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Seeing Chu Yan woke up from comprehend, Gong Yun genius slowly converged, diverging to Divine Consciousness and aura in all directions in 4 directions.

Originally, within the Medicine Sect, it was absolutely safe, but Gong Yun heaven knows Chu Yan was caught in clear comprehension. This kind of opportunity is like a great opportunity. Some Martial Artists may not have clear once in their lifetime. comprehension opportunity.

Therefore, Gong Yuntian used his own aura and Divine Consciousness to block the radius of 10000 li in order to ensure that 10 was not lost, and did not want Chu Yan to be disturbed!

“many thanks Master !”

After Chu Yan was awake, he bowed his hand to Gong Yuntian.

“No, this is your own innate talent! Very good!”

shook the head, Gong Yuntian said with a smile.

“What happened to you just now !? Although he is different from other people in Tianzong, but if he is looking for you, there is danger …..”

Gong Yuntian looked at Chu Yan with a flash of worry in his eyes.

“Master, it is related to the next mother …”

Later, Chu Yan explained the matter to Gong Yuntian carefully. Of course, some important and sensitive things were converted by Chu Yan …

Later, Chu Yan also told Gong Yuntian about the things in Azure Lotus Secret Realm, and also told Gong Yuntian about things he didn’t want others to know.

“Hmph! Ye Feng …… didn’t expect He would be so secret in Secret Realm, take my words completely as a wind of ears!”

After listening to Chu Yan’s introduction, Gong Yuntian was full of anger, how could he also didn’t expect, Ye Feng followed himself for more than ten years, he even completely misread him …

“Let’s go! If he returns to Sect, I will punish severely …”

Gong Yuntian said nothing, sighed slightly. For more than ten years, Gong Yuntian treated Ye Feng almost as an adopted child. He learned to teach and really had a plan. He was recommended to succeed Sect Master Position in the future.

It’s just that he didn’t expect, normally, the humility and generosity that Ye Feng showed in front of him, warmly and politely, were all disguised. This made Gong Yuntian’s last hope for him completely destroyed!

“Chu Yan, since you have decided … Sect Heaven! I won’t stop you, but remember, your own safety is your priority!”

Gong Yuntian heard that Chu Yan decided to leave tomorrow and went to Tianzong. He couldn’t help but warned repeatedly.

“If something goes wrong, you have to summon it to me immediately, and I will take action …”

After speaking, Gong Yuntian turned over and took out a piece of Jade Talisman to hand over to Chu Yan.

“Go, you have to prepare yourself. If you have any need, you can tell me!”

“many thanks Master !”

Chu Yan took the news of Jade Talisman and replied.

Afterwards, the 2 people chatted a few more words, and Chu Yan got up to say goodbye …

Out of the Sect Master palace in Gong Yuntian, Chu Yan stood on the Medicine Sect mountain path, hesitated for a moment, and then moved towards the blue other courtyard where Yue’er was located.

Not seen for a few days, Yue’er was very happy to see Chu Yan, and pulled Chu Yan, saying endless words …

In the end, 2 people were sitting by the small lake, looking at the sky and staring at the sky, chatting and talking, unconsciously, for a night, so quietly passed …

2nd day In the early morning of the 1nd day, Chu Yan walked out of the blue courtyard, rising up from the ground, moved towards the west, flew away …

Behind him, at the entrance of the blue other courtyard, a blue dress was standing on the edge of a mountain cliff, looking up, the dress flying, as if a gorgeous landscape …

“Yue’er…. Wait for me!”

Chu Yan looked back at this scene. The softest part of his heart was a bit sore …

Immediately, suddenly turned around, a long whistle, Chu Yan’s figure, changed to a streamer, disappeared on the distant sky dome.

……… ..

Central Heaven Continent, West Territory, Extreme West Land …

Here, the Central Heaven Continent is the closest to the Western Region, one of the Vast Heaven Continent Five Continents. However, unlike the other three continents, the Central West Continent ’s Extreme West Land is separated from the Western Region continent. The vast Sea Territory is shrouded in fog all year round.

The Monster Beast family occupying Sea Territory seems to use this place as a base camp, so Western Region wants to reach the Central Heaven Continent without Martial Sovereign Realm cultivation base, almost impossible!

Chu Yan departed from Medicine Sect and flew all the way. It took a full 2 ​​days to arrive … Xiao Tian City!

Along the way, Chu Yan flew while cultivating, constantly cultivating the Dao of Slaughter and Five Elements that had just been comprehend.

Such desperate cultivation makes Chu Yan’s strength gradually improve and become stronger and stronger invisible!

“En !? This is Xiao Tian City !?”

Chu Yan floated in the air, looking far away, at the foot of an extremely huge mountain peak, covering a vast city of nearly 1000 miles, could not help but heart slightly startled.

The next moment, Chu Yan was even more surprised that the distant Xiaofeng Peak, which is above the mountain peak where the Sect of the Heaven Sect is located, was built in a style that Chu Yan had never seen before!

Ordinary Sect, mostly at the foot of mountain peak, build a mountain gate, starting from the middle of the mountainside, successively build some residence halls, buildings and so on, Sect Master Hall, repair on the top of the mountain …

Anyway, it is basically built on the mountain. Try to make all Sect buildings hidden in the mountain and forest.

However, the Sect built by Tianzong in front of him is completely different.

4 high walls, almost built to nearly half the height of the mountain peak, especially the west-facing side, the built high walls have risen into the cloud, I am afraid that it is not lower than the mountain peak!

From a distance, this way of construction is like completely enclosing the whole mountain. It looks like a fortress instead of Martial Dao Sect!

“World’s First Sect’s Shenwu Xiaotianzong, it’s really imposing manner!”

Chu Yan’s face was astonished, secretly said in one’s heart, and then his eyes were swept away, looking towards the majestic city at the foot of the mountain …

I saw the city inside the pool, full of traffic, crowded, a scene of lively out of the ordinary, such a magnificent and magnificent city, the population should be more than a few dozen 100000000 …

“World’s First Sect, World’s First City, name is not in vain …”

Chu Yan observed for a long time, body flashed, moved towards Xiao Tianfeng in the distance flew away …

“Young Lord, you are here!”

Just as Chu Yan was approaching Xiao Tianfeng, a consciousness with surprise emotions rushed into Chu Yan Sea of ​​Consciousness and suddenly sounded.

“Yes, I will enter the Tianzong Mountain Gate immediately!”

Chu Yan replied softly to Yaoyue, her figure slowly fell, moved towards Tianzong Mountain Gate at the foot of the mountain and fell.

“Young Lord, within Tianzong, some people have suspected that you killed Tianzong 4 disciple in Azure Lotus Secret Realm. Moreover, Tian inside the sect is now in a complicated situation, and the undercurrent is surging, so I suggest Young Lord to enter Tianzong , The best … the most really strong! However, you can rest assured that with me here, they dare not move you! “

In the tone of Yaoye, there was a touch of coldness.

“Strong !?”

Chu Yan slightly narrows the eyes, figure stopped, but has landed and stood before the Tianzong Mountain Gate.

For the demon night, although I only saw 4 sides, Chu Yan has an Innate trust in him, probably because the demon night is mother ’s Life Source Spirit Beast, and there is mother ’s Divine Soul in bloodline, and there are some bloodline with him. Dear!

Moreover, I really killed Tianzong 4 disciple, and after these few days, with the power of Tianzong, impossible does not suspect himself.

At this time, Chu Yan stood in front of Tianzong Mountain Gate and looked up …

The mountain gate of Nuo Da is completely a mysterious ancient stone construction, which makes people feel aura ancient, and this ancient stone, Divine Consciousness does not invade, the hardness is extremely high, even if it is Martial Venerable Realm powerhouse, full strength attack, I am afraid all It cannot be damaged.

On the mountain gate, there are 5 gold characters “Shenwu Xiaotianzong”, flying dragons and dancing phoenixes, between the writings, with a mysterious Martial Dao will, let the Divine Soul rippling, wrapped in a ray of Supreme Martial Dao aura, As high as a sky dome, it is very likely to be a trace of Martial Emperor aura, which makes people dare not look at it for a long time!

Before the mountain gate, stood two Mountain Guarding disciple, aura, turned into Heavenspan Realm Peak cultivation base!

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