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Mo Xiao’s face and heart were full of horror, and he couldn’t believe what he saw!

Although he just said that he is blood poison, in fact, he knows better than anyone. That blood poison is Martial Soul Poison, which is exactly the same as Martial Soul Poison in the first Sect Master Dong Huang Tian.

You know, Dong Huang Tian is the median Martial Sovereign Realm powerhouse, even if he wins the Martial Soul Poison, the cultivation base is also mad …

Even with a terrifying and terrifying power, he resisted Martial Soul Poison for 3 years, and the cultivation base fell to Martial Venerable Realm.

This is enough to illustrate the horror of Martial Soul Poison!

But now, the Chu Yan in front of him clearly hit Martial Soul Poison, but, in the blink of an eye, nothing happened. Looking at the cultivation base aura that burst out of him, it was not like hitting Martial Soul Poison at all. Like doping, it is more terrifying than just now.

“No … No, it’s absolutely impossible! You are just bracing …”

next moment, Great Elder Mo Xiao’s face, somber to the extreme, a glare emerged, the whole body of blood was surging, and raising his hand was a punch and a palm …

Boom … Long!

Seeing Mo Xiao shot, Chu Yan sneered, the imposing manner of the whole person, soared again, 5 color Gang Yuan rushed out, endless power, surging like a frenzy.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Chu Yan punched out left and right, one punch followed by another, and he continued to smash. The silver man’s fist collided with the bloody palm fist. Rush.

Mo Xiao is very certain that Chu Yan is definitely already in Martial Soul Poison, Martial Soul and inner core are shrinking, and now only relying on some True Qi remaining in Qi Sea, just support it,

However, when a Martial Artist, inner core and Martial Soul were damaged, they simply survived.

Therefore, Mo Xiao directly displayed his unique skill and continuously attacked Chu Yan. As long as he consumed his True Qi, he would die!

However, the palm glow palm seal attacked by Mo Xiao was totally blocked by Chu Yan and forcibly, and the two of them collided in the high altitude. For a time, it was difficult to distinguish between high and low.

hiss! hiss! hiss!

A few 10 li away, the powerhouses who watched this scene suddenly made a sound of air pumping through the sky.

I rely on that Chu Yan, as if, it seems, or, really … Martial Soul Poison is missing!

What’s more terrifying is that it’s Martial Venerable Realm Initial Stage cultivation base, which is even better than the Great Elder of Martial Sovereign Realm. ?

This Central Heaven Continent is the first Heaven’s Chosen, too terrifying, this is simply evil!

“Asshole, hateful, this Chu Yan’s battle strength, how so arrogant, how could this be, he only subordinated the Martial Venerable Realm Initial Stage … how could it be that I received so many moves, nothing !?”

Great Elder Mo Xiao, at this time, his face was almost black and charcoal, and he was just full of hope, and now, it has all disappeared.

Do n’t tell Chu Yan to give in and surrender, I ’m afraid I ’ll lose myself!

The elaborate plan, even the Martial Soul Poison at the bottom of the pressure box, was taken out. Didn’t expect was not effective for Chu Yan …

At this moment in Mo Xiao’s mind, an unpredictable hunch suddenly appeared, is it really necessary to suffer from this today! ?

However, at this time, the mutation is suddenly born!

An extremely eerie cold wave swept through Chu Yan, and in the blink of an eye, he rushed into the audience, making the sky full of air and suddenly cold.

“En !?”

Feeling the sudden cold out of Chu Yan, Lei Martial Sovereign 2 and the demon night, his face started at the same time, and simultaneously shua shua turned his head to look.

Tian Zuo Martial Venerable’s complexion changed. From the strange aura just now, he seemed to feel something, his brow fiercely frowned.

“Chu Yan!”

With a loud drink, a cold air suddenly burst out, sweeping all directions, making all around the void, ice crystal snowflakes, flying all over the sky, but these ice crystal snowflakes are black.

Under such a mutation, the eyes of everyone in the audience looked at Chu Yan at the same time. Only Great Elder Mo Xiao was startled, and then he was full of grin and ecstasy.


Chu Yan lowered his head suddenly, looked towards his body, his eyes narrowed …

I saw myself within the body, first a purple light rushed out, followed by an extremely amazing Qi of Evil, rising into the sky, but I saw the silhouette of Little White Bear Dangdang, rushed out crazy, and fell in front of myself ….

It’s just that Dangdang at this time has a black face, black body, and gray eyes, and his eyes are crazy.

“This … what is this !?” Chu Yan surprised.

Just now, when he received Dangdang’s myriad beasts in the mountains and rivers, it was okay. What a blink of an eye, Little White Bear Dangdang, turned into this way! ?

“Not good! Damn black Blood Temple …”

Above the sky, Ray Martial Sovereign roared, his eyes were like fire, and his face was shouted with anger

“Chu Yan, be careful, Third Brother hit Martial Soul Poison, with the body Monster Crystal corroded …”

In a word, everyone in the audience, complexion greatly changed!

Dangdang actually hit Martial Soul Poison! ?

Could it be that the Black Blood Temple was so easy to save itself from Dangdang without any interference. It turned out that they had already given Martial Soul Poison, this move, to the Dangdang, it was really insidious!

“Not good! Big brother, do it quickly, suppress Martial Soul Poison of Third Brother within the body!”

Tian Zuo Martial Venerable complexion changed, loudly shouted, both hands forming seals, the large golden streamer, turned into a path of Spirit Mark, continuously combined in the air, and instantaneously transformed into a 1000-step Spirit Mark Great Array, moved towards Dangdang shrouded away.

Bang! Bang!

Ray Martial Sovereign almost simultaneously with Tian Zuo Martial Venerable, both hands out, a large white light waved from a hand, poured into Tian Zuo Martial Venerable’s Golden Spirit Mark Great Array, the majestic Martial Sovereign power, instantly Golden Spirit Mark Great Array imposing manner skyrocketed, may skyrocketed …

At the same time, the other hand, turned into a 5 claw hand seal, moved towards Dangdang directly …


Dangdang bound by the Golden Spirit Array, rushed by the Golden Light of the Spirit Array, suddenly filled with the color of pain, his body skyrocketed, turned into a body of true body, a giant bear body of Purple Gold color, 3 hundred zhang High degree, waving your palms, smashing the void in front of you, roar towards the sky… ..

A pair of bear eyes, Purple Fire burst into flames, with the color of endless pain, suddenly stared at Chu Yan, killing intent surged out, trembling

“Chu … Chu Yan damn it! Kill … Chu Yan!”

thump! thump! thump!

Purple Encompassing Heavenly Bear, both feet on the ground, the figure rushed out, moved towards Chu Yan, a pair of bear paws with a large grinding plate, brought a large Purple Gold streamer, fiercely shot towards Chu Yan …

“En !? Dangdang …”

Seeing this scene, Chu Yan was full of surprise. He simply didn’t expect that Dangdang would become like this, and he shot at himself.

Isn’t this Martial Soul Poison only useful to Martial Artist! ?

Monster Beast simply Without Martial Soul, how could it be influenced by Martial Soul Poison! ?

“Damn Black Blood Temple …”

As Chu Yan pondered, Dangdang’s pair of giant palms had wrapped up the monstrous monster qi, and fiercely shot it down. Under the last refusal, Chu Yan could only dodge and avoid dare to face the enemy, 10000 accidentally hurt Dangdang, Then it’s in trouble.

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