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Although Chu Yan had speculated in his mind that this demon night had something to do with his mother, but until now, for various reasons, he had n’t asked the little boy.

Because, 3 meetings, each time, this demon night, seems to be in a special situation, unable to communicate at all.

“Little … Lord … person, my name is … demon … night, it’s your Mother’s Life Source Spirit Beast!”

The demon night kneeling on the ground, weeping silently, with tears on his small face, clutching Chu Yan, his voice choked, and said

“Little … Master, save the Savior, she can’t hold on …”

In a word, like a thunderbolt, it suddenly exploded in Chu Yan Sea of ​​Consciousness …


a Aura, very violent, suddenly exploded from Chu Yan, like a row of mountains and seas, rushing to all directions in 4 directions.

“what did you say!?”

Chu Yan lifted Yaoye from the ground, his eyes full of blood, his whole face was completely twisted together, fiercely stared at Yaoye and roared sharply.

This is my own … mother!

Through childhood, I haven’t seen it before!

Moreover, I promised father to bring my mother back, but …

But now, Chu Yan’s words have made Chu Yan completely explode, almost exploding!

If, mother really has something wrong in Tianzong, Chu Yan is even ready to raze to the ground!

“Young Lord, you have to go to Tianzong as soon as possible. The Life Source Spirit Mark left by the master in Tianzong is getting weaker and weaker and may be extinguished at any time … blame me! Blame me …”

Yaoye said very seriously, then she knelt down on the ground, her face full of guilt …

“If I can break through to Martial Sovereign Realm, I can continue the life of the owner Divine Soul… .. blame me! Wu wu wu….”

Yaoye knelt on the ground, sobbed silently, covered with tears …

“Life Divine Soul !? What is it ?? Say …” Chu Yan shouted.

Chu Yan was very anxious, especially when he heard that mother was in danger, and this guy in front of him appeared crazy in front of himself every time he could not say 2 sentences, and he became crazy. He had time to listen to him crying, of course, while he was sober now, It ’s the key to ask questions quickly. Otherwise, he wo n’t be able to say anything when he is crazy.

Hearing Chu Yan’s roar, Yaoye quickly stopped crying and explained

“Ten years ago, the master returned to Central Heaven Continent from the North Continent, and was kept in the residence for half a year. After that, Tianzong Sect Master found the master once. Since then, the master has never appeared, just Leave a piece of Spirit Mark in her house … “

“3 years ago, I suddenly discovered that the life Spirit Mark left by the owner started to become unstable and extremely dim. In anxiety, I infused it with my Divine Soul to maintain the life of the owner Spirit Mark …”

“However, two months ago, there was a problem with Spirit Mark, the owner’s life. Even if I put in more Divine Soul, I can’t get it back to normal! I guess, at this time, the owner is really in trouble. … So, I came to you! “

After finishing the night, Yaoye looked at Chu Yan and said

“I am only the Life Source Spirit Beast of the Master. Although part of the bloodline fits, but compared with the Young Lord, you are the bloodline relative of the Master. Maybe you also have your Divine Soul to save the Savior …”

“Divine Soul !? Infused Divine Soul !?”

Hearing this, Chu Yan was astonished with a look of disbelief, and he finally understood why this little boy, who saw himself three times, was always crazy at a critical time …

It turned out that he used his Divine Soul to maintain his mother’s life!

What is Divine Soul! ?

It is Divine Consciousness and Soul, a Martial Artist within the body, the most basic source, contains the representatives of Divine Consciousness and Soul, it is blood essence!

On continent, all Spirit Beast teachers nourish Spirit Beast with their own blood essence for a long time, that is, through their blood essence, they integrate their Divine Consciousness and soul aura into Spirit Beast within the body to achieve spiritual harmony. purpose.

However, the loss of a large amount of blood essence may cause any major damage, and this damage is extremely difficult to recover without special means.

But what happened to my mother! ?

Even life aura is bleak! ?

Spirit Mark, the life that represents her life, if it has always been dimmed, or directly collapsed and dissipated, it means … forever!

“Shenwu Xiaotianzong! You are waiting for me …”

Chu Yan suddenly made a roar from the sky, the whole body of aura rolled like a raging NetEase …

“Young Lord, I hurried back to Tianzong immediately, to do everything. Within 3 days, please come to Tianzong to come to me …”

Yaoye got up from the ground and said to Chu Yan very seriously.

“Okay! Within 3 days, I will arrive at Tianzong!”

Chu Yan was heavily nodded, and his face was determined to be replied.

Seeing Chu Yan agree to come down, Yaoye’s tight body suddenly slackened and let out a long breath. Immediately, he waved a small hand and closed the aura that enveloped the study. He gave Chu Yan a solemn glance and turned around. Leave …

The night of Yaoye, with worries, hopes, spoils, self-blame, and other complex emotions, makes Chu Yan slightly startled!

Although he only met with Yaoye three times, every time, he was saving himself, as if he had always been by his side, always protecting himself.

This demon night warmed Chu Yan’s heart slightly!

If there is no wrong guess, it must be mother, let him do so …

“Mother… .. wait for me!”

A word echoed, various emotions rose in the mind, Chu Yan’s eyes suddenly became wet and fuzzy!

“Chu Yan!”

At this moment, Gong Yuntian walked into the study and saw Chu Yan stand alone, his figure fell into disappointment, and he couldn’t help calling out.

“Uh … Sect Master!”

Suddenly, Chu Yan woke up from 10000000 thoughts and quickly saluted.

“Sect Master !?”

Hearing Chu Yan’s words, Gong Yuntian’s eyebrows were slightly twisted, and his eyes were staring at Chu Yan in a daze.

“Uh … Master!”

I am nominally already a direct disciple of Gong Yuntian, and, with Yue’er’s relationship, and then called Gong Yuntian “Sect Master”, it’s really not quite appropriate, so Chu Yan was just stunned. He immediately understood what Gong Yuntian meant, and quickly changed his mind.

“Well, Smelly Brat, count as your acquaintance, let’s talk, what happened?”

Gong Yuntian smiled lightly, walked slowly to his seat, slowly sat down, and looked at Chu Yan with a loving smile …


Seeing this scene, Chu Yan suddenly couldn’t react …

Is this still the Gong Yuntian I knew! ?

Is that the Medicine Sect Sect Master of one of the Antiquity Eight Sects! ?

Chu Yan’s impression of Gong Yuntian has been staying at Nine Spirit Profound Heaven Sect, the scene of the battle with Ye Feng …

At that time, Gong Yuntian was sitting on the rostrum of the stands in all directions, with an imposing manner in the world. With only this temperament, he suppressed the audience …

“Chu Yan, you have to remember that I am a Sect’s Master, but I am also a father …”

Seeing Chu Yan’s consternation, how could Gong Yuntian not guess Chu Yan’s suspicions, suddenly eyes flashed, said softly.

“Father … father !?”

At this moment, Chu Yan Sea of ​​Consciousness shuddered suddenly, and countless auras flashed through his mind. Looking at the harmonious face of Gong Yuntian at this moment, a trace of clear comprehension suddenly rose in Chu Yan’s heart!

Not bad!

Even if I am in charge of the world and unhindered the earth, as long as I put down the sword, I am the father child and family!

“Awake to the right of the world, drunken and beautiful knees!”

slaughter is not terrifying, terrifying does not know why slaughter, among slaughter, lost his eyes by blood and madness, lost himself, and became a monster who only knows bloodthirsty …

“So … this is Dao of Slaughter!”

Suddenly, Chu Yan realized the Dao of Slaughter in Azure Lotus Secret Realm, as if the sun had risen, dispelling all shady scenes, and the whole World was suddenly lit up!

“En !?”

Gong Yuntian saw Chu Yan’s expression change suddenly, Divine Consciousness swept away, found Chu Yan actually comprehend, could not help but startled his face, his face was stunned.

Very terrifying innate talent can grow in just one sentence! “

Gong Yuntian looked at Chu Yan with surprise in his heart. His face was full of joy and did not disturb Chu Yan. He just diverted Divine Consciousness and rushed to all directions in 4 directions to protect Chu Yan.

After a long time, Chu Yan’s lost eyes suddenly lit up, and he immediately woke up from the clear comprehension!

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