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Chu Yan was a little dazed when he saw Dangdang …

While evading Dangdang’s crazy pursuit, Chu Yan Sea of ​​Consciousness kept musing.

If it is Martial Soul Poison in ordinary Martial Artist, Chu Yan simply will not hesitate, directly urge Black Tortoise Martial Soul to devour Martial Soul Poison.

However, Dangdang is Spirit Beast, there is no Martial Soul simply, according to the meaning of Martial Venerable, Dangdang is Monster Crystal corroded …

This time, Chu Yan suddenly shrunk. After all, this situation was the first time Chu Yan encountered this, and he didn’t dare to mess up.

You know, Monster Crystal is the essence of Monster Beast. It exists like a heart. It cannot be touched casually.

Like the first time, when the Monster Crystal broke, it almost fell.

But Martial Artist’s Martial Soul, even if there is a problem, will not affect the life of Martial Artist. There is as different as heaven and earth between the two.

Therefore, Chu Yan is extremely hesitant now, whether he should use Black Tortoise Martial Soul to devour Martial Soul Poison within the body.

“Damn Black Blood Temple, even give Martial Soul Poison to Third Brother. If Chu Yan ca n’t get the Great Elder to do anything, let him urge Martial Soul Poison of Third Brother within the body now. It ’s been a long time, Third Brother It’s really not saved! “

Above the sky, Tian Zuo Martial Venerable is almost violent, urging the Golden Spirit Array with all his strength, trying to suppress Dangdang, but except for making Dangdang’s speed slightly slower, the effect is obviously not great.

“Great Elder, Mo Xiao !?”

Chu Yan glanced at Dangdang behind him, and saw him lingering in black. It was Martial Soul Poison he had just heard. Suddenly, his heart burst into anger, and the whole person was about to explode …

What a great Elder Mo Xiao, and what a black Blood Temple, really shameless to the limit!

I poisoned Tian Tiandong Huang Tian and poisoned myself, and now I do n’t even miss Dangdang… ..!

“Dangdang …. Immediately shot and bombarded Chu Yan!”

In the Black Blood Temple in the distance, Great Elder Mo Xiao is anxious, both hands forming seals, constantly turning, shooting a path of black streamer, playing Dangdang within the body, obviously with the help of Martial Soul Poison Corrosion of Dangdang’s Monster Crystal, its mind is out of control, control Dangdang, want her to kill Chu Yan.

Therefore, it would be crazy to urge Dangdang within the body of Qi of Evil Yini!

Extremely poisonous!

simply unforgivable!

Chu Yan’s eyes were blood red, and the golden eyes flashed. Almost instantly, he entered the Rakshasa Devil Body state of the golden eyes.


At the same time, the Dangdang within the body Qi of Evil Yini was urged by the Great Elder Mo Xiao crazy, with both eyes graying, his body fiercely trembling, the whole body of monster qi burst like a flood, and a strong killing intent turned into Substantial flames burned the void around the body.

Big mouth, Dangdang’s huge bear mouth, moved towards Chu Yan’s head fiercely call …

“Haha, this time, Chu Yan is dead!”

Great Elder Mo Xiao saw this scene, his face was full of joy, faced with Dangdang ’s attack, Chu Yan was afraid of hurting Dangdang, so he did n’t dare to fight back. Now, if this one bites, the Dangdang Antiquity Spirit Beast ’s Purple Encompassing Heavenly Bear bloodline , Chu Yan’s Fleshy body, simply impossible to resist her bite.

If Chu Yan’s entire head was bitten off, it would be better!

“Chu Yan, be careful!”

Tian Zuo Martial Venerable, Thunder Martial Sovereign and Yao Ye, at the same time screaming loudly, their face suddenly changed …

The Qi of Evil Yini within the body of Dangdang is extremely powerful. Lei Martial Sovereign and Tian Zuo Martial Venerable are the same as Chu Yan, and they are also afraid of hurting Dangdang ’s Monster Crystal. Therefore, the golden spirit array and white paw prints are all largely left. Yu Li did not dare to do his best.

As a result, in a short time, there is no way to suppress dong dong!

“Chu Yan, ready to start, I have protected Dangdang Monster Crystal!”

Just when Chu Yan was worried, the great shout of Tian Zuo Martial Venerable sounded directly.

“it is good!”

Hearing this, Chu Yan was overjoyed, right hand waved, black light surged over his body, and a spirit zipper high, the spirit mark of the sea urchin, broke out of the air.

“Give me a swallow!”

Chu Yan’s eyes are like ice, True Qi is like a tide, and Bombay is surging, pouring Heavenly Venerate Spirit Mark behind him …

For a time, a circle of black ripples rushed out of the Heavenly Venerate Spirit Mark, moved towards Dangdang stormed, shrouded down.


A pair of bear eyes are all the flame of Dangdang, the figure suddenly becomes stiff, the face with a twisted face, instantly stagnate, becomes extremely panicked, as if encountering the existence of terrifying, screaming, whole body up and down, black The eruption rushed out of her within the body, and the Heavenly Venerate Spirit Mark moved towards in midair surged.

“Not yet dead! Give me the town!”

Chu Yan stomped on the ground with his right foot, both hands forming seals, 5 color gang yuan rushed out, behind him azure jade lotus suspended, emitting a path of azure streamer, evolved into azure light soaring jade lotus, moved towards Dangdang slowly depressed.

Yin Fiend Qi, who served as the inside of the body, seemed to encounter a nemesis. There were still some black qi. He was still dead, but he did not leave the dangdang bear body. However, after the appearance of azure jade lotus, si si screamed suddenly. Sound, constantly melting …

Less than 3 breaths time, all black qi, in Heavenly Venerate Spirit Mark and azure jade lotus, plus Heaven and Martial Venerable’s golden spirit array, under the pressure of 3 Layer, all were forced out of the body, all were true body Spirit Mark Devoured.


Heavenly Venerate Spirit Mark engulfed these black spirits, Spirit Mark’s body trembles, and the volume seemed to become a little bigger, trembling with great pleasure, under Chu Yan’s summon, it turned into a black light and disappeared into him within the body .

Now, this conspiracy has finally been resolved!

“It’s over! What terrifying existence is there on Chu Yan! It’s Spirit Mark and Supreme Treasure, it’s not an opponent at all, just run away …”

Great Elder Mo Xiao just had a happy look on his face, and he instantly solidified. He couldn’t think of it. Chu Yan had such a terrifying and powerful card, simply not dealt with him!

Immediately, Mo Xiao, fiercely clenched the teeth, dared not hesitate anymore, turned around and fled …

“I just want to escape now, don’t you think it’s late !?”

At this moment, the voice of a ice cold like frost sounded, with endless horror and majesty aura….

Next moment, in the sky, a white paw print, such as a broken star, moved towards the fled Mo Xiao fiercely caught.

“Ray Martial Sovereign, you … you dare to shoot me, do you want to trigger a Sect battle !?”

Great Elder Mo Xiao, seeing the paw prints on the top of his head fall down, suddenly frightened soul flies away and scatters, his face was miserably green, roaring with horror.

Martial Sovereign shot, how could he still have a chance to escape!

“Hmph! A pretending rubbish, but also want to escape in front of me …”

Ray Martial Sovereign closed his claws and held Mo Xiao in his hands, making his whole body unable to move at all, but constantly struggling and roaring.

This Mo Xiao is obviously not the Great Elder of the Black Blood Temple, and he is a good man. How could Ray Martial Sovereign let him go!

However, just as Martial Sovereign is preparing to start, the mutation is born!

call out….!

a terrifying Sword Qi sky-splitting sound, bringing up the sky-sword whisper, a icy cold Sword Qi, rising up in the night, as if to cut the whole sky dome into two halves …

“What !? That’s …”

For a time, the powerhouses of Mantian View, seeing this sword light struck, all were Divine Soul trembling, with an astonished expression …

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