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After listening to Hai Lao’s words, Chu Yan brows slightly wrinkle, Divine Consciousness instantly restrained, condensed into a line, azure Yulian in moved towards Sea of ​​Consciousness prowled.


However, before waiting for Chu Yan’s Divine Consciousness to come into contact with azure jade lotus, an extremely powerful force on its lotus body suddenly rushed out, knocking Chu Yan’s Divine Consciousness away!

“En !?”

Chu Yan complexion sank suddenly turned black.

What is this broken lotus, staying in your Sea of ​​Consciousness, and dare to resist yourself, courting death! ?

Roar! roar! roar!

It seems that I felt Chu Yan’s anger. The 5 Divine Beast Martial Souls that had calmed down at the same time roared and looked at azure Yulian together. The roar was obviously a threat!


Azure jade lotus lightly trembled, just rushed out of the lotus body, resisting the power of Chu Yan Divine Consciousness, like the ebb tide, all return to the lotus body, no longer openly against Chu Yan’s Divine Consciousness.

The next moment, Chu Yan Divine Consciousness invaded again and rolled towards the azure jade lotus, but although the jade lotus no longer resisted, Chu Yan ’s Divine Consciousness could n’t penetrate into it at all, as if this jade lotus was like an iron bucket, without a trace Gap!

“what’s the situation!?”

Chu Yan is speechless, didn’t expect, this azure jade lotus oil and salt can not enter, there is no way to contact, and, it seems that he does not want to contact Chu Yan!


Chu Yan snorted, and his heart was very depressed, so he couldn’t get angry.

What dog, fart Yulian, dare to be so arrogant!

After taking a few deep breaths, Chu Yan suppressed his anger and decided to no longer paid attention to this broken jade lotus. Anyway, now he can’t take it himself.

“Can you go now?”

Chu Yan looked at Hai Lao and asked directly.

“Uh … Of course, this is for you!”

Hai Lao’s complexion started, and immediately took out a piece of Jade Talisman and threw it at Chu Yan.

“This is recorded in the Azure Lotus Pavilion, and all historical records are here!”

Chu Yan took over Jade Talisman, Divine Consciousness probed it, and found a lot of information in it, nodded with satisfaction, said

“You teleported me to a place where no one was! I don’t want people to see me get out of Azure Lotus Secret Realm!”

Chu Yan said.

“OK, no problem!”

Hearing Chu Yan’s departure, Hailao’s long relaxed, his face full of tension, suddenly relaxed.


With a wave of his hand, a force instantly rolled to Chu Yan …

“Old fogey, hope that in other Secret Realm in the future, don’t meet you again …”

Before Chu Yan’s words were finished, the majestic power wrapped Chu Yan into a streamer and flew towards the sky.

“Hehe … kid, want to avoid me! Impossible!”

Looking up at the disappearing streamer on the sky, the old seaman smiled lightly.

next moment, when Chu Yan’s silhouette completely disappears, after leaving Azure Lotus Secret Realm, Hai Lao’s face instantly restores solemn grave expression, sweeping his eyes, looking at Azure Lotus Secret Realm all around …


A big hand wave, endless majestic power, swept the entire Azure Lotus Secret Realm like a flood …

Where the power swept through, Azure Lotus Secret Realm World, as if the ice and snow melted, began to dissipate quickly!

In less than 3 breaths, Azure Lotus Secret Realm, one of the Continent Peak Secret Realm, disappeared and will be lost forever!

“This kid is really a monster. First he was the spirit sea blood, now it is Azure Lotus Secret Realm, and Secret Realm World can’t keep him from meeting him! Hmph! Next time, it’s not so easy to let him go …”

While speaking, Hai Lao was all smiles, in a pair of cloudy eyes, different colors flashing, full of starlight …


The scenery in front of me is constantly changing, Chu Yan only feels like a meteor, constantly shuttle in the sky …

After a sufficient amount of breath breaths, it finally fell to the ground.

At the moment of landing, Chu Yan suddenly looked up at all around, and at the same time Divine Consciousness swept to all directions in 4 directions, fully alert.

However, only momentarily, Chu Yan relaxed.

This old man did not transfer himself to the entrance to the front of Azure Lotus. At that location, there must be a large number of people now waiting for Heaven’s Chosen in Azure Lotus Secret Realm to come out.

“Hehe, let them wait! Situ Yang and Shen Shengjie have returned to Sect! Let him wait!”

Chu Yan sneered, Heaven’s Chosen who originally entered Azure Lotus Secret Realm, except for Situ Yang, the rest of the people have been killed by themselves. Even if those people have waited for 3 years, they can also get people.

“Yi!? Black Blood Temple !?”

Just as Chu Yan chuckled, Divine Consciousness, which he exuded, even found a building complex hidden in a valley. In this valley, a large number of Blood Fiendish Qi surged out, dispersing the sky, these Aura, Chu Yan could not be more familiar, it is the Black Blood Temple!

Chu Yan didn’t expect, this sea old man, even sent himself here!

Although this valley is not the main hall of the Black Blood Temple, it is a branch hall similar to the “Soul Evocation Valley”, but since Chu Yan was encountered, how could he let go …


Without any hesitation, Chu Yan’s mouth flicked, his figure flickered, and moved towards the valley.

This valley covers an area of ​​10000 acres and is very large. However, Chu Yan was surprised that the defensive spirit array of this valley is extremely weak, and it is the same as the last time I encountered the “Soul Evocation Valley”.

“Aren’t they all here?”

Chu Yan brows slightly wrinkle, but the mind is not relaxed, moved towards the valley, and quickly approached!

During the flight, Chu Yan urged Divine Consciousness to cover the whole valley and explored it carefully.

What made Chu Yan didn’t expect was that the valley had not even set up the spiritual formation that isolated Divine Consciousness aura, and Chu Yan’s Divine Consciousness, without a trace of obstruction, directly poured into the valley.

Divine Consciousness explored the valley, sweeping around in a circle, Chu Yan not at all the trail of powerhouse.

However, when Chu Yan’s Divine Consciousness dived into the ground, his face suddenly turned black.

Because, the valley of the Black Blood Temple, the real core, is built under the valley. The buildings above the ground and Martial Artist are nothing more than furnishings.

However, the scene of the underground core is unbearable to look at!

Many powerful black Blood Temple Martial Artists, in Cave Mansion everywhere in the underground, Ling, humiliate the woman, and then directly kill the bloodthirsty!

Every cave is full of corpse blood, a lot of women ’s screams, and the Black Blood Temple Martial Artist, crazy and excited laughter, echoing the entire underground World!

It turned out that this is actually a place set up by the Black Blood Temple, a place for Martial Artists to enjoy in the temple!

You should know that the higher the Martial Artist of the Martial Dao of cultivation, the higher the cultivation base, the lower the ordinary desire of human beings. Generally, the Martial Artist has reached the Heavenspan Realm cultivation base.

However, the Martial Artists of the Black Blood Temple are different. These Martial Artists who gave up their Martial Soul and cultivated the bloodthirsty secret method, most of their desires and desires swell, far exceeding the ordinary person category, and the pleasure that blood brings to them incomparable!

Therefore, the Black Blood Temple will set up such a rotten place for the powerhouses in the temple to enjoy bloodthirsty ***!

“Everyone in Black Blood Temple, damn it!”

Chu Yan slightly narrows the eyes, pupil light cold as a knife, a big hand wave, Clear Sky Sword in hand, the speed erupted, exploded a burst of gas explosion, moved towards the valley, stormed into the valley!

“Hey Blood Temple, get me out … die!”

Chu Yan held a long sword, standing in the sky, drinking thunderously, and roaring echoed the whole valley!

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