"Tsk tsk!" Captain Zhang was really leading the team! Powerful, with such a Hundred Battle Lion, who would be afraid of those small Zombie! " Liu Guojun jumped down from the stone block and bent down as he ran to Sergeant Major's side. The flattering words that came out of his mouth were like electric sparks, causing people to gasp in admiration, but Sergeant Major only pursed his lips, revealing a pleased smile or a sarcastic sneer.

Liu Guojun asked for a loss of interest, but he was not embarrassed either. He laughed slyly, and turned around to face us, his expression immediately changed to one of a play's, his chest also straightening up, his hands at his waist, his eyes shining, his eyebrows knitted together, as if he was sitting on the stage with a big person, or as if he had been constipated for eight whole days without pooping.

"The main reason we have this opportunity today is to thank Mayor Chen! She was the only one who could keep this place safe! With his presence, she was able to create a prosperous Ghost Market from nothing! Only with him here could they have this pure land under the Zombie's encirclement! If there were no Mayor Chen s, then there would be no Ghost Market! There was no possibility of exchanging resources! "Furthermore, we won't have the chance to enter the food factory this time around, allowing us to survive the winter without any problems …" Liu Guojun's hands danced chaotically as she shouted hoarsely, until Sergeant Major, who was behind him, could not help but let out a cough.

"Ugh …" Liu Guojun's expression immediately changed, and he changed his tone and continued, "This time, the special forces led by Captain Zhang will be the main force, you guys —" He pointed a finger at us frivolously, "You guys have gotten a big advantage!" As long as they are in charge of security, cleaning and taking over when the SWAT team needs to rest, they only need to do this! "

"But!" Liu Guojun's expression congealed, and used a threatening tone to speak again: "I'll say this first, when the time comes, if anyone escapes, Mayor Chen has said that they will be killed on the spot!" You all should know that bullets might not be too useful to Zombie … " Liu Guojun turned around and patted the 95 assault rifle on the back of the police officer beside him, "This is more than enough to deal with you guys!"

"Furthermore, the Mayor Chen has prepared a weapon for all of you …" When Liu Guojun said the three words Mayor Chen, he was full of flattery, she almost cupped her hands towards the north and greeted the old Buddha, who was lucky. She then made a gesture towards the end of the special forces squad, only then did I notice that there were four special forces at the end of the troop carrying two big bags. Following Liu Guojun's instructions, they walked out of the line with their bags in hand, and walked towards us in large strides.

The bag was clearly very heavy. When it was placed on the ground, it made a loud clanging sound, causing a cloud of dust to rise up. Following the opening of the cloth bag, I saw that there were actually two big bundles of Corpse Pushing Rod inside. It seems that Mayor Chen who were looking at us over and over again that day was preparing to go to the mountain stronghold, but it seems that there won't be any patent fees.

"Come here everyone, everyone come up here, lead the way!" The Sergeant Major called out to us, and the group immediately became restless. In a few groups, they surrounded the two of them and started fighting with each other.

"Hey, without them, don't let him take it!" Liu Guojun pointed at San Mao, who also wanted to mix in the two Corpse Pushing Rod, and shouted at the special forces who were distributing the Corpse Pushing Rod.

"You are f * * king courting death!" San Mao was furious, he charged towards Liu Guojun with eyes wide open. Seeing that the situation was not good, Liu Guojun immediately rushed to the back of Sergeant Major to hide, while San Mao was also grabbed by Lv.

"San Mao! What do you want? This is what the Mayor Chen said, it's not your place! " Liu Guojun stuck his head out from behind Sergeant Major and roared.

"That's because I have something better to give you!" Sergeant Major waved his hand and smiled at us, then waved his hand behind him. A special guard came up from behind and handed over a backpack.

"Your Corpse Pushing Rod are excellent. This was specially made by the Mayor Chen to thank you all …" Sergeant Major passed the backpack to San Mao who was still struggling in Lv's embrace.

"What is this?" San Mao suspiciously accepted the backpack, Sergeant Major smiled and raised his chin, indicating that he should open it for him.

San Mao put his backpack on the ground, then unzipped the zipper and revealed a few bamboo tubes.

"It's a military stab!" San Mao lost control and shouted. He took out a bamboo tube from his backpack, which was wrapped in a cloth and held onto a handle. San Mao pulled on the handle hard, revealing a shining trident.

"Hahahaha …" Good! "Great!" San Mao waved the military thorn in his hand in ecstasy as he spoke incoherently.

A total of four military assassins, San Mao,, I, and Energetic Four each took one, while the Uncle Feng did not. Yang Yufan and Lin Hao who were at the side scratched their ears and cheeks enviously, but in the end, they did not dare to say that they had another.

"Done …" The Sergeant Major waved his hands towards us, telling us to return back to the group. Then, he faced the group and said loudly: "The Corpse Pushing Rod that was just distributed to you all is the invention of these few brothers …" The Sergeant Major pointed at us, and the people beside us all leaned over to see us, making me feel embarrassed.

"Specific usage …" The Sergeant Major took a bunch of Corpse Pushing Rod and gestured: "It's right, use this end to catch the Zombie! Right, let's have the inventor demonstrate it to us. "

San Mao and the others looked at each other, thinking that it wasn't the time to be hiding anything, so we nodded to them and walked out together.

Yang Yufan, Lin Hao and the Uncle Feng each placed down the Corpse Pushing Rod in their hands, while the four of us took out the trident as we stood diagonally behind them, forming our usual defensive formations.

"You guys …" Sergeant Major pointed at the special forces behind them and said, "Go and play the zombie!"

Behind him, three special police officers immediately responded. The three of them put down the equipment in their hands and extended their hands forward. Their heads tilted as they imitated the Zombie's limping footsteps as they walked towards us. They even learnt the Zombie's howling vividly from their throats, causing many of the people in the group to laugh.

"Get ready!" San Mao growled, the three corpse hands at the front pressed down on him, the Corpse Pushing Rod was raised horizontally, and they were ready to fight against the enemy.

"Wait!" San Mao continued to growl, but we didn't move an inch.

The three Zombie staggered closer, three meters, two meters, one meter …

"Push!" San Mao shouted as the three people in front stood up. The three Corpse Pushing Rod s pushed forward and stuck themselves into the "Zombie's" chest. Two curved poles accurately inserted into the "Zombie's" armpits.

"Attack!" San Mao continued to shout, the four of us walked through the gap between the corpse hands and up along the Corpse Pushing Rod's body, using our three rounds of military thorns to point at the head of the "Zombie", the three special forces immediately fell down, the entire group burst into applause.

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