Endless Plunder in High School DxD

Chapter 565: The game is over


"Hoohoo !!!!"

Growling and roaring, Glendale has ripped off with three copies of himself.

Rampage, you grabbed me and bite, for a time the four humanoid tyrannosaurus didn't know how many high-rise buildings in the city below crashed.

"Hmm ..."

"Chi Longdi sauce, if I read it correctly, Glendale is now an artifact, have you changed him to what he is now?"

Marveled, Lezhevim asked.

"What is it?"

Nor did he deny that Tian Luo sneered.

"It seems that not only Glendale, but Ladong is already the same end."

"You can make the soul of the evil dragon into an artifact, Chilong Emperor Sauce, you have been able to do what God can do, it is really amazing time and time again."

Rezevim wasn't a compliment this time, but he was somewhat surprised.

With a slight hum, Tianluo didn't think he was any great.

Isn't it just to do what the Bible God can do, one day he will surpass him!

"There are so many things that surprise you."

"Lezevim, let's start!"

An ordinary iron sword condensed in his hand, and Tianluo waved it at once, and then suddenly a horrifying sword slashed towards Lezevim.

Quickly urged the enchantment above the empty island to block the huge sword power, and then Lezhevim flew into the air—

"Hmm ..."

"Since Chilongdi sauce has interest, let's have a try too!"

However, after a while--

"Sword burst!"

The sky falling proudly in the air was cut off with a sword, and suddenly a huge ball of sword energy shot at Lezhevim.

Although the defense has been exerted desperately to resist, the magic array launched by Rezevim was torn and shattered in the blink of an eye, and he himself was chopped by countless sword gases--

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!!!"

Blood sprayed, and Rezevim hissed miserably.

"Hehehe, I will come too!"

Seizing the opportunity, Hua Boga also released a few magics, and a burst of arrow rain and magic bombs also bombarded Lezevim.

Suffering heavy blows, the embarrassing Lezhevim slammed heavily on the ground below--

"Ahhhhh ..."

"We said it was just for fun, you guys are too good, too good!"

Lying on the ground, he didn't want to move any more, Lezhevim angrily accused the two dog men and women who did not know how to care for the elderly.

"Who's playing with you, die!"

The black line on one end was cut off by another sword, and Lezhevim screamed and hurried to the side.

Although it is also a transcendence, the vast spiritual power of Tianluo today is almost several times that of Lezevim. Even if he does not use the ability of the artifact, he can easily abuse him into a dog by swordsmanship alone.

Huaboga on the side was also assisting. Although she didn't need her help at all, she followed her own badass owner to abuse the previous boss, so that this cute-looking but cold-blooded witch also felt refreshed.

On several occasions, Tianluo wanted to kill the killer and kill Lezevim directly, but every time there was an invisible oppression that locked Tianluo so that he couldn't continue. Tianluo knew that it must be Lilith who had stopped him in secret. Dead Lezhevim.

Tian Luo couldn't help but sigh, it seems that it is impossible to kill Lezvim without solving Lilith's affairs. Although Tianluo didn't think about letting Orpheus go out to contain Lilith, but if Orpheus and Lilith were fighting here, it would really be a mess.

It is not possible to kill Lezhevivim for the time being, but even if he cannot be killed, it is still possible to severely abuse it. As long as it is not the killer Tianluo who hurt Lezevim, she will not feel the invisible oppression, which means that Lilith only guarantees that Lezevim will not die, and other women do not care.

It was a tumultuous turn again, and one arm of Rezevim was removed, and his whole body was tattered and looked miserable.

However, at this time, a dazzling flash of light flashed in the air, and then the four seraphs of Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, and Uriel appeared.

"Master Michael, Lord Gabriel."

Tianluo greeted several Seraphs, and Griseda and Ubeluna, who had almost cleared up other mass-production evil dragons, also came back.

"Sorry, we are late."

"The enemies imposed by the enemies everywhere have finally been lifted, and we have set up a strong guardian enchantment on the seventh day. Now even if we are dead, the enemies of the [Tree of Evil] cannot attack. . "

Miguel said, then his eyes fell to Lezevim--

"It's been a long time since I saw you, Lezvim. I saw you in the war last time."

"Now that you have stepped into this sacred realm rudely, then please be aware of it ... That being said, you seem to have been beaten awfully."


"Destroyed our holy place and home, we will not spare you!"

The last sentence came from Gabriel's mouth, and that beautiful and holy face was now filled with anger.

At the same time, the four Seraphs raised their hands into the sky. Numerous exaggerated giant light guns emerged in the air. As the four men waved their hands relentlessly, all the light guns Shot at Rezevim.

boom! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!

Guanghua's eyes were dazzling, and the power of horror broke out in an instant. Tianluo quickly opened up an enchantment to protect himself and the girls, and at the same time, he couldn't help but secretly shocked.

It is worthy of being the four great angels of the heavens, and they felt a great threat even when the sky fell by virtue of their joint attack by Michael.

After a long time, the violent air gradually subsided, the heavens dissipated the enchantment, and everyone could finally see the outside scene again.

The city or the evil dragon has disappeared, and even Glendale's thick and fleshy mass is lying on the ground and humming. Tianluo raised his hand and turned Glendale into an artifact and recovered it.

A dark-like object floated in the air not far from the crowd, and as the twelve huge demon wings unfolded, Rezevim's figure was revealed again.

His face was pale and he kept breathing, and it was clear that Lezhevim's attack had not been harmed!

"Well, what should I say, ah, it should be--"

"It's my fault. I used to look down on you too much. I came out again after a long absence, and I seem to be a bit over-excited."

Scratching his own head, Lezevim sighed, and then looked at Tian Luo and Michael's eyes as cold as ever--

"But the game is over."

"I, the son of Lucifer, Lezhevim Levien Lucifer, will list you all as my old enemy that hinders my dream!"

To be continued ...

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