Endless Plunder in High School DxD

Chapter 564: Chilong Emperor Dog

Chapter 0564 Emperor Chilong's dog

After being screamed by Tian Luo, Hua Bo Jia immediately calmed down, but Rezevim was a little unwilling. He was just quarreling with energy just now--

"Chi Longdi sauce, why did you stop us? Do you know that it is impolite to interrupt someone's quarrel ?!"

With a beard and staring, Rezevim expressed his discomfort.

Tian Luo could not help but a black line, this guy scolded the street like a vixen and was addicted, right?

Too lazy to talk nonsense with this guy, Tianluo directly launched the forbidden hand [Infinite Sword System], hundreds of gold and gray swirls twisted out in the air, and then numerous holy swords and magic swords flew out, banging Hong bombed the empty island where Lezevim stood.

A mass-produced evil dragon was strangled through the hole, and then crashed to the ground with a howl, but the holy sword and demons that attacked Rezevim were dissipated by his ability and did not hurt him in the slightest.

"Hmm ..."

"The Chilong Emperor sauce is still so violent. Since that is the case, I will call some helpers out again."

After a while of ridiculous laughter, Rezevim started a huge magic array, and then saw the three humanoid dragons teleport from the magic array and smashed to the ground.

Tianluo and Huaboga could not help but be shocked, because it turned out to be three-headed Glendale!

"Well !!!!!!"

"You're scared? You're scared?"

"This is a three-volume production-type Glendale pro. Although it is slightly worse than the original one, it is far from being comparable to those of ordinary production-type evil dragons."

"Three Glendales, kill them!"

Laughing triumphantly, Lezhevim ordered to the three-headed Glendale.

"Hoohoo !!!!"

Growling and roaring, the bloodthirsty and violent breath emanated from each one, and the three heads Glendale violently broke into a tall building and killed Tianluo and Huaboga.

"court death!"

A flash of coldness in the beautiful eyes, Hua Bogara immediately launched his own artifact [Zi Yan of the Lord of the Flame Flames], whistling three huge pillars of fire soared into the sky, just hitting the three heads that wanted to be rushed over Rendell.

The flame released by Hua Boga is very powerful. If it is an ordinary evil dragon, it has long been burned to ashes. Although the mass production of Glendale is also burned, the scale armor is red and miserable, but it is hard. Carry it down and rush towards Tianluo and Huaboga again.

There are also some small accidents in Tianluo. It seems that these three guys are indeed not comparable to ordinary mass production evil dragons.


"Eight shots!"

A huge quaint mirror flashed out of front of Tianluo and Huaboga, and the mass-produced Glendale slammed into the mirror crashed into the mirror, but it flew upside down, and then again He fell heavily on the ground hundreds of meters away.

"A little bit interesting."

The corner of his mouth slightly lifted, and the sky disappeared, and at the same time an idea was raised under his heart.

Even the guy Lezviem put three heads of Glendale, so he put one head of Glendale too!

When you think about it, Tianluo launches the Extreme Dragon, and the seal of Glendale's treasure is immediately released from Tianluo's body.

"Hoohoo !!!!"

There was a huge roar and roar, Guanghua dazzled, and then Glendale's huge body was revealed, and a bang fell on the ground below.

"Hahaha ..."

"Come out, Uncle Ben is finally out!"

It sounded like thunder, and Glendale's loud voice—laughing loudly when he appeared, struck his ear with the eardrum hurting--

"Be quiet, work for me immediately!"

"Damn Red Dragon Emperor, you have sealed Uncle Ben, and dare to punch Uncle Ben's head. Why is Uncle Ben going to work for you? I want to eat you!"

But the sky was full of hatred, where Glendale would obediently, opened his **** mouth and wanted to swallow it.

In the end, there is no need to ask, Glendale can't succeed, Huaboga waved a huge cross of flames, and banged on his big face.

"Ahhhhh ..."

"Huaboga, what are you doing ?!"

Screaming in pain, Grundell shouted, clutching his **** charcoal face.

"Stop, you silly dragon!"

"You are nothing but a dog for the owner now, to bite someone honestly!"

Shouting and swearing, Huaboga kicked Grengel's head.

"Damn woman, Uncle Ben is a great evil dragon. You are the dog, the **** tamed by Chilong Emperor!"

He waved his big paw and wanted to grab Huaboga, while Glental yelled.

"Hehehe ..."

"I'm the owner's dog, and I'm happy to want you stupid dragon tube!"

Evading Glendale's big paw, Huaboga laughed a few times, then looked disdainful.

With a stiff movement, Glendale was speechless for a moment.

Even so happy to admit that she is Chilongdi's dog, this woman is so shameless, even her own skin is not as thick as her!

Tianluo on the side is also a little speechless, but now it is not when it is who cares who is who the dog, he says—

"Glendale, are you sure you want to disobey my orders?"

"You are just one of my artifacts now, as long as I am willing to seal you back at any time ..."

"Follow my order honestly, and let you out when you need to fight later. If you dare to disobey, you will be sealed in the artifact forever and ever!"

With a cold face, Tianluo was not joking with this big tyrannosaurus.

He doesn't need to know only the dog who disturbs and obeys his orders. In the end, he will no longer use this artifact [Balong]. Even if Glendale is sealed in the artifact, he can use his power forcefully!

"Hehehe ..."

"Glendell, weren't you arrogant just now, and continue to disobey the command of the master to try it out."

With laughter and laughter, Hua Boga had a look of good drama, but she hoped that this stupid dragon would continue to commit confusion, and then be sealed in the artifact forever and ever by her badass master.

"Forget it, Uncle Ben listens to you."

"If you don't let Uncle Ben fight, Uncle Ben will be mad as if he were dead."

Scratching his head, Glendale said.

Hua Bojia snorted. The stupid dragon became smarter at this time, and Tianluo was not surprised by Glendale's choice.

Although this guy is full of muscles in his head and only knows about fighting and fighting all day, he is not really stupid. He naturally knows how to choose to benefit himself.

"As long as you obey my order, I will let you out if needed later."

"Now, get rid of those three fakes!"

Watching the three-headed mass-produced Glendale, which has been washed away again, Tianluo ordered.

"Yes, boss!"

"Hahaha ... fighting, Uncle Ben will fight!"

The simple-headed Glendale quickly entered the role, and laughed a few times before rushing up to his own counterfeit goods ...

To be continued ...

PS: The previous chapter was even banned, and the application review failed.

Well, how do you say, Fei Lu's era of text prison seems to have arrived, and I finally realized it afterwards.

Now Feilu is undergoing major reforms and sublimation. I do n’t know how other authors are, anyway, I do n’t think I ’m used to it anymore. Maybe I should think about leaving this place after the book is finished ...

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