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Yaoye had just arrived on the battlefield, just glanced at it, and was stunned by the scene in front of her.

I saw that within the range of several ten li in a row in the Eastern Temple, one person, one tiger and one sword was harvesting the lives of more than 10 million people.

Moreover, in the sky, there is a horror god bird that makes Yaoye feel within the body monster qi, spitting out endless fire sea, turning those ordinary disciple escaped from the Eastern Temple into a large ashes …

When Divine Consciousness of the demon night swept across the ground and saw a white tiger beast like a hill, he was so scared that his soul almost came out of the body!

“I rely on, Divine Beast… .. Young Lord’s Martial Soul, turned out to be Divine Beast! Also ….. 2 fuck!”

If it is not the enchantment cultivation base of Yaoyue, it has reached the half-step Martial Sovereign Realm, and it is about to get rid of Heavenly Dao. I am afraid that only the aura of White Tiger and Vermilion Bird 2 Divine Beast can make Yaoye directly disabled …

“Hiss! Too terrifying … too terrifying!”

Yao Ye looked at the scene on the ground, completely silly!

The White Tiger Martial Soul of that incomparable gigantic, every step of falling, there will be a large piece of Martial Artist turned into meat foam, and every time you collide, there will be a building palace turned into ruins …

That scene is really too violent … too brutal!

The Vermilion Bird in the sky, like Fire God, constantly spitting Fire Dragon rolls, sweeping towards the crowd, shooting fire waves with its wings, raising the crowd, the slaughter’s fast speed is staggering!

And Young Lord Chu Yan, holding a Sword Spirit sword, with a Spirit Sword hanging above him, composed of 2 sword shadow light balls, rushed down 4 times on the ground, and the shadow shadow light ball was full of blood and minced meat. fly…..

This scene in front of me makes Yao Ye’s understanding of Chu Yan completely subvert, and even his own view of the demon world is collapsing!

A person slaughtered 10000000 million Martial Artists, this … How is this done! ?

This ability should only be available in Martial Sovereign Realm powerhouse!

However, this is an important branch of the Black Blood Temple. How could there be no powerhouse to guard and let the Young Lord slaughter so! ?

“Fuck! How can I be without such a fight!”

next moment, the demon night that quickly subsided from the horror, looking at the blood and slaughter in front of him, the battle intent in the bottom of my heart was excited by endless, and the demon blood within the body instantly became hot …..


Turned into a purple blue electric light, the monster night qi of the whole body exploded, moved towards the ground, and went straight …

“Young Lord, I’m here! Roar …”


The petite silhouette fell to the ground, but it turned into an Azure Ox Monster Beast with a tall zhang. 4 ox hooves stepped on the ground, and the ground layer exploded, spreading like a spider web.


The bull who is full of zhang high, is crazy, terrifying …..!

The head of the cow is drooping, 4 hoofs are flying, the azure flaming cow monster qi explodes, and the powerhouse below the Martial Sovereign Realm is simply not close.

The monster night mad cow, the bull’s head passed, people turned their horses over, there was no enemy at all, they were hit by the horns and the bull’s head, and turned into countless pieces of corpses, like the scattered flowers of the goddess, 4 scattered and flew …

“Ha ha ha, enjoyable! Come again …”

After the night rushed through the dense crowd, Yaoye suddenly turned around and rushed into a crazy charge, without a few back and forth, densely packed crowds, forcibly being plowed out by a few thick sidewalks!

With the joining of Yaoye, the speed of slaughtering the Eastern Temple is greatly increased!

Soon, nearly 10000 buildings were hit by White Tiger Martial Soul in a mess, and then the continuous shooting band was added to all the ruins. Once turned around, White Tiger Martial Soul also joined the ranks of the massacre!

This slaughter feast took place for one hour …

The whole Eastern Temple was turned into a ruin. The first to be slaughtered out was the 10000 Martial Venerable Realm powerhouse, and then those Martial Artists below the cultivation base below Heavenspan Realm, the speed of death and injury was even faster!

A whole few 10000000 black Blood Temple disciple, escaped less than 1000000, and the rest became Corpse Mountain Blood Sea, and the permanent damage fell into the mountain range in the extreme east.

A few 10000000 corpse, making the ground of 10 li round, turned into red with mud, straight with no instep!

“Vermilion Bird, White Tiger, close!”

Chu Yan stood with his sword, and the golden eyes of the blood eye swept the audience. After confirming that there was no live mouth, the blood of his eyes gradually withdrew. Divine Consciousness cited 2 Divine Beast Martial Soul and recalled Sea of ​​Consciousness!


Chu Yan raised his hand, took out a bottle of Golden Pill and threw it to Yaoye. At the same time, he also took out a bottle and took 3 9 Xuan Golden Pill, directly cross-legged on the endless Corpse Mountain Blood Sea and began to restore True Qi!

“Ha ha ha, killing too much! Uh … don’t we leave?”

Yaoye laughed loudly, seeing Chu Yan throwing a bottle of Golden Pill, sitting directly cross-legged, and suddenly startedled and asked in a loss of voice.

“Go? How can a lot of corpse be wasted !?”

Chu Yan glanced at Yaoye, grinning lightly, and immediately, no longer paid attention to him, began to Shen Shen cultivation.

Demon Night held Golden Pill, not at all, anxious to restore interest rate, but his face was solidified, diversified Divine Consciousness, and flowed to all directions in 4 directions, began to help Chu Yan protect the law!

The mountain range in the East Pole that has been noisy for a long time has finally calmed down!

In addition to the pungent bloody smell in the sky, which made people’s hearts tremble, as if nothing had happened, there was silence!

After half stick of incense time, Chu Yan in cultivation, his eyes suddenly opened, two bright glow shot out …

In the next moment, Chu Yan’s lips were lightly raised, bringing a strange smile!

“Vermilion Bird, come out!”

Under a light shout, behind Chu Yan, Vermilion Bird Divine Beast of the fire red, broke out of the sky, moved towards Nine Heavens, and soared into the sky!

Tweet …!

The loud chirping sounds like stormy sea, disperses the sky and clouds, and a round of red fire goes straight to the sky, like the rising sun!

hu hu hu hu!

next moment, 10,000 zhang high above the sky, Vermilion Bird Martial Soul began to practice the method of burning the sky, a large area of ​​fire sea, such as the Tianhe dumping, moved towards Mortal World, continuously swaying down …

The domineering fire sea sweeps through Heaven and Earth, moved towards below a dozen or more li mountain range, shrouded down …

Fire sea is like a river running, all the blood aura scattered in the sky is burned away!

Immediately afterwards, the fire sea descended, turning Chu Yan’s body into a flame world of 10 li range!

hu hu hu!

The fire sea is rolling, 4 rushes, all the corpse blood, after being swallowed by the flame, quickly turns into endless black ash, with the flame of the fire, rushing to the sky …

Before the blink of an eye, large pieces of black and gray, gathered together, like a piece of dark clouds, covering the sky and covering the sun, completely covering the entire sky!

Immediately afterwards, on Chu Yan, the 5-color True Qi Gang Yuan rushed out, Rakshasa Promise was running, Divine Consciousness communicated Vermilion Bird Martial Soul above the sky, burning corpse to refine qi started …!

Boom … Boom …. bang!

On the burning sea, a large area of ​​pure blood energy visible in naked eyes rises to the sky like a long river of blood, moving towards the Vermilion Bird Martial Soul on the sky …

After the tempering of Vermilion Bird Martial Soul, these qi and blood are like a sky waterfall falling from Nine Heavens and pouring into the top of Chu Yan …

The incomparably huge quantity of pure qi and blood rushed into the moment of within the body. Although Chu Yan had been mentally prepared for a long time, his eyes were fiercely burst.

“Very good! Didn’t expect is so powerful!”

Chu Yan suddenly looked happy, without any hesitation, calming down, fully running Rakshasa Promise, and began to try breakthrough cultivation base bottleneck!

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