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This pile of corpse is all the black Blood Temple disciple corpse collected by Chu Yan, plus some of the previous …

If it is not Cultivation Room Gundam hundred zhang, I am afraid that so many corpse can’t be piled up, but Corpse Mountain Blood Sea appears in the room, the rich bloody smell, and the 4 scattered immediately, making Chu Yan frown deeply!

“Okay! Start refining now!”

Chu Yan True Qi is running, Divine Consciousness is instigating, Vermilion Bird Martial Soul breaks out of the air, and brings a large wave of fire, hovering in the cultivation space for a week, hovering above Chu Yan’s head.

hu! hu! hu!

Vermilion Bird Martial Soul opened his mouth wide, and the emperor’s fire surged out, and in an instant, he covered the corpse mountain …

As a large number of corpse were incinerated, pieces of pure qi and blood passed through the Vermilion Bird Martial Soul tempering and poured into Chu Yan top of the head.

Boom … Rumble!

A few thousand pure qi and blood corpse transformed, rushed through Chu Yan 1000 limbs 4 horribly, seven meridians and eight veins, rushed directly into Chu Yan Qi Sea, divided into ten 100 shares, filled with inner core… ..

Chu Yan gazes with his eyes closed, holds his breath, and slowly runs Rakshasa Promise, constantly refining these qi and blood… ..

After Vermilion Bird Martial Soul was awakened twice, it is now easy to control the speed of “burning corpse to refine qi”, so Chu Yan’s cultivation speed is extremely efficient under the deliberate control of Vermilion Bird Martial Soul!

One hour later, Chu Yan who has been sitting still, suddenly eyes opened, two bright glow burst out …

At the same time as his eyes were opened, a wave of True Qi visible with naked eyes centered on his body pushed the void and air, rushing to all directions in 4 directions, bringing a burst of dull thunder ….


Suddenly, this air wave hit the outermost defensive spirit array of the Cultivation Room, and a loud tremendous sound erupted. The entire defensive spirit array collapsed in an instant …

“Haha… .. finally broke into Heavenspan Realm 9th Layer!”

Chu Yan’s face was full of ecstasy, then he got up and moved his body, making a sound of skeleton crackle. Apart from the great spirit, he was full of strength all over his body.

Heavenspan Realm 9th Layer Initial Stage!

2 steps away from Martial Venerable Realm!

“In 20 days, I will go to the Black Blood Temple. I don’t know if I can go up one more level, breakthrough to half-step Martial Venerable Realm!”

Chu Yan whispered, with both eyes cold light flashing …

The guys in Black Blood Temple dare to catch Little White Bear, this time, they must pay the price of blood!

Anyway, there is Ray Martial Sovereign at the front, when the time comes, no matter what else, how much can be killed!

As Chu Yan thought about how to improve the first-order cultivation base, suddenly, in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, a strange sound sounded!

“Chu Yan, come to my study!”

a Divine Consciousness sound transmission, suddenly sounded in Chu Yan Sea of ​​Consciousness, the person of sound transmission is … Gong Yuntian!

“What is he doing to me !? Is it asking about the things within Azure Lotus Secret Realm !?”

Chu Yan brows slightly wrinkle, in Azure Lotus Secret Realm, made such a big movement, and also appeared Heaven and Earth natural phenomenon, which made Chu Yan’s heart, somewhat anxious, but Gong Yuntian is still on his side, as long as he is I do n’t admit that the other Heaven ’s Chosen are all killed by themselves, when the time comes, and the situation in Secret Realm, just cope with it.

After making up his mind, Chu Yan strode meteor out of his residence hall, moved towards the palace where Yun Yuntian was located.

Within the Nine Spirit Profound Heaven Sect, flying is prohibited, Chu Yan walks slowly, thinking about how to deal with Gong Yuntian …

After about one hour later, he arrived at the Sect Master’s palace. Under the guidance of the discipline, Chu Yan walked all the way. Soon, he arrived at Gong Yuntian’s study.

“Sect Master instructed that Senior Brother Chu is here, you can go in directly and say goodbye!”

The leader who led the way was extremely respectful of Chu Yan. After saluting, his face was full of awe and envy and turned away.

In fact, Chu Yan did not know that Gong Yuntian, as a Nine Spirit Profound Heaven Sect Sect Master, rarely met inside the sect disciple in his study. Unless it is a direct disciple that attaches great importance, it may be private in Gong Yuntian. Meet in the study.

Therefore, the same sect disciple that led the way is of course enviable for Chu Yan to enter the Gongyun Heavenly Book room!

Chu Yan, who knew nothing about it, was still polite. He made a notice at the door of the study and heard the answer of “in” before pushing the door.

Stepping into the study room, Chu Yan’s eyes swept and saw Gong Yuntian’s solemn look. At the same time, the silhouette of his next seat suddenly changed fiercely …!

How could it be him! ?

little boy!

This person, I have met three times, first time on the street, almost killed himself, the second time in Luo Yang Royal City, helped himself defeat Luo Yang 3 Young Master, 2rd time when he was ambushed by the Black Blood Temple , Help yourself out!

However, one thing, Chu Yan is very sure, that is this little boy, and his mother … related!

Because every time you meet, you call yourself “Young Lord”, and the repeated “Mistress” in his mouth should refer to his own mother.

Chu Yan brows slightly wrinkle, after seeing the little boy for the first time, his eyes stared straight at him …

The little boy at this time is very different from when he met several times before.

In the past, every time I saw this little boy, he was all messy, like a beggar, and this time, his body was extremely clean, showing that he was about eleven-twelve years old, but in his eyes, there was The color of Cangsang Constant Antiquity is far from his current age!

After seeing Chu Yan, the little boy’s body was softly trembled, and a look of excitement appeared on his face. However, he seemed to suppress it as much as possible, but he didn’t want to show it, but his trembling eyes were very obvious.

Moreover, after seeing Chu Yan coming in, the little boy immediately got up and did not sit.

“Chu Yan, this is Yaoye, which belongs to is Heaven Sect, he has something to do with you!”

Gong Yuntian glanced at the little boy, that is, the demon night, a strange color flashed in the pupil light, and when he looked at Chu Yan again, his face was solemn, and then he lifted his feet and passed Chu Yan by the shoulder, straight out study.

“En !?”

Chu Yan’s complexion started, didn’t expect, Gong Yuntian turned away after a brief introduction …

Here is Gong Yuntian’s study. As a Medicine Sect Sect Master, what identity is this little boy demon night in front of him, so that Gong Yuntian can take the initiative to leave his study! ?

This … is unlikely!

Chu Yan has no doubt at all, even if it is Antiquity Eight Sects’ other seven Sects here, they are unable to let Gong Yuntian leave his study.

I am afraid that the identity of the demon night is not only belonged to is Heaven Sect, so simple! ?

“Young Lord!”

Just in Chu Yan ’s kung fu, Chu Yan only felt saw a flash, a mysterious force, which rushed by in an instant, completely enveloping the entire study, and at the same time, the little boy shouted at night, Rushing directly in front of Chu Yan …

Poof thump!

He fell heavily on his knees, and his body was only about 12 years old. He suddenly knelt in front of Chu Yan, lowered his head deeply, but could see that a big drop of tears hit the ground in front of him, splashing a flower A tear …

“You … who are you !?”

Chu Yan’s body shook, and he asked with surprise.

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