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The 10000 powerhouses of the Eastern Temple, held by Chu Yan and chasing scared witless, were all beaten by Chu Yan’s shameless and almost spit out an old blood!

There is no other way but to escape!

However, Chu Yan, who made up his mind to kill the entire Eastern Temple, would not give them any possibility of escape!

“Black Tortoise Martial Soul, come out!”

Under shouted loudly, above Chu Yan’s head, the whole sky suddenly dimmed …

The sky with a radius of nearly 10 li was blocked by a large black shadow in an instant. The sky was trembling and violently shaking, and then blasted away. A horror silhouette with a volume of nearly 10 li stepped out of the broken in the sky …

5 Star Black Tortoise!


The dragon headed towards the sky, making a loud dragon sound, and the waves were rushing to the four sides all directions… ..

“Black Tortoise, suppress me!”

Chu Yan took out 3 bottles of 9 Xuan Golden Pill again, and while the Black Tortoise Martial Soul appeared, everyone looked up in horror and quickly added True Qi with the body, which was consumed like a flood …

At the same time, summon 3 respects Divine Beast Martial Soul, and two 2 Star, one 10 Star, and the 5 Star Black Tortoise Martial Soul, the volume is like a mountain range covering 5 li, and it will consume White Tiger and Vermilion Bird 10 respects the total True Qi consumed by Divine Beast Martial Soul.

Boom … Rumble!

As Chu Yan’s roar sounded, Black Tortoise Martial Soul issued a shocking Heavenly Dragon, followed by a black light masterpiece, slowly bowing his head, with the endless power of the emperor, moved towards below 4 Black Blood Temple Powerhouses, under heavy pressure …

Body 10 li, cover the sky and cover the sun, like a piece of black sky dome falling down …

Black Tortoise Martial Soul ’s body, wherever he passed, all the voids were crushed and broken, and the East Domain Temple powerhouses who wanted to escape through the void crack looked at the black Tortoise falling above the sky like a sky Martial Soul, and found that the void crack that he just ripped, collapsed directly, suddenly, countless faces, instantly became a piece of shit green …

“I’m shit … what are these ah!”

“God … the sky collapsed! It’s over … it can’t escape!”

“Lying trough! What’s this fuck !? Mountain?”

“It’s over, the void collapsed …”


Among all the Sea of ​​Consciousness, only came and flashed a consciousness. On the sky, the mountain-like Black Tortoise Emperor, like the mountain sky, smashed his head and covered the ground, fiercely smashed to all 4 and fled, frightening inexplicable All Dongyu Shengya powerhouse …

Boom … Rumble!

In an instant, in countless pairs of desperate eyes, the Black Tortoise Emperor fell, and fell heavily on the ground, under his body, pressing countless groups of explosive body protection gang Yuan’s various silhouettes …

A few 10000 powerhouses in the Black Blood Temple can escape the 10 li range, less than 1000 people …

These black Temple Temple powerhouses who escaped the escape alive turned around and looked behind them, their faces dull, and even Divine Soul stopped.

I saw that the continent in front of me was trembling violently, several 10000 Martial Artists were pressed back to the ground, various screams of heaven shaking earth shattering, a shadow of hell …


On Black Tortoise, a large piece of black light rose up, turned into a streamer, shot into the sky of Chu Yan, and disappeared into him within the body.

After it left, the large Martial Artist on the ground was wailing and struggling, crawling up from the ground tremblingly, and looking towards Chu Yan’s eyes, all in horror.

Although the Black Tortoise Martial Soul attack prevented most of the Black Blood Temple ’s Martial Artists from escaping, Martial Soul ’s attack on Martial Artists has a very weak formidable power. Therefore, Black Tortoise Martial Soul this move is only a big Some people pressed back to the ground, but not at all how many people were killed, the most is the broken bones, the fleshy body was broken …

However, the deterrent effect of this move is far greater than the actual damage, so now, on the ground, all the Martial Artists of the Eastern Temple, whether they are standing or lying, are all chopped up. Can generate battle intent …

Their Martial Dao will is completely destroyed!

Too terrifying!

This guy named Chu Yan is too terrifying!

Is that human being? ! Absolutely not …

He must have been sent by God to destroy the world!

xiu! xiu! xiu!

Just when everyone was stunned and the whole body was cold, on the sky, a word light rushed out from there, across the sky, in the far sky, flying through the sky, drawing countless countless flashes亮 的 silver sword light….

And every time a sword light flashes, there will be several groups of blood light burst, looking up, like a piece of the most beautiful fireworks exploded on the high altitude of 10,000 zhang …

whiz whiz whiz whiz sou!

A corpse, who fell from the sky and just escaped from the power of the Black Tortoise Emperor, over 1000 powerhouses in the Eastern Temple, all died under Clear Sky Divine Weapon …

“Hehehe … well, let’s continue …”

Looking at the sky, like falling dumplings, corpse kept falling, Chu Yan’s mouth lightly raised, brought a cruel grin, the ten swords in his hand shook, and sneered.

When the words hit the ground, the air suddenly chilled!

Everyone saw the grin on Chu Yan’s face, and suddenly felt a very cold air rising from the bottom of his heart, making everyone suddenly hit a shivered, and his whole body was like an ice cellar!

carry on! ?

What to continue? !

Could it be …

“I’m fucking! He’s going to kill again … hurry and escape ah!”

“Devil! He is a demon!”

“Too … too terrifying, who will save us …!”


With the silhouette of Chu Yan, turned into a black electric light, moved towards the crowd on the ground, everyone only felt that the scalp exploded suddenly, the thick death air rose from the bottom of my heart, and even the soul was frightened … .

“All to me … die!”

It ’s just the skill of the Lening God, Chu Yan has rushed into the crowd, facing these terrified, Fleshy body damaged 2nd-rate Martial Artist, Chu Yan ’s ten swords, like the blade of Death God, are harvesting. Endless fresh life …

The silhouette passes by, like a big ball of sword light, pushing forward, like meat grinder, raising a large piece of flesh and blood …

ah! Ah … ah!

Severe screams, one after another, a so-called expert of Black Blood Temple, like a wheat field under a sickle, falling down piece by piece …


Under the sky, a bright star like a meteor flashed, Clear Sky Divine Weapon shuttling through the void, with endless sharp coldness, instantly killed Chu Yan and joined the action of harvesting life …


In the face of no decent resistance at all, a few 10000 powerhouses of the Black Blood Temple, in front of Chu Yan, seemed to be pigs and dogs. They could do nothing but spray blood and give life!

The eyes are blood red, the golden pupil is shining, Chu Yan seems to be the master of Heaven and Earth, wantonly reap the lives of all the damn people!

At this moment, a 10,000 zhang altitude in the mountain range of the East Pole, a petite silhouette, coming from a distance …

The speed is as fast as a purple electric light, just in the blink of an eye, from the horizon, to the slaughter hell!

This person was chasing behind Chu Yan, and was ordered by Huang Tianyi to protect Chu Yan … demon night!

However, when he finally caught up with Chu Yan, he hung under the sky and looked at it. Suddenly, the whole face was green, the corners of his eyes were wild, his lips were shaking …

“I depend, Young Lord, you … you are too fierce!”


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