Endless Plunder in High School DxD

Chapter 508: Wubao Reincarnation

Chapter 0508 five treasures reincarnation gun

"Interrupted by that woman, Ladong, let's continue."

Dispelled the bow in his hand, Tianluo said.

"Hey, I'll start."

Ladong sneered gloomily, then enchantments flashed around the sky.

Looking at the exaggerated number of enchantments, Tian Luo couldn't help frowning, it seemed that he had already prepared these while dealing with Huaboga's demon girl.

Kakaka ...

All the enchantments surrounding Tian Luo began to shrink slowly, and Tian Luo suddenly felt a very heavy pressure coming on, which made breathing difficult.

It's not the kind of simple contraction. These enchantments are compressing the entire space, and they want to crush the sky falling inside!

"God is falling every night, so you will die in my enchantment!"

She was very confident in her enchantment, and Ladong's bloodthirsty was cold.

"Huh, every enchantment wants to kill me, arrogantly!"

With a cold hum, Tian Luo also acted, clenched his fists in both hands, and then launched the artifact [giant prank].

[Giant Prank] is an artifact captured by Tianluo from the heroic cadre Hercules, which can cause the host to explode at the same time as the attack, thus greatly increasing the power of destruction.

As soon as the power of the artifact was activated, dazzling brilliance bloomed on Tianluo's fists.

He rushed forward, and Tianluo's crazy punches hit those enchantments that surrounded him.

Boom boom boom boom! !! !! !! !!

Kaka Kaka Kaka! !! !! !! !!

The power of artifacts is with the power of the host. [Giant Prank] is an extraordinary artifact. It is even more scary to exert it in the hands of the heavens who have now entered the level of transcendence.

Every punch from the sky will cause a violent explosion, and those strong enchantments are constantly smashed into pieces like Boliu!

However, although Skyfall breaks the enchantment very fast, the enchantment is generated faster!

"Hahaha ... useless, the night falls."

"My enchantments are endless, no matter how much you break, there will only be more and more!"

Haha laughed, Ladon's tone was full of pride.

What is the strongest Red Dragon Emperor, the strongest White Dragon Emperor, and the miracle son of the Phoenix family, today is not about to die under his enchantment!

"Endless, really annoying guy."

Knowing that this is not the way to go, Tianluo stopped.

However, Tian Luo is not planning to give up, but he already has other ideas--

"In that case, it's all destroyed!"

The corner of his mouth was raised, Tianluo was also the cold color of his face, and then Guanghua flashed a golden war gun in Tianluo's hand.

It's the strongest **** destroyer [Holy Twilight Gun]!

"Holy gun, pierce it!"

The momentum was soaring, and the sky stabbed a shot. Then, under Ladong's horrified look, the hundreds of enchantments he exhibited were all broken like sheets of thin paper!

"That **** sacred rifle!"

Recognizing the "Holy Twilight Gun" in the sky, Ladon could not help but growled in anger.

[Sacred Twilight Gun] The sacred weapon known as the strongest is not stigmatized. The indestructible lance can easily destroy any barrier in the world, just like his nemesis!

"Radon, let's use any other means, otherwise there will be no chance."

Proudly standing in the sky, it is like the satire of heaven and earth, and the sky is falling all day.

"Damn! Damn!"

"Don't think you will win with that stun gun!"

It was also aroused fierceness, Ladong burst out of his own power, and then all the flowers and trees below the ground were madly growing, and numerous branches and vines were entangled in the sky falling.

"Boring trick."

With a faint whisper, the holy gun in Tianluo's hand swept away, and all those branches and vines that hit him were all easily cut off.

Not only that, with the surging of spiritual power, the sacred gun and the body of the sky are all glorious masterpieces, and all the flowers and trees in the place where the light shines are melted into nothingness.

Those rays are naturally not ordinary rays, but the power of concentration to the extreme purification released by the Holy Grail!

"Ah ah ah ah !!!"

Also illuminated by the light, Ladong's mouth made a scream of screaming screams, and he quickly cast several layers of enchantment for himself, and then distanced himself from the sky.

"It seems that the purification power in the Holy Lance is also effective for you, but this is also a matter of course."

"In the Bible, dragons are regarded as evil and disaster-causing creatures, and evil dragons like you are naturally evil among evils and need to be purified."

"God is falling every night !!!"

Tian Luo said leisurely, and Ladong was a look of fury.

"Calm down, this is where the real drama begins."

"Now that you have seen the Holy Lance, let's show you something interesting."

There was an arc in the corner of his mouth, and then Tian Luo lifted the holy gun into the air—

"Forbidden hands-[Wubao Reincarnation]!"

As the sky falls, a sacred aura emerges behind the sky, and at the same time, five bowling-sized light **** slowly rotate around the halo.

It is the forbidden hand that Tianluo developed from [Holy Twilight]!

No, to be exact, Tianluo and Zhu Nai learned from Cao Cao's [Huihui Huihui of the Extreme Night Sky Wheel] forbidden hands. The so-called five treasures are [Feitianbao], [Jushibao], [Seal Seal Treasure], [General Treasure Treasure], and [Invincible Treasure] have abilities similar to those of Cao Cao's Qibao.

[Feitianbao] can make the host have the ability to fly at a high speed, corresponding to [Xiangbao] among the seven treasures.

[Ju Shi Bao] Allows the host to split out the same existence as itself and there is no limit on the number, but the greater the number of splits, the more power it consumes, and the shorter the time it can fight.

[Seal Bao] is similar to [Girl Bao], which can block the enemy, but without the restrictions of gender and quantity, any enemy can seal it. However, the greater the number of seals and the stronger the enemy's power, the greater the power to be consumed.

[General Treasure] can make the host's attack powerfully destructive.

[Invincible Treasure] is able to greatly enhance the overall combat power of the host, allowing the host to enter invincible time, but this mode burns spiritual power extremely, and there will be a period of weakness after the invincible time ends, so you ca n’t do it until the critical moment. Easy to use.

Of course, in fact, these are not the real focus, the real focus is that this forbidden hand has the characteristics of unlimited growth!

That is to say, although this forbidden hand is only called "Five Reincarnation Guns", as long as it continues to develop after the sky falls, it can also be changed into "Treasure Reincarnation Guns", "Baibao Reincarnation Guns", and "Thousands Incarnation Guns" ] Or even [Wanbao Reincarnation].

There is never a limit! !! !!

To be continued ...

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