Endless Plunder in High School DxD

Chapter 526: Contract Valerie

Chapter 0526 contract Valerie

Levier became [King] and entered into a contract with Jiuzhong, Elme and Ruffi, and everyone else in the family was very happy for them.

And also at this time--

"Heaven falls, I want Valerie to be my dependent, too."

Sitting opposite Tian Luo and Li Yasi, said Cang Na.

As soon as the room was quiet, everyone couldn't help looking at the President and Valerie, who was still at a loss.

"It is true that with the ability of Valerie, the strength of Canna's family can rise to the next level."

Thoughtfully, Lias nodded.

Although Valerie's own fighting power is still relatively small, she has great potential and growth, and more importantly, she also has the legendary **** destroyer [Holy Grail of the World].

Such an artifact of the healing system makes it self-evident, just like Aisha with [Smile of the Virgin], precisely because of her Liyas and Zhu Nai, they can fight every time Even if injured, they can quickly recover. The entire team's combat effectiveness and mobility have been greatly improved because of Aisha alone.

Valerie is naturally the same, and this time in the battle between the underworld and the evil tree, she has also proven her worth, and she may be better than Aisha in terms of auxiliary therapy alone.

After all, Aisha can only take care of her teammates, while others on the battlefield are somewhat out of reach, but Valerie works with her vampire's ability to become bats scattered around the battlefield, no matter which side is injured She can quickly rush to help treatment.

"Valerie, what's your opinion?"

Looking at Valerie aside, Tian Luo laughed.

Although Tian Luo also felt that it was great to make Valerie a Canna's family, he still respected Valerie's own opinions.

"Become a dependent of Lord Canna, is it okay, I'm so weak ..."

It seemed to finally react, but Valerie said weakly.

Recently, I have followed Uberuna to add some basic common sense. Magic has just been exposed and learned. She is indeed weak enough in terms of combat effectiveness. If it does not become a bat and escape, it is Yilu and Yinlu. Both little girls can abuse her into scum.

However, Valerie's real value is not a fight!

"Valerie, you join us, you can do it."

"Uh-huh, I was injured this time thanks to Valerie Sang's treatment, otherwise I would be miserable."

"Sister Vampire, I have also received your help. Rest assured, you will be an excellent dependent."

"Bannyasan, I'm not a vampire sister anymore."

"Hehehe ..."

Having received a lot of help from Valerie in this battle in the underworld, all the daughters and daughters of Rencun Liuli hoped that she would be a relative of Lord Cangna like them.

"Valerie, I invite you formally. Would you like to be my dependent?"

When he came to Valerie's body, Zhi Cang Na also said with a straight face.

"I, I can't do anything, it will definitely cause trouble for everyone ..."

Valerie still doesn't have much confidence.

"Even if there are difficulties and troubles between peers, we will help each other to overcome them."

"Valerie, you haven't realized your excellence and value, you should be more confident."

"I hope you can become my family, and my family and I need your strength."

Take Cangna's sincere and earnest look, and Valerie could not help but raise a touch of touch--

"Everyone needs my strength?"

"Ah, we all need your strength."

"Well, then, well, I am willing to be a dependent of Lord Canna, and I will trouble you all from now on ..."

"No, it should be that we need to trouble you."

After receiving Valerie's answer, Zhi Cangna's face also showed a knowing smile.


"Valerie San, you are welcome to join."

"With Valerie Sang, we can fight as much as we want in the future."

Rencun Liuliu and Huajie peach are also very happy. The girls are very warm and welcome Valerie to join.

The dependents that Canna has already possessed are: [Queen] Zhen Luo Chun Ji, [Chariot] Yura Wing, [Knight] patrol handle and Banya, [Bishop] Flower ring peach and grass underneath, and [Soldier] Rencun stayed in Liuzi, and the remaining pieces were [Chariot] and [Soldier] seven.

With Valerie's poor fighting strength, it is naturally inappropriate for her to be a "Chariot" on the front line, so the only thing left is [Soldier].

I asked Canna to take out her own [Soldier] pawn, and then incorporated it into Valerie's body under everyone's attention, but after incorporating a [Soldier] pawn, Valerie was unresponsive and failed. Sign a contract with Canna.

This is not to say that the contract failed, but only to show that Valerie has huge potential, and a [soldier] **** is not enough.

Not disappointed, Zanna took another **** into Valerie's body. After spending a total of four pieces, she finally concluded a contract with Valerie.

"I used up four [Soldier] pawns of Lord Canna, indeed Valerie Sang."

Rencun Liuli's daughters couldn't help but utter a tongue, and Valerie's face was a little embarrassed.

Is she using too much ...

As we all know, the more potential the family members have, the more chess pieces it will cost to conclude a contract.

Because Valerie is relatively weak, the Holy Grail is not the kind of artifact that favors combat, and there are now only one Holy Grail that has three, and so on, so only four chess pieces were consumed when the contract was concluded. Otherwise, more will be needed.

But as far as the result is concerned, everything is value for money. Although Valerie has spent a lot of Cang Na's chess pieces, her ability is to completely raise the overall strength of Cang Na and her dependents to a level.

In addition, Valerie herself has great potential as a vampire of the Cespesh family. As long as she learns magic and controls her power in the future, she can play more and more.

There is no doubt that by accepting Valerie as her family, Cangna also made a lot of money.

"Mallau, Brent, get ready for dinner. Let's celebrate it tonight."

"Yes, Lord."

"It's a rare opportunity. Tonight I will make two dishes for you to try."

"Well, bad guys can also make dishes ?!"

"Irina, are you looking down on me? At the time, my cooking skills were better than Zhu Nai's."

"Better than Zhu Nai? I don't believe it, I'm going to stare!"


To be continued ...

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