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The Scarlet Seal and the azure Yulian collided together, blasting the waves of the weather, and rushing the audience, everyone stared nervously at the gas explosion center, waiting …

However, such a strong Yu Strength Qi wave rushed out, and for a time, I could not see the result at all.

“Ha ha ha, Chu Yan, starting today, continent first Heaven’s Chosen will be replaced, and, when I catch you, all the secrets in you, including the inheritance of the Azure Lotus master, are mine … ha ha ha…. ”

Ruan Jingtian laughed loudly. After this battle, father became the Sect Master of Tianzong. Ask this Central Heaven Continent and that young man Heaven’s Chosen, dare to compete with himself …

With Ruan Jingtian’s rampant laughter, the air waves in midair slowly dissipated. When he saw the scene in in midair, the smile on his face suddenly froze and instantly solidified …

It ’s not just Ruan Jingtian, including Ruan Tiankun and the 1000 Elders, everyone is complexion changed, and his pupils shrink.

I saw that above the top of Chu Yan’s head, an azure jade lotus like a house, slowly floating, its all around, bloody big seal, had completely collapsed, turned into 4 scattered red energy, as if strong wind scattering the last clouds in general, dissipating the void …

Chu Yan under the azure jade lotus is black robe hunting, standing against the wind, with no traces of wounds all over his body.


Ruan Jingtian’s entire face was black, and his eyes were glaring like a cow …

Block …. Block! ?

This Chu Yan, Heavenspan Realm cultivation base, actually blocked the full strength attack of Martial Sovereign Realm in half a step, and did not even raise his hand! ?

Open … What a joke! ?

How can this be! ?

The great hall of the Elder Pavilion suddenly fell into a dead silence, and even the sound of breathing was almost inaudible. A very strange atmosphere enveloped the audience!

Demon … Monster!

At the same time, the minds of 1000 people in the audience flashed this consciousness at the same time, staring at Chu Yan’s eyes as if he had seen a ghost!

A Heaven’s Chosen, even if he is the first Heaven’s Chosen of Central Heaven Continent, but impossible has such terrifying strength! ?

Only Heavenspan Realm 9th Layer cultivation base can cross the strength of a Heaven and Earth Realm and resist the full strength attack of Martial Sovereign Realm powerhouse in the second half, if he breaks through to Martial Venerable Realm ……

hiss! hiss! hiss!

There was a cold airing sound in the audience, and there was a sound, with 1000 faces, almost all turned into a miserable green.

“Father, hurry … Hurry up, that azure jade lotus, definitely Supreme Treasure …!”

Suddenly, when everyone was stunned, Ruan Jingtian roared through the great hall.

That azure jade lotus, most likely, is the Supreme Treasure in the azure Secret Realm, which contains the inheritance of the owner of Azure Lotus!

“it is good!”

Ruan Tiankun woke up suddenly, his pupil fiercely shrunk, immediately reacted, and was ready to shoot again.

Although his earlier attack was blocked by Chu Yan, he knew very well that this was the reason why Chu Yan used Supreme Treasure, not his own strength, so it was still easy to bomb Chu Yan …

However, just when Ruan Tiankun’s True Qi broke out and the palm seal condensed, the mutation was born!

Tianzong, Xiaotianfeng, above the endless sky dome, in a layer of dolomites, a horrible aura suddenly woke up …

The moment the eyes opened, the void around him all seemed to wake up at the same time, and a burst of thunder and thunder sounded, as if the sky dome trembles, Heaven and Earth mingled.


The next moment, this silhouette, strode out, striding across the 10000-story void in one step, and in a blink of an eye, it reached the great hall in the Elder Pavilion.

“All live!”

With a thunderclap like a deep drink, a middle-aged man with a whole body of azure robe stepped out of the hall and came in front of everyone.

“Great … Great Elder !?”

“Sect Master !?”

Ruan Tiankun and Ruan Jingtian were two people. When they saw this person, their face was pale, their voices tremble, and they cry out in surprise.

At the bottom of my heart, a sensation of coldness rose, but it was all fear …

Dong Huang Tian was ordered by the Sect Master, who had been in charge of Tianzong for more than ten years. Under the prestige, even Ruan Family father and son had decided to rebel and seize power at this time, but when he saw Dong Huang Tian at first, he couldn’t help it. Feeling fearful.

Of the 1000 Elders all around, most of them were complexion changed, and their faces were full of horror, while the more than 300 Elders loyal to Tianzong, led by Dong Elder, were overjoyed and all paid their respects.

“pay respects to Sect Master !”

“pay respects to Sect Master !”

“Pay respects to …”

“……… ‘

More than 300 Elders, under the leadership of Dong Elder, faced East Huang Tian and saluted.

shua! shua!

As soon as Dong Huang Tian stepped into the great hall, his eyes were swept and fixed directly on Chu Yan, and Chu Yan was also the same. In the moment when Dong Huang Tian appeared, a pair of eyes stared straight at each other, 2 The line of sight collided in midair and hit a fiery spark.

Chu Yan only felt in his body, a burst of blood boiled instantly, his whole body up and down, as if thunder and lightning passing by, suddenly trembling.

This … This is how bloodline feels connected! ?

This … this person is my uncle! ?


Chu Yan only felt the Sea of ​​Consciousness tremble, the entire Divine Soul was roaring, and his eyes were red for an instant.

“Good! Not bad …”

Dong Huang Tian’s eyes flashed, and the same fiery, very gentle eyes, looked at Chu Yan, slightly nodded said with a smile.

“Hmph! Dong Huang Tian One, what are you doing here! Your current cultivation base is nothing but the superior Martial Venerable Realm, ha ha ha… ..”

Ruan Tiankun has been using Divine Consciousness to continuously explore Dong Huang Tian just when he looked at Chu Yan, and after repeated confirmation, he found that the other party ’s cultivation base really fell into Martial Venerable Realm. Suddenly, his heart was empty. , Expansion quickly, laughed out loud.

“Regarding the previous friendship, Dong Huang Tian one, as long as he can get acquainted and give me up, I can spare you a life!”

With Ruan Tiankun’s arrogant cries, Chu Yan is brows slightly wrinkle, the pupil of Qilin is running, looking towards the east Huang Tian …

“En !? There is really only Martial Venerable Realm 7th Layer cultivation base, which has just reached the upper Martial Venerable Realm!”

At a glance, Chu Yan complexion greatly changed, didn’t expect, the head of Antiquity Eight Sects, the cultivation base of Tianzong Sect Master Huang Tianyi, so much!

You know, the former Huang Tian Yi ’s cultivation base was the lower Martial Sovereign Realm cultivation base!

“Nuan Tiankun, I treat you normally normally, you openly choose !?”

An azure robe, a face of majestic Dong Huang Tian, ​​withdrew his gaze from Chu Yan and looked to Ruan Tiankun, coldly said.

“And you guys, messing up my ancestors, and damaging my foundation, and rebelling with him, it’s not against you!”

Hearing Dong Huang Tian’s words, behind Ruan Tiankun, more than 500 Elders changed their colors and turned red!

“Nonsense, Dong Huang Tian, ​​don’t talk nonsense, today, either you die or I die!”

In a word, Ruan Tiankun’s body, all cultivation base aura, broke out in an instant, and in both eyes, it was full of killing intent….

For today, he planned for many years, no matter what Huang Tian said, he will not give up!


Dong Huang Tian was shouted, and the cultivation base aura on his body also had to go crazy.

In an instant, inside the great hall, the atmosphere was dignified instantly, and the battle was about to start!

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