Endless Plunder in High School DxD

Chapter 528: Will be found

Chapter 0528 will be found

In the morning, Tian Luo opened his eyes.

Looking at the Cangna who was still in her arms, a smile appeared on Tian Luo's face.

What a wonderful night last night ...

Unlike Lias and Zhu Nai's plump type, Cangna is a slim girl like her sister Seraphim. Although the experience and feeling of making Tianluo is completely different, it is equally fascinating and sinking!

Caressing a strand of Cangna's hair, Tian Luo stared at the girl like this, until a long time Cangna's face had two thick red halos--

"Have you seen enough ?!"

She couldn't hold it anymore, and Cangna, who opened her eyes, said angrily.

"Never enough."

With a grin, Tianluo lowered her head and blocked Canna's lips.

"Woohoo ..."

Combining and plundering, Cangna wanted to resist at first, but gradually gave up her struggles, and she could only let the sky fall.

"Canna, how about we do it again?"

After a long time, Tianluo let go of the girl, but she whispered in Cangna's ear.

"No, no, Liyas they will find ..."

With a panic, she wanted to reject Cangna, but Tianluo didn't plan to give her a chance.

Blocked the girl's lips again, and at the same time, Tian Luo activated the ability of [Five Sense Control], verbally and constantly raged on Cang Na's body.

Even a firm will cannot resist the joy that has been magnified several times and dozens of times. Two grievances floated in Canna's eyes, but these grievances disappeared like smoke and rain.

Because Tianluo has entered her body again ...

There was another scene of degeneration in the room, and Cangna felt that she was tumbling up and down in an endless sea. Every cell in the body was cheering so much that she almost forgot to breathe.

She can't do anything except to continue to accept the joy and joy!

Indulge and degenerate, and when the two finally ended this madness, it was already afternoon.

Zhi Cangna no longer remembers how she was cleaned, changed her clothes, and then taken out of the room by Tian Luo. There was only one thought left in her mind.

Got it, Liars, they must all know it.

She has no face to face!

Indeed, Lias knew them all, and the two of them hadn't been out in the room for almost a whole day, even if stupid they knew what they were doing.

When Luo and Canna appeared in the hall that day, Li Yasi, who was enjoying refreshments, looked at them together.

Even the thick-skinned sky is incomparably embarrassing, and taking Cangna is even more distracting, even if the world is destroyed, it does not matter.

"Ahhhhh, will Tianluo finally grow up to win it?"

"Red Dragon Emperor, good job meow."

"No, it's worthy of being the older brother of Selon."

Zhu Nai and Heige's demon girl ridiculed the sky, while Banya on the side was the color of worship with stars in her eyes. In addition, there are Irina and Aisha daughters. Although Tianluo and Cangna have entered into a formal engagement, it is surprising that this happened between the two, after all, they will The grown-ups have always been more conservative and reserved in this regard. I did not expect to ...

"It's the first time Canna, can't you be gentle with her?"

Stepping forward, Lias gave the sky a severe white look.

If it was normal, Liyas would make fun of Cang Na, and Cang Na used to make fun of her because of these things. Mood to do those things again. Sitting with Zhen Luo Chun Ji's daughters, Cang Na Fu sat aside, then comforted Cang Na while inspecting Cang Na's body.

Tian Luo could not help but be speechless for a while, Lias, Lias, don't you think I played with Canna? She is evading herself just because your relationship can't accept reality for a while!

Tian Luo also feels a bit funny when it comes to it. Obviously, Cang Na usually behaves very strong when facing any difficulties and adversity, but in this regard, she is unexpectedly vulnerable.

But Tian Luo is not worried, let Li Yasi comfort them, Cang Na should be able to recover soon.

Sit down and take a seat. Tianluo asked Maliu and Brent to cook for him.

Last night, the whole night and one morning in the day were almost doing those depraved things with Cang Na, Tian Luo also consumed a lot of physical strength and was hungry ...


In the evening, Gerndal came to God's Night House ...

But the grandmother is not here this time, but intends to bid farewell—

"Grandma, are you going back so soon?"

Holding her grandmother's hand, Rose Weiser was reluctant.

"All the things to do have been done, and naturally it is time to go back. This time I came here to say goodbye to you."

Gerndal smiled softly.

"Is the body okay? You have all been sealed with magic before."

"Relax, it's all right."

"It is difficult and almost impossible to seal the magic of so many magicians at the same time. Although the opponent has forcibly done it, it cannot be maintained forever. The seal has weakened a lot after the enemy of the disaster group retreated. [God Watcher] with the help of the rest has been completely lifted. "

Rose Weiser was still a little worried, and Gerndal explained to her.

"Ms. Gerndal, we are always here to welcome you, and the children at the school love your lectures."

Cangna, who had come back to normal, also said.

"I also like those energetic and cute children."

"Princess Cangna, the school you founded is very good. Keep my lecturer position. I will come here as often as I can."

"Most definitely."

After hearing Gerndal's answer, Canna was very happy.

"Then finally —"

"Rossweiser, you will get along well with Chilong Emperor and everyone here."

"Red Dragon Emperor, Rose Weiser of our family has entrusted you. If she is bullied, I will not spare you as her grandma."


Suddenly speaking of this topic again, Rose Weiser's face was shy, and Tian Luo quickly hurriedly promised that she would never be bullied.

This grandma usually looks so amiable, but the domineering that is released occasionally is really scary. Tianluo doesn't think she's joking.

There was no other thing, and they said goodbye to Tianluo and the daughters, and then, under the watchfulness of Tianluo and the daughters, Gerndal entered the teleportation team ...

To be continued ...

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