Endless Plunder in High School DxD

Chapter 556: Michael's invitation

Chapter 0556 Michael's invitation

Next, the atmosphere became more harmonious, and Tian Luo also kindly entertained Wisteria Toji.

This is his own husband, and no one can neglect his elderly.

Fortunately, everyone is very familiar, and Wisteria Toji is actually very satisfied with Tianluo. In addition to Irina's relationship, there is no rustiness or embarrassment between each other.

From time to time, Wisteria Toji talked about a few interesting things about Irina, which caused everyone to laugh.

"Miss Griseda, is it important for you to come with Uncle Wisteria?"

Looking at Geli Saida aside, Tianluo asked.

"It's Christmas soon. Actually, we have a plan here, and we intend to take this opportunity to send some gifts to everyone who lives in Komagome Town."

Griseda said with a smile, and Lias added:

"This town is a symbol of the peaceful coexistence of our three demons, angels and fallen angels. It is one of the important strongholds. And more importantly, this is the most valuable home for the residents of the town. We usually use this town. Land, so it ’s even better to bless the residents here at Christmas. "

"It seems very interesting."

"Uh-huh, let's play Santa as well!"

"Anyway, this plan is exactly what I proposed, hahaha ..."

The other daughters also became keenly interested, and Wisteria Toji laughed.

Tianluo also had some small accidents. I didn't expect this was brought up by my father-in-law. What else is there to say, we must have great support!

"Ah, I also think this proposal is good, just take this opportunity to gather all the members of the d × d team and take this Christmas event as our team's first collective action.

With a slight cough, Tianluo said.

"That's a good idea, we can plan it."

"But it can't be too exaggerated. It's probably about the same degree as being regarded as an urban legend."

Li Yasi nodded, and Cangna thought a little and then expressed her opinion.

"Liyas, Canna, Miss Griselda, I'll leave it to you for specific arrangements and plans ..."

This matter is so settled, the three women nodded.

"Actually, one more thing we have here this time is that before Christmas, Lord Michael wanted to invite everyone from the God's Night House to go to Heaven."

Griseda said, and this time the heavens and Li Yasi daughters could not help but be surprised:

"Master Michael invited us to heaven?"

"Yes, on the one hand, it is to confirm the content of this Christmas plan-that is, a gift to everyone in the town, but the more important point is that Lord Michael also wanted to greet everyone and thank you for this. During the year, the members of the Shenye family made many contributions to the peace and friendship of the three major forces. "

According to Geli Saida, Tianluo and the daughters probably understand what is going on. Now I think they really did a lot of things in this year, and they repelled the powerful time and time again. Enemies, and led by the three major forces and then extended to all mythological systems, the pattern of the entire world has also changed dramatically this year.

"We are demons. Does it really matter if we go to Heaven?"

"Hehehe ... Everyone at Shenye's House is special. Of course, there is nothing wrong with your contribution and merit."

"Master Michael has specifically instructed that all of God's night family will be the distinguished guests of the heavens and receive the warmest welcome."

After hearing Griseda's words, the daughters couldn't help but slap their tongues, especially Genovea, Irina, and Aisha. Before they were priests, they had never been to heaven, but they did not expect to be transformed into demons I have a chance later.

"Tianluo, Irina, you are the first group of demons ever invited to heaven, feel honored."

Wisteria Toji also patted Tianluo's shoulder and said.

Glancing at the girls, Tianluo couldn't help laughing, so they seemed to be really honored.

However, both Tianluo and the girls are indeed curious about Heaven.

In the legend, the paradise of angels, whether it is the paradise that the living or the dead aspire to, what kind of landscape has it turned over? !!

They did not refuse, Tianluo and the daughters also agreed, and Geli Saida asked Tianluo to prepare for them to turn over. Two days later, she came to lead everyone to the heavenly realm.

Then there was nothing else, and everyone casually talked about some other topics.

The sky fell to Maliu and Brent to prepare a table of hearty dishes, but Grace Saida and Wisteria Toji did not refuse, and they stayed together with everyone after the meal.

Geli Saida is going back to the church, and Wisteria Toji will also have to deal with some of his own affairs. Although Irina is very reluctant, Wisteria Toji still promises to stay in Komagome when he is free. Will come and visit them.

In the mood of everyone's expectation, the time soon arrived two days later, which was the day when they officially went to heaven.

"Orpheus, you go into the artifact with Dlegg and Albion them."

He stroked Orpheus's head, Tianluo said.

This time everyone is going to visit Tianjie, and it would be pitiful to leave Orpheus and Lufi at home again, so Tianluo thought of this approach.

Since the resurrection of Draeger and Albion, [Red Dragon Emperor's Cage] and [White Dragon Emperor's Lightwing] have not lost their functions as artifacts, but instead of calling them artifacts, they are more like two ends. Mother Tyrannosaurus's residence and palace, let Orpheus temporarily stay in there is no problem at all.

Although you cannot play outside like everyone else, you can still see the outside vision and scenery inside the artifact. This is also the best result that can be achieved now. After all, Orpheus's identity is sensitive, and it really has to cause confusion if she directly appears in the heavens.

"it is good."

There wasn't much to say, Orpheus turned into a light and attached to Tian Luo's body and entered the artifact, and Tian Luo let Dlegg and Albion take care of her.

"As demons, we can go to the legendary paradise. I am so nervous."

"Uh-huh, me too."

"Renalei, Mitilt, Caravana, you, once angels, should be familiar with the realm of heaven?"

"So average, barely passable as a sightseeing place."

"Hehehe, even Reina Lei said so, I'm a little bit cute."

With a word you and me, under the look of everyone's expectation, it's time to reach the appointed time, and Grace Saida also came out of the teleportation array.

"Everyone, are you ready?"

"They are all ready."

"Then let's go now and go to heaven."


To be continued ...

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