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Gong Yuntian took Yue’er and Longying Martial Sovereign on the ground and laughed out loud

“Ha ha ha, old Shen, didn’t expect it is still your land sect is close to ah! Come faster than me!”

While speaking, Gong Yuntian took a powerhouse with dragon walk tiger steps beside Yin-Yang Sect. The imposing manner of the powerhouse above 1000 Martial Venerable Realm, like a tide, once again Yin-Yang Sect all experts It’s sloppy …

It’s no wonder that others, who let them these stupid fish stupidly stand on the main road, when Di Zong came just now, did not know how to make way, now Medicine Sect came, still stupidly blocked the road.

What is the identity of Antiquity Eight Sects’ Di Zong and Medicine Sect? Such huge monster-like existence. In the face of this Northern Domain 3 stream Sect blocking the road, there is no slap in the past. It has been regarded as the face of Chu Yan.

“Under the Nine Spirit Profound Heaven Sect Sect Master Gong Yuntian, the joy of Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect Founding Sect, especially to congratulate, and also bring the little girl Yue’er to meet the world … Come on, bring the gifts up!

The words fell to the ground, more then 100 powerhouse strode out, one piece of Supreme Treasure’s dazzling rays of light, almost everyone who was present, eyes were blind …

I leaned on it, this medicine Sect’s pen is too terrifying!

Of these 100 gifts, none of them is worth less than Tianjie. Why is this gift so heavy?

Chu Yan’s face was also startled, and his face was stunned. However, when he looked up and saw Yue’er’s face full of red glow, he smiled shyly and looked at himself angrily, he suddenly patted his head, Hurry up and say to father Chu Jiang

“Father, this is Yue’er, this is Gong Sect Master …”

After finishing speaking, quickly turned around, looked towards Gong Ningyue, said with a red face

“Master, this is Chu Jiang, my father. This is my Big Brother Chu Zhan …”

4 all directions All people, including Shen Dang and Shen Shengjie, saw Chu Yan’s so cautiously expression, all in amazement …

How could this kid suddenly become so polite and so shy! ?

With just a blink of an eye, Shen Yan glanced across Chu Yan and glanced at Yue’er, and suddenly understood, laughed heartily said

“It turned out to be my family’s door, I said, ha ha ha… ..”

In a word, all directions in 4 directions, everyone was stunned, and then all laughed …

didn’t expect, to rebuke Heaven and Earth, and Chu Yan, who has no fear of the world, will also have sorry, which makes everyone laugh with great joy.

However, this sentence fell in the ears of Yin-Yang Sect Jintai Venerable and the top 100 experts, but it was tantamount to a sunny thunderbolt, so that their entire body began to shake.

That Chu Yan, this Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect turned out to be a family with Medicine Sect of one of the Antiquity Eight Sects! ?

I’m right, this … this is over!

Venerable Golden Tire, at this time, his face was green, his eyes were wild, and he wanted to be killed on this white jade square …

Who is not in trouble, but actually found such a terrifying existence, what is the difference between courting death! ?

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Immediately afterwards, on the sky of Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect, a path of horrible silhouette continued to explode, and the famous powerhouse of continent kept coming …

“Danmeng Hall Lord … come to congratulate!”

“Green Mountain Sect Sect Master, come to congratulate!”

“Dixuan Pavilion, come to congratulate!”

“Tianzong Sect Master, come to congratulate!”

“…… ..”

After Dizong and Medicine Sect, a powerhouse that trembles Divine Soul, and everyone who leads it, is shocked and inexplicable …

You know, these giants of Vast Heaven Continent, do n’t usually say so much, even if it ’s just the random one, it ’s not the ordinary person who said it, you can see it.

Moreover, next to the Vault of Heaven, a large number of Loose Cultivator and Central Heaven Continent and other Sect forces powerhouse, like the tide, the imposing manner of everyone is extremely powerful …

The worst cultivation base is also a subordinate Martial Venerable Realm Martial Artist …!

These people all received news that they knew that the Sect created by Chu Yan was born, and came to congratulate them. At the same time, they hoped to be able to make one with Chu Yan and Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect 2. ….

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The sky trembles in the sky, the powerhouse keeps coming, outside the Vault of Heaven, a huge crowd, like the 10000 river returning to the sea, surging …

A large number of powerhouses are constantly gathered, as if they have set off a climax, which is dazzling …

For a time, the extremely grand scene gave me an illusion …

It seems that all the strong Sect forces and Martial Artists in the entire Central Heaven Continent have flooded into the Vault of Heaven!

All this is because of Chu Yan’s communication, which made the Central Heaven Continent completely sensational!

The rumors of Chu Yan in all major domains have been circulated for a long time. Those Loose Cultivator and Martial Artist who are in awe of Chu Yan, especially some genius Heaven’s Chosen, are very excited and come together …

So in the end, it will create such a grand scene!

“Loose Cultivator Alliance Alliance Leader, Snow Day Martial Sovereign, special congratulations!”

“Swallow Heavenly Mountain, Martial Venerable, special congratulations!”


“Ha ha ha, those who are idle, everyone calls me 3 Martial Venerable, congratulations to Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect Founding Sect, great joy! A thin gift!”

“Didn’t expect, Chu Yan, a famous continent, even established Shanmen, which is gratifying! Ah, congratulations!”

One after another, powerhouses keep appearing, stepping into the white jade square, and entering the Nine Nether Palace. Those Loose Cultivator powerhouses without Sect power, cultivation base realm are at least the upper Martial Venerable Realm powerhouse!

At this moment, there are no fewer than ten Martial Sovereign powerhouses gathered in the Nine Nether Palace, and no less than 100 Martial Venerable Realm powerhouses!

One after another The powerful aura, dispersed in the Nine Nether Palace, caused the 99 golden pillars of the Nine Palace to tremble slightly!

Everyone was shocked by these continent terrifying existence of Aura, which caused Divine Soul to tremble, and even the Sea of ​​Consciousness could not function normally.

However, the next scene made everyone look horrified again!

Large crowds poured into the white jade square, gathered together, black pressed a large area, densely packed, these all are continent, the young Martial Artists of the Great Sect forces, everyone was in awe of Chu Yan, only 10,000 li came Vault of Heaven, I only hope to have the honor to see the idol side!

The cultivation base of these young Martial Artists is the lowest Heavenspan Realm 1st Layer cultivation base …

“Chu Yan Senior, I didn’t receive the invitation, but I came to congratulate you sincerely, I don’t know if I could?”

“Wow! Really Chu Senior, Senior, give it a chance!”

“Chu Senior, let us go in!”

At a glance, there were no fewer than 100,000 young genius in front of him, looking forward with all their faces, opening one after another.

what! ?

Open … What a joke! ?

A group of continent youths from Great Sect, Heaven’s Chosen, begged Chu Yan only to participate in the Founding Sect ceremony of Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect! ?

Jintai Venerable stood there, and thin sweat beads began to appear on the forehead. Fortunately, these people were too weak to attract the attention of others …

“Don’t you come out from afar, please come in! Come in!”

Chu Yan glanced at the crowd of young Heaven’s Chosen on the white jade square and bowed a courtesy

“Everyone, there is an invitation in the Nine Nether Palace, the reception is not good enough!”

“Haha, very good!”

A few 10000 young people Heaven’s Chosen, very excited, his eyes were bright, and he rushed to the Nine Nether Palace… ..

As these young Heaven’s Chosen entered the Nine Nether Palace, they saw a large group of continent giants, their expressions were shocked, and their hearts were ecstatic. Chu Yan was indeed out of the ordinary. There were so many continent giants present. Only Antiquity Eight Sects came. There are 3, this too terrifying it!

A Sect force at the newly opened mountain gate has such a big face. I am afraid that there is no second home on the entire Vast Heaven Continent.

The 100-year-old Martial Venerable and Yin-Yang Sect, standing outside the Nine Nether Palace, are all petrified, their mouths are wide open, and their eyes are rounded …

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