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Under the gaze of countless eyes, Chu Yan’s mouth was slightly raised, the right hand was raised, and fiercely held …

Ka ka ka !

The huge Gang Yuan claw mark, as Chu Yan right hand clasped and contracted at the same time, suddenly, the blood robe Great Elder held by the Gang Yuan claw mark, the whole face was twisted instantly, the blue bars burst, the whole body of the skeleton, issued a series of The sound of ka ka ka’s bone burst …


With a mournful scream, the whole sky was alarmed …


A big mouth, the blood robe Great Elder spouted a big mouth of blood, which was also mixed with some internal organs.

It ’s just this, the fleshy body of the blood robe … severely injured!

Although Martial Artist as Martial Venerable Realm cultivation base, this level of Fleshy body injury is not enough to be fatal. As long as a high-quality Golden Pill, it can be recovered in a few days, but in a short time, it has completely lost its action. Ability, including the ability to use True Qi and martial skill.

In short, the blood robe Great Elder caught in the hands of Chu Yan has become a waste in a short time!

Ka ka’s bone burst echoed, and the whole Eastern Temple was silent!

4 all directions, more and more black Blood Temple powerhouse, escaped from the fire sea of ​​Vermilion Bird Emperor Fire, the strength of these people is basically above the half-step Martial Venerable Realm, otherwise, impossible from a large range rushed out of the fire sea.

In less than a few moments, the powerhouse gathered in the Eastern Temple of Chu Yan had more than nearly 100,000 people …

However, these people all gathered around Chu Yan all around, and no one dared to act arbitrarily. On the one hand, they were deterred by Chu Yan ’s monster-level battle strength. At the same time, the bloody robe Great Elder was still in the hands of Chu Yan, which made them refrain from Shooting at the rat for fear of breaking the vases, I dare not mess up at all!

According to the rules of the Black Blood Temple, the blood robe Great Elder is the person in control of the Eastern Temple. If he is killed by Chu Yan, then all of the powerhouse of the Eastern Temple will be punished …

And that kind of punishment, as long as you think about it, let them have one’s hair stand on end, chilling!

“Chu Yan, let’s release our Great Elder!”

“Boy, let go of Great Elder, otherwise … die!”

“Chu Yan, as long as you put the blood robe Great Elder, we can let you go!”

“Good, I promise not to kill you!”


Several powerhouses from the Black Blood Temple, out of the crowd, were loudly shouted to Chu Yan.

Their meaning is very clear, as long as Chu Yan is willing to release the blood robe Great Elder, they can no longer do anything with Chu Yan, and even Chu Yan just killed the 1000000 disciple on the Black Blood Temple, they can also not be investigated!

Regardless of what the powerhouse of the Black Blood Temple said, true and false, but their words reached Chu Yan’s ears, but they only exchanged a sneer full of killing intent …

“Oh ….. Until now, you haven’t figured out the situation!”

Hearing the words of the Black Blood Temple powerhouse, Chu Yan could n’t help being sneaked. It turned out that they still did n’t understand that today they came to the Eastern Temple to do it and so on!

“Everyone in the Black Blood Temple … All about to die!”

With a word, Chu Yan coldly shouted, both hands turned over at the same time, a bottle of 9 Xuan Golden Pill in the left hand, all poured into the mouth, right hand cold light flashed, ten brilliant swords dazzled cold glow, sharp aura, swept all field……

“Clear Sky Sword, out!”

“Vermilion Bird Emperor Fire, burn me!”

Roaring heaven shaking earth shattering, Chu Yan put the blood robe directly into the myriad beasts of the mountain and river. The ten swords in his hand shook, the sharp sword light, the shining void, Sword Qi, the 10000 steps, the endless sword light flow Next, Chu Yan body flashed, holding a long sword, and rushed directly to the Martial Artist crowd opposite …

hu hu hu!

in midair, Vermilion Bird Martial Soul, a big mouth, a path of Emperor Fire Pillar, tumbling and turning, turning a path of Fire Dragon roll, moved towards 4 sides all directions rushing away, two-winged fan, a large fire The waves, shot like a heaven overflowing giant wave, swept the audience …

Xiu xiu xiu !

With a body weight of 10,000 zhang, Chu Yan’s ten absolute swords broke out completely. In the wave of his hand, a large slice of sword light was chopped out, turned into a sword shadow storm, and struck the Martial Artist crowd …

Chi! chi! chi!

Sword light soaring into the sky, blood spraying, endless screams, blood arrow, 4 scattered corpses and fragments, a massacre feast that covers the entire mountain range, and the curtain opened in an instant!


White Tiger Martial Soul’s eyes are like golden thunder and lightning, sweeping the audience, a few tiger zhang high tigers turn, rush directly to the ground …

thump! thump!

The huge White Tiger, which is as high as a hill, landed heavily on the ground, and dozens of ordinary disciples of the Black Blood Temple were stepped into a ball of rotten flesh …


A tiger palm the size of a small house is lifted up and pressed down hard. Every landing, there are more than a dozen black Blood Temple ordinary disciple escaping into powder, and at the same time, White Tiger Martial Soul 4 rammed down, every house The building hit by it, regardless of the height of several floors, collapsed instantly and became a ruin!

In the high altitude, Chu Yan, with the cooperation of Vermilion Bird Martial Soul, launched a war with nearly 100,000 black Blood Temple powerhouses …

There are sword lights everywhere, 4 are all fire sea, Clear Sky Sword invisible void, every time it appears, it will take 100 lives of Martial Venerable Realm powerhouse …

“Dead! Dead! Dead!”

Chu Yan holding ten must-have swords, blood red eyes, golden eyes bright, makeup like crazy monsters, waving hands, sword light like the moon, swept across, dozens of Martial Venerable Realm Martial Artist, instantly cut into 2 …

At the beginning, several 10000 Martial Artists from the Black Blood Temple also wanted to use the number advantage to siege Chu Yan …

Yes, it’s siege!

Because the blood robe Great Elder is still in the hands of Chu Yan, these Martial Venerable Realm powerhouses dare not give up their hands, fearing that they will accidentally hurt the blood robe Great Elder. In that case, even if Chu Yan is killed, he will still die!

Just ten breaths time is not enough, the violent attacks of Chu Yan and Vermilion Bird Martial Soul, as if thunderbolt strikes, let those eastern temple powerhouses who dream of suppressing Chu Yan rely on the number advantage, were instantly killed …. !

Chu Yan and Vermilion Bird Martial Soul, who are more than 800 feet tall, have gone through a large corpse that fell to the ground like dumplings, or turned into a dark gray!

It turned out that most of the Martial Artists here rushed out of the fire sea on the ground, thinking that Vermilion Bird Emperor Fire merely this, but when those fire pillars and fire waves shot at themselves, they found that their body protection Gang Yuan, no longer Can’t resist …

“I lean, run …”

“Oh my god, too terrifying …”

“He … he is a devil, he is not a human at all!”

“Go! If you don’t go, you will all die!”

“…… ..”

In less than 20 breaths, more than 8000 people died in Chu Yan ’s powerhouse, and more than 30000 people died in Martial Artist under Vermilion Bird Emperor Fire …

Within a short period of time, nearly 100,000 Martial Venerable Realm powerhouse, a 30% loss!

The remaining more than 60,000 powerhouses were so frightened that they were so flies away and scatters.

Suffocating …!

Several 10000 Martial Venerable Realm powerhouses were chased and killed by a kid from Heavenspan Realm cultivation base with a sword …

However, they dare not fight back!

As long as someone dares to gather and prepare to attack him together, he will wave his big hand, summon the blood robe Great Elder, and act like a shield.

When you fight True Qi to reverse and take back the attack, there will be a word glow with cold light flashing straight ahead …

this didn’t have to fight … Moreover, anger can make me vomit blood!

In this case, besides running away, are there other options! ?

But would Chu Yan like Killing God let them escape! ?

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