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Chu Yan holding a sword volley, murderous aura billowing, like Demon God coming …

shua! shua! shua!

In the next moment, in the valley, there were 100 black robe silhouettes, flying out, and in the blink of an eye, they arrived in front of Chu Yan.

“Who !? Bold …..!”

“Boy, do you know this is it? Are you courting death !?”

“Here is the Black Blood Temple” Kek Lok Pavilion “, boy, get lost quickly!”


More than 100 black robed men screamed out loud. These ordinary disciple guards did not take Chu Yan in their eyes at all, only as a passing Martial Artist, act recklessly, and wanted to enter the valley …

“The Bliss Pavilion !?”

Hearing the other party’s shouts, Chu Yan’s head was slightly wrinkled, his face was extremely cold, and he sneered and sneered.

“A good Bliss Pavilion, today, let you all go to Western Bliss!”

In a word, he ignored the 100 ignorant black robed men on the other side. Chu Yan waved a long sword in his hand, and the sword’s power surged like a flood.

“Go all … die!”

xiu xiu xiu xiu!

First, a 5-color sword glow is cut out, follow closely from behind, is countless small silver sword light, such as 10000 silver fish into the sea, bringing up the sky of silver light, merged into a large Sword Qi storm, hiding the sky and covering the earth, moved towards swept away.

“What !? This … what strong !?”

“Not good! Run away!”

“Oh, hurry …. Escape ah!”

“Who is this person !? Why is it so strong !?”

“…… ..”

In the face of the sword shadow storm composed of countless sword lights sweeping all directions, there were 100 black Blood Temple Martial Artists, and they were shocked by soul flies away and scatters, their eyes were rounded, their bodies were shocked fiercely, and their faces were ashamed. The sound is all together!

Cultivation base is a little higher, turn around and run away. Cultivation base is a little lower, and it is directly scared to the ground. The whole body is shiver coldly, and the legs are like lead, completely silly!

Ah … ahh ah!

sword shadow The storm passed by, and in an instant, it collided with the crowd, as if it were meat grinder, and set off the foul wind and bloody rain. The minced meat was mixed with the residual limb and split, throwing more then 10 zhang high… ..

In the top 100 black robe Martial Artists, in front of the sword shadow storm thrown by Chu Yan’s sword, there is no resistance at all, and less than 3 breaths time, all of which are turned into scattered blood and flesh …

These people, but Heaven Transforming Realm cultivation base, Chu Yan even burning corpse to refine qi too lazy to show …

A random glance at the ground, Chu Yan raised his eyes towards the defensive spirit array in front of the valley, and he just cut it with a sword …

Boom … Rumble!

The bright sword glow rushed out, fiercely split on the defensive spirit array, the weak defensive spirit array, unable to withstand a single blow, collapsed instantly!

shua! shua! shua!

The collapse of the valley defense spirit array seemed to poke Ma Fengwo. Suddenly, in the whole valley, a large black silhouette flooded like black tide …

Divine Consciousness swept away, these imposing manner violent, rushing black Blood Temple ordinary disciple, there are actually more than 10000 people …

However, the highest cultivation base is Heavenspan Realm 2nd Layer. The battle strength of Black Blood Temple is lower than the secret characteristic of cultivation base. That is to say, the highest battle strength of these people is no more than half a step Heavenspan Realm!

“Oh, this is not a waste!”

Chu Yan’s mouth was lightly raised, and a smile of evil intentions appeared, and then, a big hand waved, the endless fire sea, surging out …

hu! hu! hu!

Vermilion Bird Emperor Fire, burning corpse to refine qi… ..

Not waiting for the Kuroshio composed of 10000 black robed man to approach, Vermilion Bird emperor fire red fire, like a row of mountains and sea, centered on the body of Chu Yan, moved towards 4 all directions, surging out …

fire sea Noisy days, like waves rushing, monstrous fire, wrapped in hot temperatures, sweeping all directions.

what….! ahh ah!

After the fire waves swept through, the large black silhouette was swallowed in an instant, almost just for a moment, it began to melt like ice and snow, and turned into ashes, 4 scattered flying …


“Help me …”

“God … what is this !?”


mournful scream, heaven shaking earth shattering, Nuo Da Valley, while the Vermilion Bird emperor swept, almost turned into hell on earth, slaughter abattoir, burning silhouettes everywhere, melting corpse, black ashes flying in the sky , Under the turbulence of huge fire waves, flying all over the sky …

Boom … Rumble!

Over 10000 people were swallowed by the flames, and the qi and blood transformed into flesh and blood by the whole body turned into a large piece of qi and blood tornado. The Vermilion Bird Martial Soul moved towards Chu Yan’s head …

Then, after the tempering of Vermilion Bird Martial Soul, and then into the refined True Qi Gang Yuan, rush into Chu Yan within the body and infuse Qi Sea.

Although these 10000 people are basically Heaven Transforming Realm cultivation base, for Chu Yan, the qi and blood gang yuan is really weak, but the number is heavy, the number is 10000 Heaven Transforming Realm Martial Artist …


In Chu Yan Qi Sea, ten or six inner cores are running insanely, constantly swallowing the pure True Qi Gang Yuan pouring into Qi Sea, trembling slightly …


In less than a moment, Chu Yan only felt that the cultivation base bottleneck suddenly loosened, stagnation of the cultivation base for more than ten days, and once again broke through the first order.

Heavenspan Realm 8th Layer Initial Stage, upgraded to Heavenspan Realm 8th Layer Middle Stage!

“Yes, it’s a pity that there are too few people!”

After Chu Yan felt the cultivation base breakthrough, his whole body was full of power, with a smile on his face, he muttered to himself.

At the next moment, Chu Yan glanced over, looking towards the middle of the mountain valley, the tallest building, the pupil light was slightly cold …

The huge movement just now has alarmed the real powerhouse, a path of silhouette, which is enjoyed in the underground, the so-called “Kek Lok Pavilion”, and walked out of that building, rushing with a monstrous might, moved towards Chu Yan.

“What !? Dare to come to my Black Blood Temple branch to make trouble !?”

“Boy, you are courting death!”

“Boy in Heavenspan Realm cultivation base, it’s arrogant!”


On the top 100 Heavenspan Realm 5th Layer above the Black Blood Temple powerhouse, first standing near the building in the distance, simultaneously shua shua Divine Consciousness swept to Chu Yan, when I found out that Chu Yan ’s cultivation base was around Heavenspan Realm, it suddenly each and Everyone rushed over very excitedly.

In their view, no matter how many days Chu Yan is Heavenspan Realm, even if it is Heavenspan Realm 9th Layer, they have 100 powerhouses above Heavenspan Realm 5th Layer. With more enemies and fewer enemies, it is too easy to kill Chu Yan !

“Oh, here comes the big fish!”

Chu Yan coldly smiled, rising from the ground, turned into a sharp arrow, moved towards 10,000 zhang and flew away from the sky.

“Innate Promise, Promise!”

Without any hesitation, Chu Yan, who is at 10,000 zhang high altitude, looked down at the powerhouse that was rushing, Clear Sky Sword in his hand, Shocking Heaven Sword burst out, directly used in the “Wuji Sword Art”, a large range ‘S Attack Sword …

A sword came out, Clear Sky Sword turned into a sword shadow, swept down, almost enveloped the whole sky, the mighty Sword Qi brought the gusty wind of Sword Qi, strangling down …

“My mother ~~! What … what !?”

“It’s impossible !? How could he be so strong …”

“Escape … No!”


All the Martial Artists who have risen to the sky have just smiled killing intent. They just flew to the sky and looked up. They saw that the whole sky was turned into a shadow shadow. The cover of the head was covered, the might is strong, and the scope is large. There is no resistance at all.

The powerhouses rising from the sky were less than half rushed, and they found the sword curtain falling over their heads, and they suddenly looked terrified, and Divine Soul shuddered.

They have just explored. Although the same level of cultivation base cannot accurately detect Chu Yan cultivation base realm, Great Realm can still be explored. A Martial Artist in Heavenspan Realm, even if it is Heavenspan Realm 9th Layer, at their 100 The joint powerhouse has only a lost share.

However, before the face was touched, he was smashed by a sword curtain as big as a sky!

They would think that the enemy in front of them would be so powerful!

Sword shadow storm, don’t say that they are Heavenspan Realm Martial Artist, even if it is a half-step Martial Venerable Realm powerhouse, it cannot be resisted at all.

In an instant, all the Black Blood Temple powerhouses rushing to the sky were horrified.

Among them, some Martial Artists on the Heavenspan Realm 8th Layer have shot, wanting to block Chu Yan’s sword curtain.

Part of the cultivation base is low powerhouse, so scared look pale, 4 run away!

Almost in the blink of an eye, dozens of powerhouse attacks collided with Chu Yan’s sword curtain.

Boom … Rumble!

The violent blast exploded into the sky, and the huge blast caused the whole valley to tremble.

The endless Sword Qi, turned into a shock wave like a sword wave, moved towards 4 sides, all directions swept by.

Any buildings, rocks, and trees that have been rushed by the waves are all turned into powder, and within the entire valley, almost raze to the ground!

ah! what…..!

mournful scream echoes the sky, with endless pain and despair, it sounds chilling!


A scene like hell on earth appears.

Endless blood rushes into the sky, and the ground is full of debris, all over the sky!

The bloody and horrifying scene makes the air all around is full of bloody aura!

There are a few good lucks, because they are close to the edge of the sword curtain, and have very good luck. They escaped the sword curtain and survived.

However, when they saw the scene in front of them, they were suddenly stunned, floating in the air silly, their bodies stiff!

This guy dare to kill the powerhouse and recipe of Black Blood Temple! ?

Moreover, so many kills at once! ?

More importantly, how is this guy so powerful, killing nearly 100 Heavenspan Realm powerhouse in one move! ?

How can this be! ?

Above the sky …

Chu Yan stood with his sword, his face indifferent, completely unmoved by the bloody scene in front of him!

Since the cultivation of Martial Dao, Chu Yan ’s Martial Dao will be 100 times stronger than ordinary person.

At this time, the sword storm gas wave had rushed through the valley and slowly dissipated. A ruin in the whole valley almost disappeared.

bang bang Bang!

Some complete corpse fell from the air, hit the ground, splashed dust, and made a muffled noise.

shua! shua! shua!

Chu Yan waved his hands together, turning these into a complete corpse, and earning everything in Rakshasa Space.

These can keep the corpse intact under Chu Yan’s sword curtain, mostly Martial Artists above Heavenspan Realm 8th Layer, because the strength of Fleshy body is much higher than that of ordinary Martial Artist, so there is no complete dissolution.

These Martial Artists in the Black Blood Temple, although the battle strength is low, but the cultivation base qi and blood is extremely strong, but it is a good material for burning corpse to refine qi, so Chu Yan will collect it at hand.

Taking out a bottle of Golden Pill, Chu Yan swallowed the next 9 Xuan Golden Pill and quickly recovered the consumed True Qi.

Although Chu Yan only used one trick, when he urged Vermilion Bird to fire 10000 Martial Artists, the consumption was not small. However, the most important reason is that Chu Yan felt a trace of extreme in this valley. The powerful aura keeps the mind in a state of vigilance, so it allows itself to maintain Peak battle strength.

The few Black Blood Temple powerhouse who had survived by surprise, woke up suddenly, looked at the silhouette of Chu Yan, his eyes fiercely shuddered, his face full of astonished expression, as if he had seen a ghost, he immediately turned to escape.

These few people, Chu Yan did not intend to kill them at all, just let them go and let them bring out the powerful existence that has been hidden.

After a few days, Chu Yan True Qi recovered in full, flew and flew, and moved towards the valley.

The valley is all around, and some powerhouses that have just come out of the ground are standing in fright in the distance, looking at Chu Yan in the distance. They dare not get close, but they dare not run away.

If the enemy dared to escape when the enemy rushed to the door, the result would be worse than death!

“Who is this guy !?”

“God, he didn’t leave at all, but came back! Is it going to kill us !?”

“Nonsense, obviously, he came to hack the Blood Temple to us!”

“Too … too arrogant!”

“…… ..”

Nearly 1000 black Blood Temple disciple, strong and weak, gathered around all, talking quietly, no one dared to come out, but they know that this guy, will not live long …

However, the person in front of him turned out to provoke a branch of the entire Black Blood Temple alone, and it was really bold!

As a branch of the Black Blood Temple, how could there be no powerhouse to sit in, this guy killed so many people in the Black Blood Temple, but he still did not escape, simply is courting death!

Up to now, the Black Blood Temple bliss pavilion died in Chu Yan’s hands, and has more than 10000 people, including many powerhouses above Heavenspan Realm 5th Layer!

These powerhouses, in Chu Yan’s hands, did not block even one move, and they were turned into pieces by Chu Yan kill!

“Who is this guy !? It’s too abnormal!”

“The strength is so strong, depending on age, it may be Heaven’s Chosen!”

“No way, even if it is Heaven’s Chosen of Antiquity Eight Sects, don’t dare to come to our Black Blood Temple to find something!”

“Who said no, there used to be a Chu Yan who used to kill … wait, is he …”

During the discussion, suddenly someone started looking, and then suddenly turned his head towards the black robe silhouette walking towards the valley, his eyes suddenly burst out, and his face was full of horror …

Chu Yan… ..! ?

Is it really the continent first Heaven’s Chosen, in the Nine Spirit Profound Heaven Sect, killing the Black Blood Temple Ten Great Elders with one person … Chu Yan! ?

“This … this is troublesome!”

Almost in a flash, everyone’s mind flashed at the same time a terrified consciousness!

However, in the next moment, these people’s complexions quickly returned to normal, and they also brought a pleasant smile.

Chu Yan!

Counting your bad luck, you definitely do n’t know, Black Blood Temple, a real powerhouse, happens to be in this Bliss Pavilion, that ’s Martial Venerable Realm powerhouse!

This time, Chu Yan … is dead!

On the Black Blood Temple Must Must List, the existence of ranked 1st will finally be lost!

Chu Yan at this time, completely ignoring the Martial Artists all around, walked straight into the valley before the only towering building.

Above this building, there is no trace of aura defending the spirit array, but in the Sword Qi storm just now, there is no trace of damage.

Therefore, the powerful aura that Chu Yan perceives is definitely inside this building.

shua! shua! shua! shua!

Just when Chu Yan had just arrived at the entrance of this palace, the closed door suddenly opened and 8 silhouettes flew out!

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