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Dong Huang Tian this fist exhausted all his strength, including just swallowing Golden Pill, recovered less than 30% of True Qi, and all of it was performed.

Although at the beginning, because of Martial Soul Poison, his cultivation base has not been restored, coupled with the battle with Shangyang Dao, he was injured again.

The current Huang Tian Tian, ​​one body strength, does not even reach 50% of the Peak period!

However, wrapped in the monstrous imposing manner of press forward, Dong Huang Tian did not have any hesitation, the whole body of True Qi concentrated on the right fist, like the golden flood Dragon-like palm glow, fiercely smashed to the host of Yang.

This fist may not be able to defeat the Shangyang Master, but at least, it can make him difficult to support, reducing the loss of Martial Artists of the 3 army!

Therefore, this move attacked, Dong Huang Tian even had a death wish!

“En !?”

With a glance at the corner of the eye, seeing that Huang Tian rushed from the east, the Lord of Yangyang was coldly snorted, Tao

“Hmph! Courting death!”

Immediately afterwards, the Master Yang Yang ’s eyes were bright, his eyes were looking towards the rushing East Huang Tian, ​​a big wave of his hand, the black mountain just before it was used to resist the attack of 10000 Martial Artist, rumble surged out, moved towards Dong Huang Tian crashed away.


The palm glow of the Golden Flood Dragon hit the Black Mountain, making the black mountain fiercely tremble and suddenly retreat to the thousand zhang. However, after the golden palm glow spared its energy, the black mountain trembles, but it turned into a black paw print …

Although this paw print is 100 times smaller than the previous mountain, the might is much stronger, like a black lightning, moved towards East Huang Tian as soon as possible!

“Not good !”

Dong Huang Tian, ​​who had just rushed through the gas explosion center, had just seen his sight, but suddenly saw the black paw prints that had rushed to his eyes. There was no time to react between the rush, True Qi eruption, body protection astral qi burst … .


The black paw print collided with the body protection astral qi of Huang Tian, ​​and held it fiercely, holding it directly and completely, the streamer was like electricity, moved towards the Lord of the Sun, returned …

“Ha ha ha …… Dong Huang Tian I, didn’t expect, you still fall into my hands!”

Shangyang Taoist laughed loudly, his face smug.

Facing the army of 2 100,000 Martial Artists, General Huang Tian captured it, which made the Shangyang Daoist extremely prosperous and full of arrogance.

At this moment, he has a feeling of above heaven under earth, Only I Am Supreme!


The big black hand melted by Gang Yuan suddenly puts force on him, so he will directly squeeze Dong Huang Tian into the powder …


At this moment, shouted loudly suddenly sounded, and the master of Yangyang Road started looking and turned to look.

But I saw that the opposite Chu Yan suddenly waved a big hand and released a silhouette…

“Well, Ruan Jingtian !? Are you still dead ?!”

When Shangyang Dao arrived at Ruan Jingtian, his face suddenly froze, and then his expression changed, and his brow twisted gently!

“Father-in-law, save me …”

As soon as Ruan Jingtian appeared, he immediately pouted and knelt in front of the Lord Shangyang, shouting with a look of prayer.

“Shangyang Master, I’ll take Ruan Jingtian and your exchanging people!”

Chu Yan slightly narrows the eyes, cold shouted.

At the same time, in Chu Yan Sea of ​​Consciousness, 2 consciousnesses flashed, glancing towards Shendang and Gong Yuntian …


Originally, according to the thought of Shang Yang Dao, this Ruan Jingtian was simply worthless, originally a chess piece, but so far, Ruan Jingtian is nominally his own son-in-law. In front of so many people, if he can’t save him, It’s really embarrassing …

Moreover, I just experienced a feeling of Supreme in the world. At this time, if I can’t save Ruan Jingtian, it really is …

“Okay! Swap and swap!”

He raised his eyebrows for a long time and thought for a long time. He groaned a little, then his eyes lit up, his mouth lightly raised, nodded, and promised.

In his view, at present, only Dong Huang Tian can match himself with 2 moves, but it is a pity that Dong Huang Tian Yi ’s current cultivation base strength is not even half of the usual. Even if you let him go, you can grab it back later, and it has always been dead!

Because he is extremely confident in his own strength, the host of Shangyang, simply does not care, and he casually agreed to Chu Yan’s exchange requirements!


Seeing the promise of Shang Yang, Chu Yan was the same with a light mouth, and two Divine Consciousness sound transmissions came out again, allowing Shen Dang and Gong Yuntian to prepare …


Shang Yang did not notice at all. The communication between Chu Yan and the 2 Sect Masters was directly thrown away, throwing East Huang Tian to Chu Yan, and did not even worry that Chu Yan would not be returned to Ruan Jingtian!

Because, Master Yang Yang is extremely proud of his own strength!

There is no opponent at all in the audience, who can threaten the interest, even if Chu Yan does not let Ruan Jingtian, he can save Ruan Jingtian with just one move.

However, next moment, mutation is born!

On the east of Huang Tian, ​​flew towards Chu Yan, and Chu Yan threw Ruan Jingtian to the host of Yang Yang, letting him relax slightly, behind him, 2 100,000 Martial Artist army exploded …

The endless palm seal, palm glow, blade light, Sword Qi, make up a monstrous sea, like a piece of Tianhe, moved towards the surging away of the head of Shangyang Dao …

“What !? You …”

The host of Shangyang had just taken Ruan Jingtian and was preparing to teach a few words. Suddenly, there was a icy cold in his heart, causing him to explode with cold hair. Looking up, he also saw a dismal scene. .

2 100,000 attacks, including the half-step Martial Sovereign Realm powerhouse such as Dangdang and Gong Yuntian, also shot simultaneously …

The endless rolling Hongfeng, passing all the way, seems to devour Heaven and Earth, destroying everything, all the air and void, all turned into powder, can’t stop at all …

“Space-Time Crack!”

The Master Shangyang awakened in an instant, and he could not resist his heart at all. You must know that his incarnation is similar to Chu Yan ’s 10000 elephant show. The longer Avatar exists, the more True Qi is consumed, and the more powerful it will be. Coming worse.

Therefore, he just blocked the attack of nearly 100,000 Martial Artists in one move. It seems that the majesty is extremely powerful, but in fact, the True Qi of his incarnation also consumes more than half. It is simply impossible to resist the second time.

Therefore, Dao Shangyang did not dare to hesitate, waved his hand directly, tore apart a Space-Time crack, and thrown Ruan Jingtian into his hand, his body also turned into a residual image, and he was ready to step into Space-Time. Among the cracks …

It is a pity that there is no mental calculation, and there is no time for it!


The attacking tide hiding the sky and covering the earth, fiercely fell, and collided directly with the host of Shangyang Road into the crack of Space-Time, directly colliding …


With a scream, a dozen high zhang high thighs were blown up and flew into the air, turning into a stormy weather, 4 scattered disappear …

At the same time, Shangyang Daoist’s face was twisted, his pain was cold and sweating, and he looked back fiercely and glared at Chu Yan, body flashed, submerged in the Space-Time crack and completely disappeared!

An incarnation thigh, although not true body, is condensed by True Qi, but within incarnation, there is Divine Soul with true body, so, incarnation is injured, true body feels the same, that pain, exactly the same …

“Chu Yan, I won’t let you go …”

As the Space-Time cracks closed, between the Heaven and Earth, the roar of the Shangyang Master, echoed for a long time …


Seeing the sky, the Space-Time crack disappeared, and Chu Yan and 2 Sect Masters were relaxed at the same time.

The strength of this Shangyang Master is really too powerful!

If it were not for today, the 2 major Sect Masters brought in a large number of reinforcements, but only sent a small amount of powerhouse to come, I am afraid all will be lost here.

However, this Tianzong chaos is finally over!

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