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A war that shocked the entire Central Heaven Continent has finally come to an end!

Within the Antiquity Eight Sects that dominated the Central Heaven Continent, there were 4 cases that participated in this battle.

Tianzong, Medicine Sect, Dizong and Spirit Sect dispatched several hundred thousand powerhouses to fight a battle of Tianzong rebellion controlled by Shangyang Palace.

As the Shangyang host incarnation escaped, the battlefield finally calmed down!

Subsequently, under the leadership of East Huang Tianyi, Medicine Sect, Dizong and Spirit Sect nearly 2 100,000 Martial Venerable Realm powerhouse army, kill Heaven Sect, all the traitor forces inside the sect, like the wind and leaves, all eliminated!

Dong Huang Tian listened to Chu Yan ’s opinion, and for participating in the Tianzong rebellion, follow the Ruan Family father and son ’s rebellion inside the sect Martial Artist, whether it ’s a high-weight Elder, or elite disciple, all kill, no Leave a live mouth!

Only in this way can it act as a deterrent!

After that, Dong Tian Tian, ​​who suppressed the entire Tianzong rebellion, brought Chu Yan and 2 Sect Masters to the Xiao Tian Peak Master Hall and set up a banquet to thank them!

Xiaotian Peak Master ’s Martial Arts Stage is extremely huge, accommodating 2 100,000 Martial Artist without any sense of crowding …

Chu Yan, Shen Dang, and Gong Yuntian, including the demon night whose injuries have recovered slightly, are in the main hall, which is accompanied by Dong Huang Tian personally …

A banquet lasted for half a day, and the host and the host enjoyed it!

At night, in the temporary Sect Master’s palace, several big brothers gathered …

“Emperor Sect Master, today I will tell you more about Shangyang Palace…. In addition, the power of Tianzong today will make me wait …”

After the insider was separated from the host, Gong Yuntian asked directly and said.

Today’s war, in the final analysis, in fact, there is only one enemy, that is Shangyang Sect Master. This person’s strength makes Shen Sect Master and Gong Sect Master extremely worried …

In addition, what puzzles the 2 Sect Masters is that Tianzong is the head of Antiquity Eight Sects. Why the trifling 1000 Martial Artist’s inside the sect rebellion seems to have no power at all to suppress it.

“Oh, this matter involves the core secret of Tianzong …”

Dong Huang Tian a hearing this, a line of hesitation appeared on his face, a few chuckles, his eyes flickered constantly, it seemed to be thinking, do you want to tell everyone …

“Donghuang Sect Master, you also know that some time ago, the Heaven and Earth natural phenomenon of” Bihaiqingtian “appeared on the Central Heaven Continent. According to historical records, any occurrence of this Heaven and Earth natural phenomenon will happen.” Hao Heavenly Tribulation “! For this, our Antiquity Eight Sects should actively cooperate and cope with it together!”

Sang Master Sect is also gently opened the mouth and said.

“Yes, 100,000 years ago, the” Hao Heavenly Tribulation “appeared involving the entire Vast Heaven Continent, continent Sect ten to nine, and, as we all know, none of those powerful Sect forces survived 9 years ago … Our Antiquity Eight Sects, although they are now the 100,000 Great Sect forces of Continent Peak, but they have all risen in recent 8 years! “

Gong Yuntian Sect Master’s face showed a trace of worry, slowly said.

“No … not …” Dong Huang Tian suddenly opened the mouth and said.

“En !?”

Hearing the words of Dong Huang Tian Yi, including Chu Yan, 3 people looked towards Dong Huang Sect Master, his face was stunned, full of doubts!

“In the Heavenly Tribulation of 100,000 years ago, the entire Central Heaven Continent, with the exception of some weak Sects that had not been damaged, only had a Peak Sect force that survived, that is … Our Tianzong!”

Dong Huang Tian Yi ’s words sounded as if a thunderclap suddenly shocked the body of Chu Yan 3!

what! ?

Shenwu Xiaotianzong turned out to be Antiquity Sect! ?

How can this be! ?

You should know that on the current Central Heaven Continent, with continent disputes, large and small Sects continue to rise and fall. So far, there is no Sect in the current Sect forces that has existed for more than 100,000 years!

Suddenly, I heard Dong Huang Tian said that the existence of Tianzong for more than 100,000 years was the antiquity sect force, which made Shen Dang, Gong Yuntian and Chu Yan shocked and couldn’t believe it!

“So, for Hao Heavenly Tribulation, our Tianzong is very clear, and, for nearly 100,000 years, has been there for this!”

Dong Huang Tian spoke amazingly, opened the mouth and said gently

“However, it is about Tianzong ’s core secrets. I ca n’t say too much! I can only say that this time ’s Hao Heavenly Tribulation is very likely to be related to another continent, and their power has long reached Vast Heaven Continent. Within 100 years, it has been laid out. “

“What !? 100 years ago, I reached out to Vast Heaven Continent! Who is that? That Sect force?”

Shen Dang and Gong Yuntian’s faces changed together, their expressions dignified, and they asked.

“Black Blood Temple!” Dong Huang Tian a.

“Black … Black Blood Temple !? This … so that’s how it is!”

Suddenly I heard 4 words of Black Blood Temple, 2 Sect Masters exclaimed at the same time, but, after a little thought, suddenly I suddenly …

No wonder that in the past 100 years, the Black Blood Temple has developed so fast, and it has even surpassed the Antiquity Eight Sects forces. Moreover, it has been rumored that the Black Blood Temple has the power behind it. Everyone has never imagined who is behind the Black Blood Temple. Now, Hearing Dong Huang Tian Yi’s words, I immediately understood it.

It turned out that this black Blood Temple was not a local force, but an aggressor force. In this way, everything is clear!

“No! No longer allow the Black Blood Temple, this time, our Antiquity Eight Sects must work together to completely eliminate the Black Blood Temple!”

Sing Master Sect Master whispered.

“Good! This matter, it is urgent! Need to be soon …” Gong Yuntian nodded, said.

“Emperor Sect Master, can this matter be coordinated by Tianzong, and only you, Tianzong, will be qualified!” Shen Dang said.


Hearing Shen Sect Master’s words, Dong Huang Tian smiled bitterly, hooked the head, and gave a long sigh.

“You also see what is happening today. In fact, ten years ago, a major event occurred inside my sect department! This event is related to that continent. So far, my sect 80% elite disciple, all trapped, life and death I do n’t know! If it ’s not their life Spirit Mark and their breath, it ’s all … oh! “

In a word, Shen Dang and Gong Yuntian’s faces changed in unison, and their faces were full of surprise!

“I urge you to say that the Sect forces of the different continent are extremely powerful, like the Shangyang Palace today, there is only the third-level forces, but if we are in our Central Heaven Continent, I am afraid that only the days of our Peak period Zong can compete with it! “

Speaking of which, Dong Huang Tian paused for a moment, his face very solemn, and then said

“So, before the advent of” Hao Heavenly Tribulation “, you should prepare early! In that great disaster, I am afraid that only Martial Artists above Martial Sovereign Realm may survive!”

“What !? Martial Sovereign Realm powerhouse is only possible … hiss!”

Hearing Dong Huang Tian Yi’s words, the 2 Sect Masters jumped up from their seats in astonishment, and their faces were blue and black!

Martial Sovereign Realm powerhouse, Antiquity Eight Sects have, but not secret, just as Sect’s last protection power, but even if all moved to the table, Antiquity Eight Sects Martial Sovereign Realm powerhouse in each case, the maximum is only 2 Only.

Under such amazing news, Shen Dang and Gong Yuntian finally have a new understanding of “Hao Heavenly Tribulation”, and also finally understand why 100,000 years ago, the Antiquity era was so much more powerful than the current Antiquity Eight Sects. Ten times the Sect will be completely lost!

Afterwards, the two Sect Masters kept asking Dong Huang Tian Yi about the news of Hao Heavenly Tribulation, but Dong Huang Tian Yi shook his head gently and kept silent …

One hour later, the 2 Sect Masters were also in no mood. After staying in Tianzong, after leaving the residence hall of Huang Tianyi, they directly greeted Sect powerhouse and hurried back to their respective Sect …

In the residence of the Emperor Sect Master, only Chu Yan and Yaoye are left …

“Uncle … Uncle, my mother is there !?”

Chu Yan who had not spoken just now, at this time, his eyes tremble, his fists clenched, staring straight at Dong Huang Tian, ​​and asked.

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