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Chu Yan didn’t expect, his own plan to procrastinate the time, was even empty by Ruan Jingtian, this time, the situation was instantly chaotic.

Sure enough, the opposite Ruan Tiankun, after listening to his son’s words, the whole body aura rose madly, with both eyes, murderous aura rolling out.


I am about to become a Sky Sect Master, how can I be threatened by this Chu Yan! ?

Moreover, what the son said makes sense, this Chu Yan was invited to Tianzong by Yaoye, and the relationship between Yaoye and Dong Huang Tianyi is well known within the whole sect.

Therefore, the purpose of Chu Yan to make trouble in the Elder Pavilion is here!

“Chu Yan, since you want to die, I will accompany you!”

next moment, Ruan Tiankun’s body, half-step Martial Sovereign Realm imposing manner, rushed out, sweeping the whole Elder’s pavilion great hall….


The powerful True Qi Gang Yuan surged out like a tide, falling like a sky dome, hiding the sky and covering the earth, moved towards Chu Yan fiercely.


Seeing this scene, Chu Yan complexion greatly changed, the body’s cold hair exploded, didn’t expect, this Ruan Tiankun, said to do it, and the half-step Martial Sovereign Realm cultivation base all broke out, it was a total blow to Chu Yan Direct bombing …

Ruan Tiankun was still worried that Chu Yan really had a Martial Emperor blow at 10000. So, his first shot was full effort, and he did n’t want to give Chu Yan the opportunity to urge Martial Emperor to attack.

“10000 Elephants!”

Under a light shout, Chu Yan ’s long-established True Qi erupted, in an instant, secret skill urged, Chu Yan ’s figure was directly transformed into 100 silhouettes, moved towards 4 all directions, and flew away … …

And his own body is also mixed in the above 100 silhouettes, which makes it difficult for a time to distinguish true from false.

“Hmph! Such insignificant ability… ..”

Seeing this, Ruan Tiankun coldly snorted, a big hand, like a flood of True Qi attack, suddenly a point, turned into the last 100 Gang Gang kills, respectively, slammed into 4 Chu Yan scattered 100 …

True Qi Gang Yuan, which is divided into more than 100 channels, seems to have spirit wisdom, respectively locking a “Chu Yan”, directly shrouded down, no matter how the “Chu Yan” below dodges, it can’t be thrown away at all.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

In the next moment, True Qi Gang Yuan, which was divided into 100 channels, fell, and one piece after another “Chu Yan” silhouette was exploded, and one after another was quickly eliminated.

At this time, while Chu Yan was running away, the mind mentioned the noise of the eyes, the whole body was like an ice cellar, without any hesitation, he directly took the Xuanshui shield out and protected it outside the body.

Originally, with the current 5 Star rank of Black Tortoise Martial Soul, it completely resisted the full strength attack of the half-step Martial Sovereign Realm powerhouse. Just under the block, Chu Yan was also seriously injured, but now, Ruan Tiankun ’s this move attack has been Divided into 100 avenues, each a separate attack, the might is greatly reduced, the black water shield is enough to deal with …


Just on Chu Yan, the black light of the Xuanshui Shield, when it was just lit, the Gang Yuan attacked behind him, fiercely fell, and slammed heavily on Chu Yan, making a loud shock …


Chu Yan’s body, like a rifled shell, was directly hit, flew out, hit the golden pillar in the hall, rolled to the ground …

Jumping from the ground, Chu Yan at this time, with blood hanging at the corner of his mouth, with the body qi and blood frantically tumbling …

Even if this is an attack, only Ruan Tiankun of Martial Sovereign Realm powerhouse in half-step, 1% of might, and not only Chu Yan of Heavenspan Realm cultivation base, can resist it.

If it was n’t for the Xuanshui Shield, Chu Yan, who was hit by the bomb, could n’t even get up!

Because, after reaching the Martial Sovereign Realm cultivation base, even a 1% attack is far beyond the full strength attack of the median Martial Venerable Realm powerhouse. The strength gap between the two is like the difference between Heaven and Earth.

Seeing Chu Yan’s mouth hung with blood, full of Elder in the temple, his face started, didn’t expect, the situation flipped in an instant, just a blink of an eye, Ruan Tiankun had already shot, and also hurt Chu Yan.

“Ha ha ha, kid, it really lie to me, okay … today, I want you to crush your bones!”

Ruan Tiankun succeeded, and burst into laughter, his face full of complacency, and he was in a good mood.

In this way, my plan and layout are finally under control again, and Tianzong Sect Master Position is at your fingertips!

what! ?

It turned out that Chu Yan’s Martial Emperor trick is really deceiving! ?

Because, just now Chu Yan was attacked by Ruan Tiankun, if Chu Yan really possesses Martial Emperor’s killing trick, how could it not be urged to perform! ?

It seems that what Ruan Jingtian said is true!

At this time, Ruan Jingtian hooked on the corner of his mouth and brought a wicked smile, and his nervousness was just relieved.

Because I just said, I was just guessing, not at all fully grasped, but now, I finally put down a lifting heart.

“Father, this person can’t kill for the time being, help me abandon his cultivation base, and then break 4 limbs, I have my own use!”

Ruan Jingtian had a grin on his face, looked at Chu Yan, and said with a sneer.

“it is good!”

After the incident just now, Ruan Tiankun became more and more trusting in his son. He heard Ruan Jingtian ’s words, without saying anything, he went straight and prepared to blow Chu Yan into cripple, directly breaking Qi Sea cultivation base….


Ruan Tiankun is worthy of the existence of the half-step Martial Sovereign Realm. Lifting his hand, the whole body of Qi Qi Gang Yuan, turned into a red cloud tide, as if howling wind and torrential rain, rushing to the top of Chu Yan ’s head, while spreading, blocking Chu Yan retreated, and fiercely fell.

Boom … Rumble!

Over the top of Chu Yan’s head, red’s Gang Yuan tide evolved rapidly, and soon turned into a huge red seal, sending out 10000 red lights, moving towards Chu Yan slowly falling.

This red seal is a rare secret skill method called the Soul Seal.

Anyone who is suppressed by the Soul Seal, no matter who it is, Martial Soul is broken, Qi Sea collapses, and it directly becomes a waste person. This method is extremely malicious. As the 9 Elder of Tianzong, he knows such a secret skill …

“Don’t hold it …”

Chu Yan did not hesitate, and immediately took out Jade Talisman from the night of the demon, entered a consciousness, and at the same time pushed the azure jade lotus from the Sea of ​​Consciousness out of the Sea of ​​Consciousness, pushed with both hands, moved towards the blood of the top of the head. Seal, welcome …

The current situation has already exceeded the scope of his own strength, so he can only wake up the Supreme Citizen of the Eastern Cultivation of the excluded cultivation. He has never seen one side … Uncle!

And the azure jade lotus that rushed towards the bloody big seal, between the rush, Chu Yan can think of it, it is it!

Since it is Martial Emperor inheritance Supreme Treasure, it should be okay to deal with the secret skill of a half-step Martial Sovereign Realm powerhouse. Even if there is a problem, Chu Yan does not care. This azure jade lotus, after entering his own Sea of ​​Consciousness, is basically Without being in control, of course Chu Yan is willing to …

Boom … Rumble!

The Scarlet Seal fell directly and collided with azure jade lotus fiercely, erupting a boundless horror Gang Yuan True Qi, surging 4 directions, a violent air wave, rushing past, making 1000 Elders, shaking their bodies together … ..

Everyone’s eyes widened, looking at in midair, they all wanted to know, under this move, will Chu Yan really become waste directly! ?

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