Endless Plunder in High School DxD

Chapter 557: Heavenly Seven Heavens

Chapter 0557 Seventh Heaven

"This is the angel halo that has registered your identity information. Please bring it first."

"Heaven is the sacred place where gods and angels live. If any other race breaks into it, it will affect the operation of the [System] and even be attacked by the force of sacredness. This angel aura is to let [System] Everyone is identified as a member of Heaven, so don't lose it. "

Griselda took out a lot of rings, and then sent one to Tianluo and the girls.

Very curious, everyone also put the ring on their heads according to Griseda's instructions, and then the ring emits a light and floats automatically on top of it, looking like a real angel halo.


"Glittering, it feels like a real angel."

The young girls felt novel, and the two naughty little girls, Yi Lu and Yin Lu, even spread their wings and learned the angels to fly around in the air.

It's just that instead of holy angel wings spreading on their backs, they are black demon wings, matched with that sacred angel aura, giving people a weird feeling, making everyone laugh.

After everyone was ready, everyone got up and went to the underground transfer room.

It is different from the teleportation magic circle that used to be listed in the devil text, because to go to the heavens, this time use the magic circle special for the heavens.

Under everyone's attention, Griselda knelt down in the middle of the magic circle with a gesture of prayer, singing a strange mantra in her mouth.

And not long after, the magic circle began to emit a sacred light, and then slowly opened up in the transfer room facing the open door.

It looks like it is carved from chalk rock and is very majestic. The door squeaked and then opened slowly.

"This is a special elevator to heaven, everyone please come in."

Standing up, Griselda laughed.

Tianluo and the girls couldn't help laughing. It turned out that they could go to heaven by taking the elevator. This is really a modern way.

The space inside the elevator is very wide, even if dozens of people went in, they were not crowded.

When everyone came in, the elevator door closed slowly, and the golden micro-patterns bloomed under the sky and the girls' feet. Everyone just felt like they were floating, and then the whole person was forced to fly upward .

"Ahhhhh ..."

The surrounding landscape is constantly changing. When everyone returned to God, they found that they and others had appeared on a cloud!

The celestial realm is located above the human world, but it is exactly a different space above the human realm, just like the nether world is located below the human realm.

The elevator that carried everyone to the heavens disappeared, and what appeared to everyone was a huge stone gate, which was the legendary gate of heaven!

"Yo, Captain, everyone, welcome to Heaven."

Du Liou's voice seemed to have been waiting for everyone, and they also met after seeing the sky fall.

Unlike the dress of the ordinary priest in the human world, at this moment Dulio also appeared an angel halo on his head, and behind it were ten pairs of golden wings.


Tianluo and the girls also greeted Dulio.

"Master Michael is already waiting for you, come with us."

With a bright smile, under the leadership of Dulio and Griseda, everyone went through the gate and entered the realm of heaven.

Almost all the buildings above the heavens are built on the clouds, and they are scattered vertically and horizontally.

And at first glance, it looks very clean. Even the roads on the ground are spotless, as if everything around them is exuding a pure and sacred light, which makes people feel helpless and peaceful.

In addition, there are many angels flying around in the air with wings displayed. They all kindly welcomed them and waved their hands to the sky. It was like a dreamlike scene!

Yilu and Yinlu exclaimed again and again, Li Yasi and Canna's daughters also flashed their eyes, and even Rena Ley, Mittier and Caravana's faces appeared in reminiscence.

Tian Luo could not help but sigh secretly under his heart, this is really a good place, so that he could not help but rise to the urge to occupy the place.

Leading everyone while admiring the scenery everywhere, Dulio and Griseda also introduced some situations about heaven.

"The celestial realm is divided into seven layers. We are now on the first floor, which is the place called the first day."

"From bottom to top, every heavy day requires higher authority to enter, and all the lower angels and priesthood activities are almost on the first day."

"The seventh day at the top is the place where God lives, but since the death of God, there is only the [System] in charge of the miracle of God still running, and the [System] of the artifact is said to be there.

"Master Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, and Uriel lived on the sixth day, as the headquarters of the Celestial Heaven, and this is where we are going now."

Not long after, a group of people came to the elevator leading to the upper floor, and after a close inspection by the angel guards, everyone took the elevator that they had experienced before and broke through countless clouds to continue upward.

Neither of the two days and the three days of the day went on the tour. After arriving, they directly transferred to the elevator and continued to go up. It was a little regrettable, but Geli Saida also explained it to everyone-

"The paradise that people generally recognize is the third day. Good and pure souls will enter there after death, and it is also the most spacious layer in the Heavenly Seventh Heaven. Because it is too broad, it is impossible to detect the end. . "

"If you let everyone who is a demon go there, it is likely to cause a commotion in the soul of the believer, so this time I will not take everyone to visit."

Although there are some minor regrets, everyone also understands.

Moving on, everyone soon reached the fourth day.

"The fourth day is also known as the Garden of Eden, and everyone should have heard of it. Legend has it that Adam and Eve's story happened here."

Gree Saida smiled, and Tianluo and the girls couldn't help but look out.

I saw on the fourth day that there were all kinds of towering ancient trees, exotic flowers, flying birds and beasts. There were running Cyclops, lions with three heads dozing and sleeping, and elves flying around singing ... All kinds of magical creatures live in it peacefully and leisurely.

Because I still have to see them, everyone has n’t stayed in this magical world for a long time, and I ca n’t help but regret it, but Gercelida still smiles and tells everyone that after seeing Lord Michael they can take everyone again Come and visit.

Take the elevator and keep going up. Soon everyone enters the fifth day ...

To be continued ...

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