Endless Plunder in High School DxD

Chapter 545: Magic curiosity


"Liyas, don't you stop them?"

"Why stop it, don't you think this development is also interesting, Canna."

At the edge of the training ground, Lias and the daughters of Cessna all watched Tianluo and Lavinia who were already on the field. Seeing that Liyas was so full of interest, Cangna sighed helplessly.

That Verania Renee can get the favor of Lord Mephisto, and there is no doubt that she is a top-level excellent magic envoy, plus she has the legendary **** destroyer [Eternal Bingji] In every respect, it is a very difficult and dangerous enemy.

However, Cang Na was worried about this magic envoy lady. Although her strength must be very strong, she even offered to fight Tianluo.

I just hope that Tianluo doesn't bully people too badly ...

"Miss Lavinia, do you really want to do this?"

"Actually, I think we can change it in another way. For example, Miss Lavinia stayed with us for a while and let us know each other. If we think it is good, we can formally conclude the contract."

Looking at Lavinia across from her, Tianluo said.

"Although your proposal is also good, I still want to use this simpler way, and being able to play against the legendary Red Dragon Emperor is a rare and valuable experience."

"Maybe I have some waywardness too, so I will show a little sincerity."

"Red Dragon Emperor, as long as you can beat me, I will give you the [Eternal Bingji]."

She shook her head, and then Lavinia turned her face back.

It's just that the beauty's words made the heavens a little surprised--

"Miss Lavinia, although I don't feel that you are the kind of arrogant person, but you should also be clear, you want to win me is almost impossible, and I want to win you is very simple."

"[Eternal Bingji] should be important to you and the Magic Envoy Association. Why give it to me this way?"

He narrowed his eyes and asked Tian Luo.

Tianluo does not think that the other party is the kind of arrogant and arrogant stupid woman. On the contrary, in Tianluo's eyes, this is an absolutely clever beauty magician, and she is almost impeccable in words and deeds.

"[Eternal Bingji] is an artifact of mine, and how to deal with it is my freedom, and even the association has no right to interfere in this."

"As for the reason I gave it to you, you can understand it as a magic curiosity."


Lavinia said, and Tian Luo could not help frowning.

"Yes, it's curiosity. If a magician doesn't even have basic curiosity and exploration, then he can never be a qualified magician."

"Red Dragon Emperor, you have the ability to capture other people's artifacts. As far as the information we have so far is about half of the legendary thirteen artifacts in your hands, other artifacts are even more difficult. count."

"So, I'm very curious, if you keep it this way, what extent will you reach."

Looking directly at the sky, Lavinia's eyes flashed with curiosity and even excitement.

"For this reason, it is obviously absurd, but I feel that Miss Lavinia is telling the truth."

With a bitter smile, he shook his head, and Tianluo was quite speechless.

It is said that many magicians are paranoid and stubborn guys. They often do things that are difficult for ordinary people to understand for some things they insist on. Tianluo can be considered a little.

"Of course, I ca n’t make such a decision just because of some curiosity. After all, [Eternal Bingji] is also a very important force for me, because even a little curiosity abandons her, even I have no such courage. "

"However, this problem was perfectly solved by you, Chilong Emperor."

There was a smile on his face, Lavinia said again.

"Resolved by me?"

The sky is falling.

"Chilong Emperor, you can not only capture the artifacts of others, but also share the power of your artifacts with others."

"Princess Liars and Princess Canna can use the power of the two dragons, and many of your dependents have been given the power of artifacts."

"Let one artifact show the value of two artifacts. To be honest, your ability is really amazing, and I admire it."

"If you win me, I can give you the [Eternal Bing Ji], but I also have a condition that you must share the [Eternal Bing Ji] with me again, so that I can satisfy my curiosity. Without losing important power, the best of both worlds. "

Lavinia said, and Tian Luo couldn't help blinking her eyes.

This is indeed the best of both worlds!

Since everyone was so kind to give him his artifact, it would be incomprehensible if he refused.

"That's what it is!"

"Come on, Miss Lavinia, just let me see how powerful you are as both magic and artifact."

Finally, there was a little energy, Tianluo said.

"as you wish."

"Please advise, Chilong Emperor."

With a slight smile, Lavinia flashed a magic wand.

When he saw the magic wand in his hand, a few magical arrays suddenly unfolded in the air, and then countless fireballs whistled towards the sky like shells.

It was really a neat attack. Tianluo launched [Hermes' Boots], spread two pairs of golden **** wings under his feet, and then jumped in the air to escape the fireball bombing attack.

Her attack failed, Lavinia didn't care, and she started a few magic again, and suddenly a lot of megaliths appeared in the sky and kept falling to the sky.

Boom boom boom boom! !! !! !! !!

The entire training ground was constantly shaken by boulder falling from the sky. Although Tianluo flew and dodged in the air, it gradually felt a little hard. There were too many boulder to hide.

Oh ...

Another boulder smashed into the sky from the air, but this time the sky was too lazy to hide:


With a leap, Tianluo kicked hundreds of chopping waves at the boulder, and suddenly the boulder in the entire nearby air was chopped into pieces.

Although this [Lanjiao] is not the other [Lanjiao], the power is also very good. [Hermes Boots] Not only can improve the agility and speed of the host, but it can also be used in this attack.


The boulder in the sky disappeared, and then a thunderstorm struck the sky.

Although this level of lightning does not cause much damage to Tianluo, if it is hit, the taste will be equally uncomfortable, so Tianluo quickly launched the [Inherent Enchantment] to block all the lightning strikes.

"Miss Lavinia, you can't hurt me with an attack like this?"

He looked down at Lavinia below, and laughed at the sky falling in the air.

"That's not necessarily true. Look at you below, Chilong Emperor."

A mysterious smile appeared on his face, Lavinia reminded.

Tianluo looked down, but I did not know when a huge whirlwind appeared under his feet, and it became fiercer and fiercer.


His face changed, Tianluo wanted to run away, but it was a little late.

A huge whirlwind rose to the sky and drowned the sky in one fell swoop—

"Ah ah ah ah ah……"

To be continued ...

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