna.

"Tomorrow there is still one day, and I will continue to ask everyone."

"Hee hee, rest assured, Master!"

Although they are not too tired, everyone feels very happy throughout the day and they are full of energy.

In the evening, everyone enjoyed dinner together, then took a bath and returned to their respective rooms early to rest.

Click ...

The door was pushed open, and three petite figures sneaked into the sky-falling room sneakily.

It was Levier, Jiuzhong and Elme.

"Levelle sauce, let's not do it well, we will be found by Ony sauce."

"Huh, what are you afraid of, as long as you don't wake up on the sauce?"

"Again, you guys also want to try it? Sleeping and sleeping with Oni Sauce."

Although a little bit ashamed, Jiuzhong and Elme did have some intentions.

What's more, Levier would definitely not let them go at this time.

Without turning on the lights, the room seemed a little dark, but it was not a problem for the three demons, monsters, and vampire girls, and came lightly to chuang.

"Lei, Lei Weier sauce, what shall we do now?"

Looking at the falling sky, Jiu Zhong was also a little nervous.

"Little fox, go to the left."

"Erme, go to the right."

"How about Levier sauce?"

"Of course I'm in the middle. My chest belongs to mine!"

Looking at Levier's natural appearance, Jiuzhong and Ermei were a little speechless, why the best place is for you.

However, the two also thought about it, they dare not refute.

Although Levier was always so obedient and obedient in front of Tianluo, her Royal Highness Princess of the Phoenix family was also very strong in private. In addition, Levier had many ideas and small head It's so smart that both Nine and Elme are used to obeying her instructions.

Dare not to wake up Tianluo, Jiuzhong and Ermei carefully lay on both sides of Tianluo, while Lei Weier fell directly on Tianluo's body.

"Sure enough, the sauce is the best ..."

Squinting and squinting on Tian Luo's body, Lei Weier's expression was pleasantly enjoyed.

Both Kokonoe and Elme were a little bit ashamed, and Levy's sauce was too bold.

However, Levier sauce is also very good. The taste of Tianluo Er sauce is really good. Although it is not the body fragrance of a girl, it is very fascinating.

Just like the legendary idiot, the three little girls smelled on Tianluo's body until suddenly—

"What are you three doing?"

Tian Luo's voice sounded, wondering when he had opened his eyes and stared at them.

"Ou, Ouni sauce, when did you wake up?"

With a stiff body, Jiu Zhong and Ermei didn't dare to move, but Lei Weier asked embarrassingly.

"I was awake when you first came in."

"I don't sleep in my room at night. What do you come to me for?"

Tianluo said angrily.

"I, we want to sleep with Ouzha!"

Shame is extremely shameful, but Levier also sighed, breaking the jar and shouting loudly.

"Dead girl, how old are you, and you are thinking about these things, and you must be instigated by Jiuzhong and Elme?"

"What's the matter, I didn't think about those h things, I just wanted to sleep with Oni sauce."

"Who makes Ernie Say at home, every night to do that and those things with my grandmother and Uberuna, I have not had a chance this time!

Looking at Lei Weier's righteous look, Tian Luo could not help but a black line, so it was still his fault ...

But this girl just wanted to sleep with herself. It wasn't too much of a problem. They didn't sleep together when they were young.

"I won't rush you back tonight, but I'm not allowed to do those strange things again. Hear no."

"We don't do anything weird, but Ouni sauce."

"Really, where did the three puppies smell and smell on me?"

"Woo, don't say it!"

Shameless, Lei Weier directly covered Tian Luo's mouth, a few people quarreled for a while, and then the three girls lay down on Tian Luo's body again panting.

"Well, go to bed, and continue to work tomorrow."

"Well, good night, Uni sauce ..."


Early the next morning,

Yawning, Tian Luo opened his eyes.

Feeling heavy on his body, I saw that Levier still hugged him tightly.

This girl hugged the whole night last night, and she really refused to let go for a moment.

Jiu Zhong and Ermei are still lying on the sides of the sky, two small heads on his body from time to time, do not know what dreams they are dreaming.

Vampires were originally nocturnal creatures, but since coming here Elme also seems to be used to sleeping at night and daytime activities. It was Nine, and after a night's sleep, the fox's tail and fox's ears were exposed.

"Oh, oh, sauce."

Waking up, Lei Weier and Tianluo said hello.

"Wake up and go back to your room quickly, don't be caught by your two grandmothers later."

Tianluo said.

"K ... kiss, Uni sauce, again ..."

The cheek was reddish, and Levier looked expectantly.

Tian Luo shook his head funnyly, this girl.

Bowing her head and blocking Levier's lips, Tianluo fulfilled her request.

Soon after, Jiu Zhong and Ermei also woke up and happened to meet the two.

As a result, they were also done the same by someone.

In the end, when the three girls came out of Tianluo's room, they were almost all dizzy ...

To be continued ...

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