Endless Plunder in High School DxD

Chapter 525: Levi's dependents

0525: Unknown

God's night house, hall--

"That's great, Levier sauce also has demons."

Looking at a pair of demon chess pieces on the table, the girls around Levier could not help exclaiming.

Devil chess pieces are very precious. Even in the underworld, only superior demons are eligible to own, but not something you can buy with money.

"Hum, this is the one where Ony sauce specifically asked Master Devil to come for me."

Holding her hands, Levier raised her head with a proud look.

Ajka was very efficient, and they only returned home when the sky fell, and he had already sent the demons over.

In the underworld, Levier had already logged in on [Chess Monument], so Levier is now a real [King], and all the chess pieces are also active. Just find They can be used normally by incorporating them into their bodies.

"Levelle, now that you have become [King], then you have to hurry up to collect your dependents. Do you have a desired goal now?"

Li Yasi asked, she still likes her little aunt Li Yasi, and has always paid more attention to her affairs.

"Well, there are already some."

Hesitating for a moment, Lei Weier looked at the next nine:

"Well, little fox, will you be my dependent?"

"Well, does Levier want me to be your dependent?"

Jiu Zhong seemed very surprised, but Tian Luo and the other girls showed such an expression.

Except for the fall of the whole family, the closest thing to Levi's is Jiuzhong, the school or the house, the two of them stick together inseparably all day long, a pair of good Ji friends.

"I, I just proposed it, little fox you don't want to. It doesn't matter if you refuse, I won't be sad."

Slightly flustered, then Levier pretended to be casual.

Looking at Lei Weier's mouth should not be proud and cute, Tian Luo and the girls could not help but secretly funny.

It doesn't matter what you refuse. You don't care. If Jiuzhong really refuses you, I'm afraid you will die.

"Okay, if it's Revelle sauce."

After thinking about it, Kokonoe replied.

She breathed a sigh of relief, and Levier's face also showed a touch of joy, but she was covered up immediately.

"Then let's conclude a contract now."

Taking out a pawn, Levier intends to formally enter into a contract with his family and the king.

"Levelle sauce, this is [Queen] pawn, is it really okay for me to make [Queen]?"

"Why, you don't want to be [Queen]? Then I'll change you for [Soldier]."

"Uh, then I'll be [Queen] ..."

"Hehehe ..."

Under the testimony of everyone in the family, Levier incorporated the chess piece representing [Queen] into Jiuzhong's body, and the two formally concluded a contract.

With the integration of chess pieces, Jiuzhong began to emit a dazzling light, and his momentum continued to grow. A pair of cute fox ears grew on the small head, and nine furry fox tails grew behind him.

"Little fox, how are you feeling?"

"Woo ... I feel warm all over, and my strength has improved a lot."

Lei Weier asked with concern, and Jiu Zhong shook her hands and answered truthfully.

[Chariot] high attack and high defense, [Knight] speed, [Bishop] magic, [Queen] as the most important dependents, with the ability of all chess pieces except [King] and [Soldier].

After incorporating chess pieces, Jiuzhong only felt that all the attributes on his body had improved a lot.

Seeing that Nakae merged the chess pieces very smoothly, Levier sighed slightly, and then the corners of her mouth were also slightly curved.

Nine heavy, but the future nine-tailed fox, as long as it grows up, it can definitely reach the existence of the demon king.

She really made it!

In a good mood, when the little fox was done, Levier looked at Elme again.

"Erme, you can be my dependent too."

As the spoiler of the vampire queen, there is no doubt that Elme's excellence, coupled with her peculiar ability can cope with various situations at will, and if she can also be her family member will definitely be a great help in the future.

Although invited by Levier, Elme did not immediately reply, but cast a question to the side of the sky.

Although their relationship with Levier has become very good now, Elme's true loyalty and effectiveness are still in heaven, so she still needs to be instructed by heaven.

"Erme, it's up to you to decide on such matters."

Laughing while stroking Orpheus's head.

"All right, Levier, I will be your dependent."

He nodded, and Elme gave his answer.

After the last battle, Levier has fully trusted and accepted Elme, and now she is very happy to be her dependent Levier.

Levi's choice for Elme is that the chess piece is [Chariot], and under the witness of everyone, the two also concluded a contract between the king and his family.

In the end, Levier set her eyes on Lu Fei—

"Luffy, have you run out of magic materials?"

He didn't make his own invitation directly, but Lei Weier had a sly look like a little fox.

Tian Luo and Li Yasi's daughters are a little funny, Lei Weier is a clever girl, and she knows the weaknesses of others.

"Well, yes, yes."

Her face was reddish, and Lu Fei couldn't help but look distressed.

Although the surface is bright, the magician is a career that burns money. In order to study their own magic, they must purchase a lot of magic materials and do a lot of experiments. It can be said that most magicians are in a state of poverty throughout their lives.

"Our Phoenix family is very rich, and many magical materials are also special products of our Phoenix family. If Lu Fei is my dependent, I can provide you with all the funds and materials needed for research in the future."

Levier seduced and said, and Lu Fei's expression was exasperated with both eyes:

"Provide me with all the funds and materials ?!"

"How about, should Lu Fei be my dependent?"

"So, then, okay, let me be a dependent of Levier ..."

Unable to refuse, Lu Fei finally succumbed to the temptation of the demon princess.

The chess piece that Levier chose for Lu Fei is [Bishop], which is very suitable for Lu Fei's attributes. Then, under the witness of everyone, the two also entered into a contract.

[Queen], [Chariot], and [Bishop], three relatives were assembled at once, and each one was very good, and Levier was very excited and happy.

"Ninefold, Elme, Lu Fei, Levier will take care of you in the future. She still has a lot of immaturity, and I ask you to help her in the future."

Standing up, Tianluo said to Jiu Zhong, Ermei and Lu Fei.

"We will definitely assist Levier, Ouni sauce."

Kokonoe, Elme and Lu Fei nodded.

After stroking the foreheads of the three girls, Tian Luo looked at Levier next to her:

"Levelle, [King] is both an honor and a responsibility. In the future, you must make good use of their power and protect them. Remember?"

"Well, I remember, Uni sauce."

To be continued ...

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