Endless Plunder in High School DxD

Chapter 510: Forbidden Dragon

Chapter 0510 The Dragon's Forbidden Dragon

Boom! !! Boom boom! !! !!

On the empty island of Agreas, at this moment, there is also an extremely fierce battle.

Hundreds of thousands of mass-produced evil dragons are destroying cities and buildings, and the entire empty island has fallen into chaos.

The roar of evil dragons, the screams of soldiers, **** battles and killings are played in every corner of the empty island.

Above the empty island, there is a dragon that covers the sky and has three heads. It is [Forbidden Dragon of the Magic Source] Ari Dahaka!

Ari Dahaka is a legendary dragon capable of manipulating thousands of magics, and is very powerful, while Serra Ogg, Siegwera, and Emperor Dihaze Belial are carrying their families. Fighting against this behemoth.

Boom boom boom boom! !! !! !! !!

Sierra Ogg, Siegwera, and Dijazze Belial attracted the attention of the enemies in front of them, while the family members continued to use the sword gas magic on both wings to attack Ari Dahaka, but all As soon as his attack approaches Ari Dahaka's body, a magical array will automatically flash to resist, so that the family members attacked for a long time and did little damage to the enemy.

"Damn monster!"

One sideways escaped the magic that had been bounced back from her, and the Queen of Serra Ogg's [Queen] Gosa Abadong looked ugly.

However, at this moment--

"Roar roar roar !!!"

The giant evil dragon, Ari Dahaka, roared in the sky, and a cyan, red, and white light ball condensed in the huge mouths of the three heads. Then, under everyone's attention, Ari Dahaka Three **** of light were blasted out towards Sierra Ogg, Siegwera, and Dihazer Belial.

The blue sphere of light turned into countless wind blades and chopped it to Siegwera, the red sphere of light turned into a fiery flame and rolled towards Sella Ogg, and the white sphere of light turned into a violent thunderbolt. Di Hazer Belial.

Dare not to have the slightest care, all three immediately exerted their means to resist.

The wind blade that cut to Siegwera suddenly slowed down and was easily dodged by her. This is the power of time control inherited from the bloodline of the Agres family. As the next head of the Agres family, Siegera has naturally already The ability to manipulate time is handy.

The thunder and lightning that struck Di Hazel Belial was fierce, but disappeared as soon as he approached his body, as if the area around his body had an absolute restricted area.

It is said that His Majesty's emperor has special abilities that make his opponent's characteristics meaningless, that is to say, after he has launched his ability, all lightning attacks are meaningless to him!

The last was Serra Ogg, who was facing an extremely hot flame.

Although neither magic nor special abilities, Selaog has his own method.

That is to release his fighting spirit!


A powerful fight broke out from Selaog's body, directly dissipating all the flames that hit him, and then Salaog rushed forward and punched Ari Dahaka fiercely.

Although Ari Dahaka had already started the defensive magic in time, the magic circle was smashed by Serra Ogg's punch, and then a boom banged, and finally hit Ari Dahaka.

The flesh exploded and was wounded in a single blow, but Ari Dahaka seemed to feel nothing, and he began to magically prepare to fight back against Selaog.

But what seemed to be found, Ari Dahaka stopped his movements again, and all three heads looked into the air:

"God falls by night."

"You appeared here, that is to say Radon has been killed by you?"

Watching the sky fall in the air, Ari Dahaka spoke.

"Yes, I have crushed his body and sealed his soul."

"Why, do you want to avenge him?"

Did not deny, Tianluo returned.

He was pursuing Huaboga's demon girl, and Tianluo just stopped by when he saw the battle below.

"Although I don't mind fighting with you, it's not for revenge for that guy. When you crush your body and seal your soul, you can only blame him for being too weak."

Ari Dahaka said coldly.

Even when I heard that Ladong was killed by Tian Luo, there was not much reaction. I can only say that they are indeed cold-blooded and cruel dragons, and they don't care about the lives of others. Although they acted together because of Rezevim's relationship, they did not consider each other as companions at all.

"Shen Yetian fell, just leave it to us here, you can go and solve the purple flame Huaboga."

"That woman's flame is very dangerous, and we already have many companions injured by her flame."

Naturally, she saw Huaboga, who had just fled from the air, Siegwera said.

"Since you don't need help, I'll go after that woman."

Nodded his head, Tianluo and the people below looked at each other, then turned into a streamer and continued to chase Huaboga ...


Huh! !! !! !! !!

In the sky, there are phoenix-like cries, Levier and Ermei each show a pair of undead fire wings ... the two flew through the air, followed by a large group of birds The ground bombarded nearby evil dragons.

A short distance away, Mitilt and Caravana continuously projected a light gun to attack the enemy, and Jiu Zhong turned into the original shape of the nine-tailed fox, exhaling the demon fire and destroying the opponents around him.

"Abominable Elme, even cheated by drinking the blood of Ernie sauce, don't think I will lose to you!"

Looking to the side, Elme wiped out another enemy, thought Levier angrily.

Before that, Elme was almost the same as her and the little fox, but after drinking Ernie's sauce and giving her the blood that was stored on her body at any time, she became super powerful.

Not only can you use Phoenix's flames, but you can also use the abilities of Ertian Dragon and many other Unicorn sauces to continuously destroy one enemy after another, which is simply fierce.

As a proud girl, Levier's enthusiasm was also inspired. Fanning the wings of flame behind her, Levier flew into the enemy camp.

"Levelle, it's dangerous over there!"

Seeing Lei Weier rushed to the enemy's camp alone, Ermei shouted, and hurried to catch up at the same time.

With a slight hum, Lei Weier did not take Elme's reminder to heart at all, just a dozen evil dragons, and she could solve it all at once.

Huh! !! !! !! !!

Another phoenix-like cry, Levier urged the magic to cast out hundreds of flame birds again. All the birds of flame revolved around Levier as the center, and bombarded continuously. Around the evil dragon.

Screaming and wailing, a mass-produced evil dragon was engulfed by the flames of Phoenix and then fell to the ground.

Holding her hands, Levier also showed a little proud look.

Sure enough, she was the best.

However, at this time--

"Hoohoo !!!!"

He growled and roared, and a huge evil dragon snapped at Lei Weier, and Lei Weier couldn't help turning his face white.

Oops, there is one more!

"Hurry away!"

Just when Levier thought she was going to be bitten by the other party, a figure suddenly rushed over and pushed her away ...

To be continued ...

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