Endless Plunder in High School DxD

Chapter 509: Don't chase me

Chapter 0509 Don't Chase Me

"I'm going."

Bowing and stepping, his expression was stunned, Tianluo locked the evil dragon Ladong:

"General treasure !!!"

He rushed out like lightning, and at the same time, Tian Luo shot a stab at his opponent.

Danger, extreme danger!

Ladon hissed and snarled, launching an enchantment frantically to block the attack from the sky, but -----

boom! !! !! !! !!


All enchantment defenses shattered, and Ladong screamed.

Under the shot from the sky, a big **** hole exploded directly on his solid and huge body!

And it's not over yet--

"General treasure !!!"

"General treasure !!!"

"General treasure !!!"

boom! !! !! boom! !! !! boom! !! !!

"Ah ah ah ah ah……"

One drop after another fell from the sky, the powerful destructive force smashed Ladong's solid body, and the divine purification power eroded his flesh and internal organs.

The sound of explosions and tragic sounds is completely a unilateral slaughter!

I don't know how long it took, Tianluo finally stopped, the whole nearby land has become a wolf, and the huge body of the evil dragon Ladong has become broken and miserable.

"The legendary evil dragon is not good."

"Okay, I'll end you now."

The stun gun in his hand shook, and Tianluo was preparing to make a final strike on Ladong.

But at this moment, a purring sound, a purple pillar of fire rose into the sky below the soles of the feet.

"Is it you again, always to disturb others in battle?"

A long time ago, he fell asleep and avoided the attack of the pillar of fire, then looked at Huaboga in the air very uncomfortably.

"Hehehe ..."

"I'm sorry, Red Dragon Emperor, Ladong is one of our important members, but I can't let you kill him."

Rotating the Gothic parasol in his hand, Hua Boga standing on the magic circle laughed and smiled.

"So ..."

Nodded, and then looked down:

"Then you die for him!"

The sky stabbed with a shot, and the Twilight Sacred Gun in his hand also quickly stretched out. After breaking through the void, he severely stabbed at Hua Bojia.

It didn't seem to expect that Tian Luo shot at her with a word of disagreement, Hua Boga screamed, and then Guang Hua quickly fled by jumping magic.

With a sneer, Tian Luo's eyes flashed loudly.

Come whenever you want, leave if you want to, you really thought it was your home, how could it be so easy!

"Ju Shibao !!!"

Guanghua flashed, Tianluo's figure was divided into two.

It's not ordinary avatar magic. The two heavens produced by [Ju Shibao] are real heavens.

This is a very wonderful feeling, obviously having a unified mind but being able to think and act independently, and even if one of them dies, as long as the other is alive, the existence named Shen Ye Tian Luo will not disappear !!

Glancing at each other and nodding to each other, one of the sky falls again activated the ability of [Fei Tian Bao], and the whole body was immediately wrapped in a layer of golden light, and Chang Xiao swept away in the direction of Hua Boga's escape.

In the next sky fall, I looked at the evil dragon Ladong who was preparing to escape on one side--

"Seal treasure !!!"

One point of the war gun, a light ball behind the sky flew out, and then turned into a huge enchantment ball to trap Radon.

"Ahhhhh ..."

"Shen Yetian fell, you can't kill me, even if you kill me, I can still be resurrected!"

Continually colliding with the enchanted ball, Ladong growled sternly.

[Seal Seal] In the final analysis, it is also a technique of using enchantment to block the enemy. For Ladong, who is good at various enchantment techniques, if it is the heyday, it is not impossible to break out, but he is now suffering It was almost exhausted and it was impossible to escape again.

"Do you think I will give you a chance?"

With a sneer, Tianluo pierced the Holy Lance into the enchantment, and then poured into it a tremendous amount of purification power.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!!!"

There was another scream, and Ladong's body was purified and melted little by little, and finally there was only a black light group.

For some powerful beings, even if their bodies are destroyed, their souls will not easily disappear, and the light group is the soul of Ladong, but the soul is black because it is too evil.

It seems that he doesn't want to give up yet, Ladong's soul light group constantly rams in the enchantment ball to escape.

With an indifferent expression, Tianluo gathered the Chilong Emperor's hand armor, and took out the precious jade above the hand armor.

Ladong's soul was sucked into Baoyu, and the sky fell on top of Baoyu, and applied several layers of seals, and then collected Baoyu.

The soul has been sealed, even if there is a Holy Grail over Lezevim, don't try to raise him again!

"Look at Lias and Zhu Nai ..."

His opponent has already been resolved, Tianluo also intends to help Li Yasi their side.

Activated the "Fei Tian Bao" ability, covered with golden light on his body, and then the sky turned into a streamer and rushed to the sky.

At the same time, don't stay on one side--

"Abominable Chilong Emperor, don't chase me !!!"

The magic force was urged to fly at a high speed in the air, and watching the sky that was getting closer behind him became anxious.

But looking at the anxious Hua Boga, Tian Luo was a sneer.

I always jump around and set fire, who do I not chase after you?

Thinking of the sky falling again here, the distance between the two people was shrinking again.

Knowing that this way, he will soon be caught up, Hua Boga also took a sigh of relief, and simply stopped:

"I thought I was scared of you, abominable Chilong Emperor. Give me adorable burning!"

He launched his own goddess [the sacred platform of the Lord of the Purple Flame Sacrifice], and suddenly the purple cross flames appeared in front of Hua Boga's body, and then they all roared and shot at the sky.

Although the flames of these crosses are not as spectacular and huge as before, their power is not weak at all. So far, Hua Boga does not know how many enemies have been burned with them.

However, looking at the flames and crosses that roared, Tian Luo didn't look at it in the slightest.

The holy gun in his hand swept away, and with a blast of explosions, all the cross flames flying to the sky were smashed!

"You monster!"

Sakura's lips were wide open, and Huaboga exclaimed, watching the sky falling from the waves without any damage.

"Hum, not only set fire to trouble everywhere, but also dare to scold people--"

"Sin plus one!"

The battle gun in his hand shook, and Tianluo rushed towards Huaboga.

After seeing the power of the sky, where did Hua Boga dare to bump into him, he quickly jumped to the side of Agrias using magic.

There is a strong enchantment barrier between Agrias and the town of Oros, which should be able to block the wicked Chilong Emperor.

However, what made Huabojia feel relieved in the future is that with the sound of a boom, a hole was carved out of the huge wall of the enchantment, and then the Red Dragon Emperor chased her through the hole.


Still, let's continue to escape ...

To be continued ...

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