Endless Plunder in High School DxD

Chapter 503: Legendary evil dragon

Chapter 0503 the legendary evil dragon

Driven out of the office, the sky fell, and Lias and the daughters of Cangna came to the playground.

I do n’t know when the image appears on the white sky, and the words "Please wait" appear in demon text.

"What, have you started broadcasting?"

"Wait a second, uncle, I haven't finished my lunch."

"Crap nonsense, come on the field?"

"I'm a boss, you have to respect me a little, respect!"

A frivolous sound sounded, and then a middle-aged uncle with a silver-haired cloak appeared on the sky.

It is Lezevim!

"What is it, what is it?"

"Hello everyone, I'm Lezevim, the evil great demon, and everyone is trembling with fear in my great form!"

"Well !!!!!!"

"Ahem ..."

Like a funny artist, Lezvim laughed aloud in his cape, and laughed too hard to pinch himself.

"So, that's the legendary Rezevim?"

"Sure enough, as Tianluo said, he is a guy with a problem in his head."

Although I have heard of Lezhevim's name for a long time, this is the first time I have seen a real person. Seeing Lezevim's insaneness, the girls were speechless for a while.

"Hey, that little girl, did you say that to the elderly, you can't marry after being so rude!"

Seeming to hear the words of Lias' daughters, Lezhevim on the sky said angrily.

"It's impolite, Your Excellency, but we already have engagement parties, so we will not worry about your concern."

Li Yasi replied without losing her breath, and the Zhu Nai girls beside her couldn't help laughing.

"Are the young girls so powerful now, it really doesn't respect us elderly people at all."

"Well, forget it."

"Chilong Emperor sauce, it's been a long time. Have you missed me?"

Rezevim muttered, then waved again in the direction of the sky.

His face was dark, and the sky was falling, I thought you a big head ghost, should this guy be so disgusting!

"Lezevim, what's your purpose this time?"

Don't bother talking nonsense to this guy, Tianluo really opened the door and asked.

"Well, Chilongdi sauce is really anxious, but since you asked, let me tell you."

"I heard that a group of magicians are gathering with you. Not only do they not help us, but they also become our obstacles, so I thought I'd just blow you all up!"

"Of course, it's better to take away some Agrias' technology by the way. Those are things made by my dad. They should have been inherited by me as a son, right? ? "

After hearing Rezevim's words, Tian Luo and Li Yasi's daughters secretly said.

Rezevim not only wanted to deal with the magicians, but also wanted to take away something from Agrias!

"Okay, everyone, please note that now is the time for the introduction of our important guests today."

"First of all, there is Mr. Ladong who invited us to the Dragon Army!"

Like the host on stage, Rezevim applauded vigorously, and then a huge figure appeared beside him.

It looks like a big tree growing in the shape of a dragon. No, maybe it should be said that the tree turned into a dragon? It was a weird-looking creature with evil flames all over it.

"Mr. Ladong is the dragon guarding the golden fruit that was slaughtered by the first-generation hero Hercules, but the legendary super-strong evil dragon, it was Lezhevim who raised me with the power of the Holy Grail . "

"Well, it seems that the little vampire girl who provided me with the Holy Grail is also below."

"Little girl, your holy grail is really good, thank you."

"Mr. Ladong, you also beckon to others and thank you, if not for your holy grail your soul is still wandering in hell."

Seems to also see Valerie below, Lezvim grinned and thanked her.

The evil dragon Ladong had no expression, but could not bear the urging of Lezevim, and raised his own giant hand full of various tree branches and leaves in the direction of Valerie.

"Woo ..."

With a white face, Valerie's expression of panic and guilt appeared because her holy grail had resurrected such a monster.

"Valerie, leave them alone, it's none of your business."

Blocking in front of Valerie, Tianluo said, and the girls of Gaspar and Liasi also quickly comforted the girl.

Looking at the huge evil dragon above the sky, Tian Luo's eyes flickered with coldness.

Ladong, also known as the "Treasure Tree Guardian Dragon", is a legendary wooden dragon that is good at all kinds of enchantment barriers and defensive seals. It should be from its handwriting!

"Now let's introduce another guest, Mr. Glendale, who is also the Legion of Dragons!"

Rezevim's appearance as a host slaps again, and then [The Tyrannosaurus] Glendale, which appeared in the vampire realm, also appeared.

At first, this guy was melted by Albion's venom to have only one head, but now he seems to have fully recovered after being rescued.

"Hahaha ... Uncle Ben is here!"

"Kill you all, I want to kill you all!"

Fierce, Glendale laughed loudly as soon as he appeared, still clamoring to kill everyone.

"Grundell is too noisy, let him stay behind first, and then come out later."

He drilled into his own ear, and Leszem raised his hand, and Glendale's projection disappeared.

"Next, we have a third guest, Mr. Ari Dahaka, who is still the Dragon Army!"

With Lezevim's words falling, another huge figure emerged from the sky.

That is also a huge evil dragon, but unlike other evil dragons, it has three heads!

Fearful, as soon as he appeared, Ari Dahaka fangs to the sky and the daughters, and terrible and bloodthirsty smiles appeared on the faces of the three heads.

"Mr. Dahaka can control thousands of powerful magics, but the evil dragons among the evil dragons are exactly the magic that he sealed the well-known magicians."

Lezvim talked endlessly, and both Tianluo and Li Yasi's daughters showed extremely ugly looks.

[Treasure Tree Guarding Dragon] Ladong, [Tyrannosaurus of the Great Sin] Glendale, [Forbidden Dragon of the Magic Source] Ari Dahaka, the legendary evil dragon appeared three heads at a glance, and it really is today Trouble.

What's more, the enemies they face are not only that!

"Now let us have the fourth guest today ..."

To be continued ...

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