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Seeing the two Mountain Guarding disciple, Chu Yan could not help but startled.

Heavenspan Realm 9th Layer Peak cultivation base, to be the disciple of the Mountain Guarding gate, except for this World’s First God Wu Xiao Tianzong, there is no one else!

After a little frowning, Chu Yan took a deep breath and lifted his foot to walk inside the mountain gate!

“Stop! The comers are known!”

I have been watching Chu Yan’s 2 Mountain Guarding disciple, and at the same time shouted, there is a clear sense of arrogance in the tone, and at the same time, there is a trace of murderous aura!

Shenwu Xiaotianzong, as the head of the Eight Eight Sects in the Vast Heaven Continent, the discipline in the Sect rarely appeared on the continent. Therefore, normally, there are few disciplines in and out of this Tianzong Mountain Gate, and the few disciplines that usually go out often, Know each other.

“Under … Chu Yan!”

With a slight smile, Chu Yan lifted his hands gently, arched his head gently, and the gentle voice suddenly burst out, containing True Qi, like the morning and evening drums, and like a thunderous explosion, resounding through the mountain peak!

“What !? Chu Yan !?”

Two Mountain Guarding disciple, but was suddenly startled by Chu Yan’s sudden applause, his face stiffened at the same time!

Chu Yan! ?

How familiar is this name! ?

Just when the two Mountain Guarding disciple, when there is some ignorant, suddenly, within the mountain behind him, a different variant is born!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Within Tianzong, a path of roars exploded at the same time, and at the same time, repeated terror cultivation base aura burst directly and gathered together, like a piece of Hongfeng rage, moved towards the front of the mountain gate!

What … what is the situation! ?

Two Mountain Guarding disciple, I was a little dazed. Seeing this scene, I was shocked with astonished expression, stunned!

This has never happened in Tianzong, and I have never even heard it!

“Wait, you said, your name is … Chu Yan !?”

Maybe it was terrified, my brain suddenly became alive, maybe it was finally recalled that the two Mountain Guarding disciple suddenly turned their heads to look at Chu Yan, and his face rose up in shock …

Chu Yan! ?

It turned out that Chu Yan came to Tianzong! ?

The next moment, a divine sense sound transmission, came from within Tianzong, and suddenly sounded in front of the mountain gate!

“Let him … come in!”

Hearing this voice, the two Mountain Guarding disciple were all in shock.


Their didn’t expect, the arrival of Chu Yan, actually alarmed the existence of an Elder class …

Hearing the sound, Chu Yan was slightly nodded, without any politeness, striding out, moved towards the mountain gate, straight in …

Behind him, two dumbfounded Mountain Guarding disciple, staying on the spot for a while, even stupid …

Looking at the background where Chu Yan strode into Tianzong, they both had a strange hunch in their hearts.

This Chu Yan, from the moment of entering the Tianzong Mountain Gate, within Tianzong, will set off a storm ……… storm!

Following the mountain road, all the way forward, it didn’t take long for Chu Yan to board the first square …

Looking up, Chu Yan saw at a glance that above this square, there were a dozen young Martial Artists, many middle-aged Martial Artists, and even some old man, each and everyone cultivation base, all in Martial Venerable Realm, imposing manner out of the ordinary.

Those young disciples, dressed in white long robe, are somewhat different from other people’s robes. It seems that it should be the young Heaven’s Chosen disciple within Heaven Sect.

tread! tread! tread!

Chu Yan just glanced inwards, smiled indifferently, stepped out and walked along the main passage of the square …


When Chu Yan stepped on the square, dozens of white robes Heaven’s Chosen gathered in all directions in four directions, and at the same time, his eyebrows were twisted, and an amazing imposing manner broke out on his body, surging like waves, straight into the sky!

At the same time, they looked towards Chu Yan’s eyes and became extremely sharp and sharp!

Chu Yan!

They are very familiar with this name!

Central Heaven Continent The first Heaven’s Chosen, got the spirit domain blood sea inheritance, Medicine Sect battle, defeated Ye Feng, killed dozens black Blood Temple Elder, and what made them uncomfortable was the recent rumors within Tianzong …

This Chu Yan, probably in Azure Lotus Secret Realm, got the inheritance of Azure Lotus master, and killed the Tianzong 4 disciple including Chang Sun Tianyu!

Such rumors made all the young Heaven’s Chosen in Tianzong want to see this Chu Yan, didn’t expect, he even came to the door by himself!

“Young Lord, great and beautiful, you come up along the main road, I am waiting for you on it!”

Ignoring the eyes of everyone at all, and the tentative Divine Consciousness investigation, Chu Yan, Sea of ​​Consciousness, which is striding in stride, the Divine Consciousness sound transmission of the demon night suddenly sounded.


Chu Yan nodded, with an indifferent look on his face, went straight ahead, ignoring the situation of all around!

“It’s arrogant Chu Yan, this cultivation base seems to be Heavenspan Realm 9th Layer!”

“Hmph! Arrogant, court is not small, even dare to come to our heavenly ancestors, simply do not put us in the eyes!”

“According to the rumors, only a few people of Azure Lotus Secret Realm came out alive, Senior Senior Sun, Yan Senior Brother. They really killed him!”

“Wow! Central Heaven Continent is the first Heaven’s Chosen, so ah!”

“Good … so handsome!”


Throughout the square, people came together, and with the appearance of Chu Yan, the scene was extremely hot.

These people gathered together, some with angry faces, some with disdain, and others with a look of envy and jealousy, as the so-called, 1000 World, innumerable living beings, 1000 ordinary people, 10000 !

At the same time, on the sky Sect Master peak, a path of powerful Divine Consciousness, coming from the mountain peak, successively descended and fell on the square.

Within Tianzong, those giants hidden in the dark all day also showed some curiosity about the arrival of Chu Yan.

“These … really strong aura! It’s like the difference between Heaven and Earth!”

Feeling that the terrifying aura swept over himself, Chu Yan was complexion slightly changed, heart slightly startled.

Although before he came, for Tianzong, as Vast Heaven Continent Number One Sect, it must have been strong, but didn’t expect that he had so many horrible powerhouses!

Moreover, it seems that these Tianzongs that appear in front of them belong to one more powerful than the other!

Chu Yan glanced at random …

Through the pupils of Divine Consciousness and Qilin, among the people around all, he has discovered a lot of 50 Martial Venerable Realm powerhouse, and even one person, the cultivation base has reached half-step Martial Sovereign Realm!

Presumably, at least the level of Heaven Sect Elder exists!

Moreover, when Chu Yan uses Qilin’s pupil and looks up to the peak of Sect Master, and wants to explore the hidden terrifying existence, he only sees a dim and simply finds nothing!

The whole scene touched Chu Yan a lot. This day, compared with Medicine Sect and Emperor Sect, the background is very strong and it is staggering!

Shenwu Xiaotianzong is worthy of being the World’s First Sect today!

Could it be that at the time of Azure Lotus Secret Realm, Dong Huang Tian a was a promise that those young Heaven’s Chosen would be crazy directly!

Chu Yan’s brows became tighter and tighter as she walked forward. The discovery along the way gave Chu Yan a feeling. Within Antiquity Eight Sects, I am afraid that the addition of 2 3 Sects may not necessarily match the sky Zong compared!

However, what Chu Yan does not understand is why this Tianzong rarely appears on continent! ?

Just when Chu Yan was thinking about it, while moving forward …

“Give me … stop!”

Suddenly, a loud sound sounded, a silhouette above the Sect Master’s peak in the distance, soaring into the sky, with a violent anger, like a violent cloud rolled over, instantly fell to Chu Yan.

Chu Yan slowly raised his head and looked at the blocking person, slightly narrows the eyes!

In all directions, all the Tianzong disciples and powerhouses who watched, but their eyes light up instantly!

It seems that the good show is about to begin!

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