Endless Plunder in High School DxD

Chapter 502: The purpose of the woes

Chapter 0502 the purpose of the disaster group

The huge enchantment completely isolated the town of Oros and Agreas from the outside world, and even a light curtain enchantment separated the town and Agreas.

Somewhere on the edge of the enchantment, Skyfall, Genovea, and Irina were standing here.

"Come on, Genovea, Irina."

"To understanding!"

Tianluo said, and Genovea and Irina nodded.

After retreating a distance, both women took out their respective holy swords, and then the holy swords in the hands of the outbreak of spiritual power also turned into two huge incomparable spiritual lightsabers--

"Dylandal !!!"

"Excalibur !!!"

Two huge spiritual lightsabers cut through the void, and then they were severely chopped above the enchantment. With a hiss, a huge rift was cut directly above the huge enchantment. However, in less than a second, the rift had recovered as before.

"Abominable, what's going on in this enchantment, it has recovered so quickly."

Irina was not angry. She waved the excalibur and cut several swords on the enchantment, while the iron-enchanted enchantment made a gurgling sound and even sparked a few sparks.

Not only is it solid and surprising, but it can be quickly restored even if it is damaged, which is really a bit of a hassle.

"Although there is no problem in escaping by ourselves, it is impossible to bring out parents, children and residents of the town in such a short time."

"Abandon this plan, let's go back."

After making a judgment, Tianluo launched the ability of [Space Jump], and suddenly a ball of light flashed over the three people, and then disappeared in a flash.

Back in the school's office, Tian Luo also explained to Li Yasi and Cang Na the daughters of the results of their tentative trials, and the faces of the daughters also showed a dignified color.

"Canna, how's your asylum work?"

"Students and parents who have participated in the entrance experience have already entered the shelter, but it will take some time for the residents of the town to guide them."

Zhi Cang Na said, and Tian Luo nodded.

Withdrawing Canna from the beginning of the establishment of the school, it was considered that they might encounter these unexpected situations, so a solid shelter has been built under the ground of the school, but I did not expect it would come in handy so soon. In order to get everyone to take refuge as soon as possible, the family members and envoys have now gone out to evacuate and guide the residents in the town.

"Master Tianluo, Lord Lias, Lord Canna, have contacted Agreas and the conference hall."

Just then, the three daughters of Ubeluna, Zhu Nai and Jin Luo Chunji said.

A magic circle unfolded on the ground, and then the projections of Serra Ogg and Gerndal appeared.

It seems that due to the influence of the enchantment, the signal is very bad, and the projections appearing by the two are also a bit fuzzy.

"Finally contact you, are you all right?"

"It's okay for the time being, but the situation is a little bad."

"Those **** **** raided at such times, and so brazen!"

"The boldness of those guys is not a day or two. In short, let's exchange information first."

Serra Ogg looked quite angry, and Lias sighed.

"There is a strong barrier between the enclaves of Agrias and the town of Oros, and it seems that the other is trying to isolate us from each other."

"Everything nearby is real. We haven't been transferred to a different space. The other side just stuck us with enchantments."

"This should be a kind of space-time enchantment, which not only isolates our connection with the outside world, but also the time flow rate is much faster than the outside world."

"It's a matter of course, otherwise the reinforcements will come before they can act."

Time is limited and no one can detect more information, but these are already a headache.

"Then, let's talk about the other party's purpose now."

"Almost all the magicians in our conference hall are sealed with more than half of their magic, like this."

Gerndal said, pointing to his forehead, and saw a tiny magic array with an unknown light on his forehead.

"Grandma, are you okay?"

"Relax, it's not a big deal except you can't use some magic."

Rose Weiser aside looked worried, and Gerndal smiled to signal that he was okay.

"We can still use the magic normally, it seems that the other party's purpose is indeed the magician of the conference hall."

"Recently the evil group has been kidnapping magicians who have studied ancient magic, forbidden magic, and imperial beast 666. It is reasonable for us to be targeted.

"But how did you do it? With your strength, Ms. Gerndal, it is impossible to seal your magic silently, right?"

Lias raised doubts, and this was where everyone cared.

The magicians in the conference hall, including Gerndal, can say that each of them is a veteran of the magic world. Whether it is magic attainment or its own strength, it is very powerful. It is hard to resemble what kind of enemy can actually do To such a thing.

"It's true that no one can do this under normal circumstances, but there is a possibility."

"If it is the legendary evil dragon that can control thousands of kinds of magic-[Forbidden Dragon of the Magic Source] Ari Dahaka, it should still be able to do it with the help of some external forces."

Gerndal uttered his own speculation, and everyone couldn't help showing surprise.

"That [Magic's Forbidden Dragon] Ari Dahaka?"

"Is that the evil dragon already dead?"

"Yes, it's the Holy Grail!"

What came to mind, all the daughters of Lias appeared ugly.

Valerie's holy grail still has one in the hands of Lezhevim, who seems to have resurrected some extraordinary monsters with the power of the holy grail!

"It should be like this, but if the opponent's purpose is only the magician of the conference hall, there is no need to set up such a wide range of enchantments. Since Agreas is also surrounded, it must be an attempt on that side."

"Maybe it's for the technology of the old demon era. Agraias used the technology of the old demon era. Some parts have not been solved so far. The research institution of the Lord Ajka is still deep in the empty island. Investigate. Rezevim, the son of his ancestor Lucifer, probably wants something on that island. "

"It's meaningless to speculate now, but let's quickly come up with a solution. If the fighting breaks out, we will be fine, and the residents of the town and Agrias will certainly be in danger."

Pushing her glasses, she asked Cangna seriously.

Obviously, this kind of thing just happened when the school that it was difficult to build was just started. It is undoubtedly the most disturbing person to draw Canna, but the girl has been very calm and dreamed from the beginning. Obviously she put everyone's safety first.

"There is nothing wrong with us here. Siegwera directs various matters in Agreas as the duke's interim agent. She persuaded the stubborn old and mayor of the committee to control the actual power of urban functions. , Has now begun to guide the island's residents into shelters. "

"In addition, the Emperor Dihaser and his dependents are also on our side, so our fighting strength is not a problem."

Sairaog said, and everyone nodded.

Emperor Dihaser Belial seems to be preparing to make a movie featuring him on the empty island of Agrias. He even visited Canna's school with his family yesterday.

With three powerful teams, Serra Ogg, Siegwera, and Emperor Di Hazel Belial, there is no need to worry about the combat power of Agrias.

"Ms. Gerndal, your magic is sealed by the enemy, and your power should be damaged, just in case the magicians in your conference hall are transferred to the school to join us."

"Okay, I'll go and notify others."

Lias also said, and Gerndal nodded.

Banglong ...

Just as everyone was about to say something, suddenly a staff member rushed in from outside, and it seemed very urgent to get out of breath.

"His Highness Canna, outside ... outside ..."

To be continued ...

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