Endless Plunder in High School DxD

Chapter 501: Sudden accident

Item 0501

According to the schedule, there are two days for the admission experience. One day passed yesterday, and it will continue today.

"Senior Gerndal and Serra Ogg aren't they here today?"

Tianluo asked, not seeing Gerndal, Sella Ogg and his family members.

"The magician's meeting was officially held today. Ms. Gerndal went to the meeting over there."

"Sierra Ogg's words seem to have something temporary. I went to Agrias with Siegwera and should come back in the afternoon."

Li Yasi said, Tian Luo nodded.

Although they would be a lot busy without Sella Ogg, there shouldn't be much of a problem.

At the beginning of the class, parents and children came on time. Everyone was assigned a task. Tianluo's task today is to explain the topics about artifacts to the children.

The demons with artifacts are basically rebirth demons or mixed-blood demons. Pure blood demons will not be boarding artifacts. It is a special case to encounter an artifact with self-consciousness and the other party ’s approval like Sella Ogg. Special case in.

Nevertheless, it is necessary to let these children know about artifacts and artifacts.

The artifact can be said to be a powerful force that can affect the world structure. Their future partners or enemies may be artifacts. If they don't understand some related knowledge or methods of dealing with it, they will suffer a lot.

As today, no, it should be said that it is the most powerful artifact in history. Indeed, no one is better than Tianluo for this task. Although Assacher claims to be the best artifact researcher, he is only just studying. Really speaking about the understanding of artifacts, no one in this world can surpass the sky.

Tell the little ones about the characteristics and performance of the artifacts, and the things you should pay attention to when encountering the artifacts. Then, in response to the children's requests, Tianluo also showed them some artifacts they have.

They want to see Chilong Emperor, well, show them.

They want to see the White Dragon Emperor, well, show them.

They want to see the huge man Susano. Okay, let me show them too.

Seeing all kinds of powerful and handsome artifacts, the children let out their eyes and exclaimed.

I feel like I'm a juggler and juggler, and there is a little speechless in the sky, but in order to satisfy the curiosity of these children and Cangna's dream, he can only do it.

"What dreams do you have in the future?"

While resting, Tian Luo clapped her hands and asked.

This is also a part of the planning curriculum. On the one hand, let these children express their dreams and encourage them. On the other hand, it is hype.

Sure enough, the little ones all dared to speak after hearing this question—

"I want to be the champion of ranking games!"

"I want to work in the Demon Lord's Institute!"

"I want to be a guard of Her Majesty!"

"I want to build a big harem like Brother Chilong!"

The previous ones are still normal, but what kind of ghost is this last one? Want to build a big harem like him?

Tian Luo followed his voice and saw that he was talking about an eight- or nine-year-old fat man with his head standing in the crowd.

"Although this is a dream, why do you have such a dream when you are so young?"

I was a little curious, and Tianluo asked, this little fat man doesn't seem like the precocious little satyr.

"The girls around me laugh at me and don't like me."

"Well, since I'll put them all into my harem after this, see if they dare to laugh at me!"

Shake his fat face, the fat man said.

The others laughed loudly, and Tianluo couldn't help being amused. The little fat man had a pity.

The fat man seemed to want to say something, but his parents couldn't stand it anymore, so he hurried up and pulled him down, educating him over and over again.

A small episode, when the day was ready to continue the class, suddenly something different happened--

"Quick, look, what's that?"

"The sky has turned white!"

A few children seemed to find something, and Tianluo and others looked along.

Sure enough, the sky really turned white!

The sky of the underworld was originally purple, but at this moment a white sky rose, eroding the real sky at a very fast speed. Don't wait for a long time to see all the sky turned white.

It was also at this time that a strange chill struck and made people creepy.

Many children were frightened, and parents looked uneasy.

Brows were slightly frowned, Tian Luo let the staff on one side maintain order to appease parents and children, and then launched [Hermes' boots], two pairs of golden **** wings spread out at the feet.

Standing in the air, Tian Luo observed the situation around him.

The kind of white sky canopy is obviously an existence like an enchantment. Under the observation of the sky fall, I saw the whole town of Oros and Agrias not far away.

This is really an exaggerated enchantment!

Appeared here without warning, but also gave a rather uncomfortable feeling, obviously this enchantment is not a good thing either.

Guanghua flashed, and the [Holy Twilight Gun] condensed out in the sky's hands.

"Holy gun, pierce it!"

A stab in the sky stabbed, and the golden stun gun extended quickly, and then stabbed above the enchantment with a bang.

In fact, even the strongest enchantment in front of the invincible sacred gun is nothing, but it is amazing that the enchantment has not been pierced, but the sacred gun in the sky fell in the hands of the bang!

There was a flash of cold in his eyes.

It's Rezevim! !! !!

"Damn Lezhevim, even at this time!

My heart sank, and Tian Luo's face became hard to look.

"Please invite all parents, children, teachers, and staff who have experienced admissions in the playground to enter the school immediately, and repeat again, please invite all parents, children, teachers, and staff who have experienced admissions in the playground to enter the school immediately."

The voice of Cang Na was picked up on the radio, and the sky fell from the air.

Although I really wanted to find out the **** of Lezevim and beat him up, but now I still have to let parents and children take refuge.

"Everyone, please don't panic, follow us to take refuge on campus."

"Mittier, Caravana, you come here to help too."

"Yes, Lord."

To be continued ...

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