Endless Plunder in High School DxD

Chapter 544: Beauty magic make

FTLN 0544 I am a man.

Although there are some minor episodes, Drag and Albion are happy to resurrect everyone in the family.

"Maliu, Brent, go and get two rooms for Draeger and Albion."

"Yes, Lord."

Tianluo said to Maliu and Brent, and the two girls also nodded.

"Partner, we can just stay in the artifact and don't need this-so troublesome."

Finally she got rid of the Irinas who always stared at her European style, Dlegg said.

Although both have been successfully resurrected, the connection between Draeger and Albion and the artifact still exists, and they can also stay in the artifact, [The Dragon Hand of the Red Dragon Emperor] and [The Light Wing of the White Dragon Emperor] ] Can still exert its power.

No, perhaps with the continuous improvement of Dlegg and Albion, these two artifacts will become more powerful in the future!

"Be prepared, then use it when you want to live outside."

Tian Luo laughed, and this time Dlegg and Albion did not refuse again.

In the following days, Tianluo took a break again. During the day and Zhu Nai, they developed the ability to develop artifacts, and occasionally went out to clean up the criminals and evil spirits who came to the town. At night, they were pulling. Lias, they do something that they like together.

It is worth mentioning that in the beginning, Canna resisted being bullied by Tianluo with other people, but just like Liyas, after being beaten to death again and again, the grown-up finally understood one. The sad fact is that she can't "counter" the sky at all by herself.

As a result, the adult President who finally couldn't stand one night chose to give in, and then Tian Luo took her to Lias's room, so that the adult President experienced for the first time what it means to be sleeping together and to be alone. Music is not as good as public music, what makes sisters work together to break gold, what does ...

All in all, there is a second time for the first time, and a fourth time for the third time, and the result is that the stubborn president also fell.

In addition to these things that are being performed every day, as the year approaches, the daughters of Aisha and Irina have begun to decorate the house at home. The entire house is decorated with joy by the girls, and the sky falls together from time to time. Help out.

On this day, Lias, who was drinking black tea, saw Tian Luo come out of the room and said:

"The sky is down. A message has been sent from the Magic Envoy Society just now, and Miss Lavinia will come to visit us today."

After discussing the magic envoy contract with Lord Mephisto, the president of the magic envoy association, I recommended a subordinate to Tianluo for his convenience, and hoped that Tianluo could conclude a magic envoy with her. Contract.

It seemed to have been said that the magical party of the other party would come to visit Tianluo's side, but later, because of such things, it was dragged on and on again. Otherwise, if Liasi now mentions Tianluo, she will soon forget.

"When will the other party arrive?"

There was a hint of interest under the heart, Tian Luo asked.

"It's almost time to calculate."

Li Yasi thought for a while, and at this time, Maliu came in from the outside:

"Master Tianluo, there is a magic lady outside to visit and see."

Tian Luo and Li Yasi glanced at each other, then a smile appeared on both of their faces.

This really means Cao Cao Cao Cao.


In the hall, Tianluo sat on the main seat, and the two women, Lias and Cangna, also sat on the sides, while the daughters of Ubeluna, Zhu Nai, and Zhen Luochunji stood behind the three.

Not long after, Maliu and Brent came in with a woman in a magic robe and a hood.

"My lord, the guests are already here."

Maliu and Brent whispered, and Tianluo nodded.

Under the gazing of the sky and the daughters, the woman also pulled down her hood, and immediately revealed the delicate face.

Blond, with long flowing hair, is a very beautiful and iconic beauty.

"Hello, Red Dragon Emperor, Princess Lias, Princess Canna, I am Venia Renee, the Minister of the Magic Envoy Association, Lord Mephisto. I'm sorry to disturb you this time, please forgive me."

Slightly nodding, the beauty magic that claimed to be Lavinia Renee made her say.

"Miss Lavinia is polite, please sit down."

Tian Luo raised his hand and said with a smile.

Thanks a lot, Lavinia also sat down, Aisha and Valerie brought the refreshments ready to entertain the guests, and Lavinia thanked again.

"We have heard about Miss Lavinia from Lord Mephisto. Lord Mephisto has always praised Miss Lavinia's ability."

"Those are just the love of Lord Mephisto. It's not enough to talk about them, but Princess Lias has always been admired for your heroic deeds."

"We just happened to meet it."

"Miss Lavinia, are you here this time to discuss the magic contract with Tian Luo?"

A few words of embarrassment to each other, and then Lias talked about the business.


Lavinia nodded and did not deny it.

"Miss Lavinia, could you please tell me why you are interested in entering into a magic contract with me, is it Miss Lavinia's own will or the order of the Magic Envoy?"

"It is indeed Chilong Emperor. Was it seen through at once? There are two reasons for it."

Tianluo asked, and Lavinia answered frankly.

"Appreciate further details."

"Perhaps you all already know it. I have the [Eternal Bingji], one of the legendary **** destroyers. Although the power of the **** destroyers is very powerful, it is very difficult to control them. If the "Artifact Predator" His Excellency Red Dragon Emperor concludes a contract to get your guidance and help, it will certainly be a huge help for me to control and develop my own artifact. "

"It's pretty good. Although I don't know anything about magic, things related to artifacts are very good at it."

"If this is Miss Lavinia's own reason, then what about magical associations?"

Nodded, then Tianluo asked again.

"Red Dragon Emperor, you should also be clear about it. You have entered into a marriage contract with Princess Lias and Princess Canna. Yourselves, your dependents, and the partners and power you have gathered are now powerful enough to affect Of the world. "

"Therefore, magic makes the Association consider it necessary to negotiate with you."

"The position between us, the best way to negotiate with you is naturally to conclude a magic contract with you. And for various reasons, I have been selected as the most suitable one to conclude a contract with you. people."

Lavinia said earnestly, while Tianluo and Li Yasi's daughters were a little surprised.

This one is really honest.

"So, Miss Lavinia, shall we conclude the contract in this way? Although I have a good impression of Miss Lavinia, I always feel that it is somewhat rash to conclude the contract directly."

"That's natural. Although I have the mission entrusted by magic to the association, I also have the right to choose, which means that we are free to each other."

"It is naturally inappropriate to conclude the contract directly, at least we must first get mutual approval."

"Interesting, so how does Miss Lavinia think we can recognize each other?"

There was a smile on his face, Tianluo asked.

"I have a good proposal here."

The beautiful eyes flashed, Lavinia stared at the sky:

"Chi Longdi, let's fight one!"

To be continued ...

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