Endless Plunder in High School DxD

Chapter 563: Give me a break


Boom! !! Boom boom! !! !!

In the sky, the daughters of Uberuna and Griseda have joined the battle group, fighting with the enemy fiercely with the cooperation of angel guards.

Just as Tianluo and Lavinia's daughters were preparing to take action, suddenly a man in a coat appeared, blocking their way--

"Chilong Emperor, long time no see."

"Clone Kuwah!"

Lavinia's girls were shocked, and the sky fell also revealed a hint of solemnity.

As one of the legendary evil dragons, Clone Kuwah was tied with Dlegg when he was in the vampire realm. According to Dlegg, he has completely stepped into the Denon-class house and is very strong The enemy-!

"To be honest, I have no interest in those angels at all, I just want to fight the real strong."

"Chi Longdi, fight with me!"

His eyes were tightly locked on Tianluo's body, and a strong warfare erupted in Clone Kuwah's body.

Although it seemed good to fight this guy, Tianluo shook his head—

"I still have to deal with Lezevim, let Dlegg entertain you."


"Leave it to me, partner!"

With a flash of light, Dlegg flew out of the falling body.

Long hair fluttering, and a red and gorgeous armor, feeling Drake's body has a different atmosphere than before, Clone Kuwah showed surprise:

"Drager, are you resurrected ?!"

"Ah, Albion and I have been resurrected with the help of my partner."

Draeger replied, because his chest was unconsciously stiffened, and the whole chest trembled fiercely, so that the corner of the opposite clone Kuwah could not help jumping.

"Hey, cromcruach, where are you looking ?!"

Noticing the look of Clone Kuwah, Dreague quickly hugged the embarrassment on his chest.

At first Draeger didn't care about these things, but every time when she came out at home, everyone would say her **** and chests, and as a result, Draeger was now very sensitive to her chest.

"Sorry, it's the first time I've seen you look like a human, and you're a little bit dazzling there, so ..."

Looking away, Clone Kuwah said a little awkwardly.

"Prick, pierce ?!"

With a stiff expression, Draeger suddenly burst into a monstrous flame, turning it into a red streamer and hitting Cron Kuwah, and then in a blink of an eye, the two disappeared in front of everyone.

"Hoohoo !!!!"

Boom boom! !! !!

Several huge dragon groans and explosions came from afar. It is not necessary to know that Dlegg and Clone Kuwah have already started.

Clone Kuwah is very strong, even if Tianluo is a little jealous of him, but this guy has provoked a female Tyrannosaurus this time, it is estimated that it will be unlucky.

He was very assured of Dlegg's strength. Tianluo did not pay any attention to Clone Kuwah, but instead looked at the next few Lavinia girls:

"Lavinia, Renare, Mitilt, Caravana, you guys can help too."

"Yes, Lord."

"it is good."

Reina Lei condensed Frydo's armor, burning black flames all over her body, and sneered bloodily into the battlefield. Mitilt and Caravana flew high into the air and threw a light gun at the enemy. Lavinia also showed the Princess Bingji, cooperated with each other to freeze a nearby evil dragon into an ice sculpture, and then blasted it into pieces.

Rotating his lovely Gothic parasol, Huaboga was standing beside Tianluo with a humorous ballad, and in front of the two, a huge empty island had flown to them.

"Hmm ..."

"Destroy! Destroy! Destroy everything here!"

Pulling his cape, Lezevim standing on the empty island laughed loudly like a big evil devil.

Well, this guy was originally a demon.

"Oh, isn't this Chilong Emperor sauce? Let's make it, let's make it. Uncle, I'm going to attack the heaven's headquarters."

Like seeing an old friend, Rezevim beckoned to Tianluo and shouted that Tianluo gave way.

This guy was as crazy as ever, and twitched at the corner of his mouth, then he waved and gave him a powerful energy bomb.

Bang! !! !!

The ammunition bomb exploded in front of Lebovim, but it was under his magical barrier.

The huge empty island stagnates in the air, and the unscathed Lezevim is again visible.

"I really don't care for the elderly at all. Chilongdi sauce is still so cruel."

"Well, Hua Boga is here too, come back soon, let me uncle protect you."

Grinning twice in his mouth, but after seeing Huaboga next to the sky, Lezevim quickly waved again.


With a bright and sweet smile, Huaboga stepped on the magical array and ran towards Lezevim, but when he was only two or three meters away from Lezevim, Huapoga was a smile. Han, a dozen fire crosses condensed and shot at Rezevim.

Boom boom boom boom! !! !! !! !!

The waves of fire burst into the sky, and for a while, Huaboga jumped up and down and fell back beside Tianluo, while Lezevim yelled in the flames.

"Huaboga, why are you attacking me?"

After blowing the flames, Rezevim stared at Huaboga angrily.

Rezevim had the ability to invalidate the artifact, and the fire released by Hua Boga did not really hurt him, but he still burned a lot of his robes and beards, and made Rezevim angry. Not too light.

"We are enemies. Who do I attack?"

"What enemy, I'm your boss!"

"That was hundreds of years ago. I now have a new owner, so I don't want bosses like you."

"Okay, you traitor!"

"What, obviously you abandoned me and saw me caught and didn't come to save me, which caused me to be brainwashed and tuned by my master. Now I can only use this badass master's tool."

"Do n’t you know that you're running away after being caught? You have been brainwashed and trained, you are a weak-willed useless woman!"

"How dare you say, you cold-blooded and unforgiving uncle!"

"Ahhh ... how dare you call me a strange uncle ?!"

"Uncle Baba! Uncle Baba!"

"Hmm! Hmm !!!"

You said me, looking at Lezevim and Huaboga, who even scolded the street, Tianluo's entire face was a little dark--

"Stop it for me!"

To be continued ...

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