
In this era, survival is always the number one theme — — Find food, avoid Zombie, avoid those with malicious intents, find a refuge, survive before the next sunrise, survive before the next second! In the future? No future! Plan? No plan!

Just as San Mao said, we don't have much choice in regards to Mayor Chen's suggestion! Although everyone knows that this crisis is very heavy, I also showed everyone the note the yellow-faced man had given me, the one with the words "Be careful of deceit", but everyone still agreed to participate in this operation to clean up the food factory. Because I would have to wait for death if I did not participate, I had a slim chance of survival if I joined!

Even the Uncle Feng came because the Mayor Chen said that the spoils of war would be distributed according to the number of people. This morning on the road, Uncle Feng has repeatedly warned us all, and even made us swear that if he doesn't come back, we will leave a large half of his shares to Aunt Chen and a small half to Casey. We can't swallow the other half, especially Little Casey's portion, otherwise, even if he becomes a ghost, he will not let us off! When we parted in the morning, Aunt Chen's heart-wrenching cries still echoed in my ears.

When we arrived at the rendezvous point, we realized that everyone had come that day with quite a number of comrades. Everyone was standing in a pile with their own teams as the center. I counted and found that there were no less than 50 people present.

That day, Ren who had risen up at the meeting also brought about ten or so people to our side. I gave them a few glances and realised that a few of them looked very similar to each other. Under the current circumstances, our family's most stable team composition is very strong. If someone is trapped in this situation, the rest of them will try their best to save them, fighting to the death without retreating. Furthermore, there will also be a leader in the family who can stand in front of the crowd, so he won't be like us, having his own thoughts and plans scattered around the place. However, this type of team had their own drawbacks. On one hand, they would often bring their own family along with them. Some were small, while others were small.

The Ren seemed to have sensed that I was observing him, he turned around and looked at me, and also quickly glanced at Lv and the others beside me. I slightly raised my chin towards him, and he also nodded at me, his eyes filled with caution and precaution.

I looked at the other groups. There was nothing special about it, just like us, dirty, thin, and despondent, like a herd of wild beasts driven out of their herds, about to die. Unlike the other countrymen, no one shouted loudly, everyone was silent, even when they spoke, they spoke softly, and a sinister atmosphere hung over us like a dark cloud.

"Is everyone here?" A voice that was out of place, followed by a high and mighty shout, we turned around in unison and saw Liu Guojun with his hands behind his back, together with two other people in police uniform, walking towards us with his head held high and his chest held high, with a belly that did not exist.

That day, when they returned from the materials market, Liu Guojun angrily asked Dr Lee to follow him to the Ghost Market. Initially, Dr Lee didn't want to do so, but Liu Guojun had kind words to ask for it, and almost kneeled down to demand it. Dr Lee was unable to endure her husband's coaxing, so he could only agree, and on the second day, Liu Guojun brought Dr Lee to the Ghost Market.

"What do they look like?" Liu Guojun walked in front of us and found a stone block to stand on. He still had a domineering look on his face, with one hand behind his back and one finger pointing at us as he shouted, "All of you do not stand, you are just a mob!"

Liu Guojun's gaze swept across all of them. When he glanced at us, the corners of his mouth curled up as if he was looking down on all of us.

"Pui!" "A lowly person gets what he deserves!" San Mao spat next to my ear fiercely. His voice was loud enough for everyone to hear, but Liu Guojun did not react at all.

"Everyone, line up, line up!" Liu Guojun waved his hands and the two policemen came down to help. After a while, we lined up in two different lines. As they were all dressed in rags, they were as thin as skeletons, and each of them held a messy weapon of varying lengths. They did not look like soldiers who were going to fight, but more like a group of refugees.

We turned around the corner a moment later and saw a group of black special police officers in black uniforms, each of them wearing a black vest and mask helmet, holding a transparent riot shield in one hand and a foot long bayonet in the other.

"Triple-edged Weapon!" San Mao muttered in my ear.

I looked closely and found that the bayonets in their hands weren't flat like normal daggers, but instead were shaped like a prism. There was a deep bloody groove on each side of the bayonet, and the tip was extremely sharp, causing people to shiver, but when they looked closely, the bayonets were roughly crafted, as if they had been hastily drawn with a steel wheel.

"Is this the legendary world's most poisonous bayonet?" I whispered to San Mao.

"Un, piercing a few centimeters into the ground will cause a person to die. There is no way to sew it up, and those three slots can be channeled into the air, so you don't need to be careful or else the blade won't be pulled out. It's just right for us to deal with the Zombie!" San Mao continued to mutter, his eyes staring straight at the soldiers, almost drooling from his mouth.

The special forces lined up in two rows, led by the Sergeant Major they had seen that day, and walked towards us at a steady pace. When they were close to us, the leader turned a corner, and the two rows of special forces immediately formed two horizontal lines. Sergeant Major made a gesture, and the members of the special forces all stopped in their tracks in unison.

Although there were only 20 or so people here, their auras had already far surpassed the crowd of 50 or so people. I even heard some people behind me cry out in happiness, which gave me the illusion that there was nothing to fear in this world with the presence of these people.

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