Endless Plunder in High School DxD

Chapter 527: Canna's resolution

0527: Unknown

At night, everyone was asleep, and Tian Luo sneaked out of his room.

Even in his own home, he had to be so sneaky, Tianluo was a little speechless, but this was the request of the president, and Tianluo had to follow suit.

When I was in the underworld before, I said I would thank myself, and then let myself go to her room at night. Wouldn't Cangna want to treat her?

There is a little excitement under someone's heart ~ and looking forward to ...


Gently knocked on the room where President --- the president, Tianlou shouted.

"come in."

It seemed to have been waiting for the sky to fall, and Cangna's voice was heard in the room.

Entering the room, Tianluo closed the door.

After glancing around the room, Tian Luo soon saw Cang Na in front of the dressing table on the side.

No longer the usual student uniform of the Kuwang Academy, Cangna replaced it with a pleated long skirt in aqua blue. It seemed that the coming of the sky fell, and the girl stood up and faced the sky falling.

But the moment she saw Cang Na's face, Tian Luo's heart was beating fiercely.

"Why, don't you know?"

Gu Panshenghui, Cang Na's mouth squinted a smile.

"How could it be, just that Canna was suddenly so beautifully dressed, and a little scared."

Scratching his head, Tianluo returned.

Cangna at this time is indeed very beautiful, no, maybe it can already be described as stunning, as if every minute and every part of the whole body has been carefully dressed up, Tian Luo last time saw such a Cangna or two At the engagement ceremony.

"Am I usually not pretty?"

Seems to be intent on embarrassment, Cangna asked again.

"Canna, you see, I didn't mean that."

Tianluo could not help but smile bitterly, but this was nothing like the usual Cangna.

Although the usual Cang Na also dresses herself, it is the kind of normal feeling. It will not make herself look rude, but she will never be too amazing. And it's not only Cangna, it's the same as Crowna [Queen] Zhen Luo Chunji, this has a lot to do with the two people's usual personality.

In the Komagaku Gakuen, Liyas and Zhu Nai dominated the idol popularity of Gakuen's first and second schools, and Cangna and Jin Luo Chunji only ranked third and fourth. In fact, whether it is beauty or temperament, Canna and Zhen Luochun Ji will not lose to Li Yasi and Zhu Nai. A large part of the reason for this result is in dress.

Li Yasi and Zhu Nai have never treated themselves in this respect, and they will not say a variety of beautiful and gorgeous dresses and jewelry. Even the lipsticks they usually use are high-end products with limited orders. They are worth the living expenses of ordinary people for several months. Even if the sky falls occasionally, they can't help but secretly sigh the two prodigal girls.

Of course, Tian Luo is actually very supportive of Li Yasi and Zhu Nai's "loser". Whether it's the Phoenix or Greymore's family, the most important thing is money. Don't desperately spend what you keep doing, waiting for mold?

Besides, they were beautiful and radiant, and they were cheap at last.

The texture of their clothes and skirts is very good, and the feel of tearing each time is very good. The sound of the sound is very pleasant, and even the taste of those lipsticks is very evocative ...

I thought a little far away, and Tianluo was a little embarrassed, but fortunately Cang Na didn't plan to continue to embarrass him, and took a few steps forward to Tianluo's body.

"Kiss, kiss me."

Two pale reds floated on the beautiful face, Cangna whispered softly.

The sky fell for a second, and today's Cangna is really abnormal!

Although the intimate things have been done many times in the current relationship between the two, almost all of them were obtained from Tianluo before, and then Cang Na responded and cooperated.

Tian Luo didn't pay much attention to it before, after all, the girl's restraint, and Cang Na itself belonged to the more conservative type in this regard.

In Tianluo's memory, is Cangna so active for the first time? !!

Surprised and surprised, but now is not the time to think about it, if Cang Na suddenly regrets it, he will lose it--

"Observe, my princess."

There was also a smile on his face, and Tian lowered his head and pinched Cangna's lips.

There were a few drunken colors floating in the jewel-like eyes, and the two blended with each other and continuously plundered each other's sweetness. They did not separate until a long time later, and a silver thread was also connected to the corners of their mouths.

"Hug me to the bedroom ..."

Ruorou was boneless, Cang Na said in the arms of Tian Luo again.

Although the girl's voice seemed to Tianluo to Tianluo, Tianluo did not act this time.

"Cangna, if you just want to thank me for protecting your school, just now is enough."

Touching the girl's hair, Tianluo said.

"Don't you already hold my body? I thought you would be more surprised and impatient."

Raising her head to watch the sky fall, the slightest accident and faint resentment appeared in the girl's eyes.

She had let go of all her restraints so aggressively, but this guy suddenly stopped.

"Ah, I've been holding Canna's body for a long time, and I was very, very surprised and happy."


Looking directly at Canna's eyes, Tian Luo aggravated his tone:

"Cangna, I like you, I really like you!"

"I want to get a complete Canna, but I don't want Canna to do this kind of thing because of gratitude. I want to wait until the day when Canna is really ready to accept me, even if I don't know how long that day will be. Go down. "

Without the slightest hypocrisy, all Tianluo's words come from his inner sincerity.

Shier is overbearing, but Shier is gentle, Shier is evil, but Shier is sincere. Tianluo himself feels that he is a contradictory and complicated guy.

But the contradiction is either complicated or complicated, he is him, he is God, the night is falling!

Neither Cangna nor Tianluo talked again, and they both stared at each other quietly.

At first Cangna's eyes still had a trace of resentment, but it gradually melted and became an unprecedented tenderness.

"Fool, do you think I'm the kind of woman who would give her body out of gratitude?"

"It's all reached this point, and I've already been prepared for it, but this time it just gave me a reason."

"Now, do I need to say anything more?"

In the clear eyes, there was a touching brilliance, and the voice of Cangna was very soft, but to say such words meant that she had also realized her enlightenment and let go of all her restraints.

For a moment, a smile of relief appeared on Tian Luo's face ...:

"Ah, no more ..."

There was no hesitation anymore, Tian Luo hugged Cang Na upright and went into her bedroom.

Holding and kissing each other, Tianluo put the **** the soft couch, and then gently dropped the dress on Cangna's body, her actions were extremely gentle.

Looking at the body of the immaculate girl in front of her, Tian Luo exhaled slightly, trying hard to restrain the restlessness under her heart.

Although he was destined to desecrate this perfect existence, he could not be reckless, but must be gentle.

Leaning down, the sky is falling, and the taste is bit by bit.

With her eyes closed, Cang Na was left to do the work of the sky, and from time to time she uttered a few natural groans.

Until a long time, watching the emotional Cang Na was ready, and the heavens that had already endured to the limit did not hesitate, entered Cang Na's body, and completely integrated with her ...

To be continued ...

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