Endless Plunder in High School DxD

Chapter 504: Purple Flame Festival Crucifixion


"Well, boring farce? Euclid can't stand it?"

"Don't be naughty, Euclid, come here, it's your turn."

"Dare to refuse me?"

"Okay, Euclid, I dare not even listen to the orders of my big boss. I will deduct your salary!"

Looking at Lezevim's uneasy performance on the sky, Tian Luo and Li Yasi's daughters were speechless for a while.

What a serious atmosphere should have been made by this guy.

"Ahem, since Euclid can't come out, let's go next."

"Next, please have our last guest today-"

He coughed twice, and Lezevim seemed a little embarrassed. When he was about to continue the introduction, a figure jumped out himself:

"Hello, demon folks, I'm Hua Bo-Jia of [Witch Night], please take care of me."

Jumping out of the canopy projection is a very beautiful woman, probably in her twenties. She is not very tall. She is dressed in a cute gothic loli suit and keeps turning a purple goth in her hands. Windy sun umbrella.

"It turns out that Zibo Huaboga!"

After hearing each other's self-introduction, it was even more ugly to take the faces of Cang Na and Li Yasi.

Zibo Huaboga, a cadre of the terror magic organization [Witch's Night], and the current holder of the legendary **** destroyer [Zitai of the Lord of the Ziyan Offering]!

"Huaboga, why have you come out by yourself before I called your name?"

"Retreat, retreat quickly, wait until I call your name before coming out."

"What's the matter, whoever made Uncle Lezweime so embarrassed and I have already appeared on the stage, I won't go any further."

Huaboga arrogantly rejected Rezevim, annoyed Lezevim, and Huaboga looked again at the heavenly crowd below--

"As a greeting for the first time, let me send you a lovely fire!"

Huaboga slammed his fingers, while Tianluo and Li Yasi's daughters felt a terrible chill.


Tian Luo shouted loudly, and at the same time, Valerie, who was still a little embarrassed behind her, leaped up.

Instinctively aware of the crisis, Li Yasi's daughters also dodged quickly, and just as Tian Luo and the girls had just escaped, the position where they were the moment before burst into a blast of a towering fire.

It was a pillar of fire showing purple, straight into the sky with an extremely strong momentum, and then slowly manifested the form of a huge cross in the air, which is the legendary **** destroyer-

Zi Yan Jizhu's plate!

"Ahhhhh ..."

While the girl's tragic cry sounded, it turned out that Shirencun Liuli, who had just been hiding, accidentally let a igniting star touch her own corner of the clothes. As a result, that igniting star burst quickly and almost wrapped her entire arm in an instant!

"Stay stream!"

With a change of look, Cangna was asked to quickly release the water stream to extinguish the flames, but the water stream immediately evaporated into a mist of water was useless at all.

"let me do it!"

Valerie was dropped, and the sky flashed to the side of Rencun Liuliu, and at the same time, she quickly summoned the artifact [Hachiko Mirror].

The quaint divine mirror flashed out in the air, and then the mirror of Ba Yao Jing turned into a black vortex, sucking all the flames on the arms of Rencun Liuli.

"Woo ... a serious burn."

"Hold on, classmates, we will treat you right away."

Although it was only a short time, the entire arm of Rencun Liuli had been burnt to a black and almost wasted. Both Aisha and Valerie quickly ran over and launched their own artifacts. treatment.

[Holy Grail of the World] Needless to say, it is a powerful **** destroyer that brings life back to life and subverts the common sense of life. [Smile of the Virgin] Although much weaker, compared to several other holders, this artifact is in the hands of Aisha However, it can exert a very powerful healing effect, especially after Aisha developed a banned hand, the healing power of this artifact is also much better than before.

Under the joint treatment of Aisha and Valerie, the burned arm of Rencun Liuli quickly recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the black scars gradually fell off, revealing the fair skin below.

"Liu Liuzi, how are you feeling?"

"Good, much better, thank you, Senior Aisha, Valerie Sang."

Aisha and Valerie asked, and the pale-faced Rencun Liuliu was grateful to them with a smile.

It was really thrilling just now. If it wasn't for the heavens to pull the flames away from Rencun Liuliu in time, I am afraid that the flames would soon spread to her body. Without Aisha and Valerie's treatment, Rencunliu Most of Liu Zi ’s arm will be destroyed!

This is where God destroys the horror of the Lord of the Purple Flame Offering. As one of the three sacred relics juxtaposed with the Twilight Sacred Gun and the Holy Grail, the flames it casts are filled with powerful The power of purification, as long as it touches a little, is a lethal threat to the demon!

Yura Yisa and Huajie Tao daughters also gathered around to care about Rencun Liuliu, while Zhi Cangna looked gloomily at the envoy in the sky.

How dare to hurt her dependents, Cangna's withdrawal seemed to be really angry this time, and her cold eyes exuded a deep chill.

"Hehehe ... Her Royal Highness Princess Sidi's is so terrible."

"It's a pity. If I burned that little sister just now, I would see more interesting pictures."

He made a look of fear, but Hua Boga's mouth spoke cold and cruel words.

Obviously so beautiful and cute, but the essence is an extremely bad woman.

"Hua Boga !!!"

Powerful magic erupted from Cangna's body, but suddenly a hand held her shoulder:

"Calm down, Canna, don't be irritated by the other party."

It was Tianluo who spoke, taking the breath of Cangna's body for a while, then slowly converging back.

It is dangerous and stupid to be irritated by enemies on the battlefield and lose your mind. Although it seems that Cangna has recovered, she just buried her anger in her heart.

And once you wait for it to burst, it's time for the other party to pay!

"Well, it's boring. Chi Longdi, you really are a nosy guy."

Seeing Cang Na's calmness again, Hua Boga gave a disappointed sigh, and even disliked Tian Luo.

"Huaboga, wait, you will pay for what happened, I assure you."

Tianluo said earnestly.

"Let me pay the price?"

"Hehehe ..."


"Red Dragon Emperor, then you should work hard and see if you can make me sprout!"

As if he had heard a joke, Gaboga looked cold, and didn't take the threat of heaven down at all.

"Okay, Huaboga, you're going to steal all of your uncles and my plays."

"We need to make a little preparation here, and the time for the war will be three hours later."

"Chilong Emperor sauce, you guys also work hard."

"Well !!!!!!"

To be continued ...

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