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With the passage of time, the surging trends of the major powerhouses and Martial Artists above the sky of the Vault of Heaven and beyond the mouth of the valley have finally eased …

However, at this time, looking towards the Nine Nether Palace, there is a crowd of people, and those horrible aura …

As if the entire Central Heaven Continent, all the powerhouse gathered!

Chu Yan and a group of Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect executives have been busy welcoming the great big shots that are coming. After a long time, after a little calm down, they finally found out that they have been standing in a silly place in front of the Nine Nether Palace. Yin-Yang Sect powerhouses.

“Sect Master, also … Do you want to fight Chu Yan Life and Death !?”

Next to the Venerable Jintai, the Sect Master He was pale. When he saw Chu Yan’s gaze, he suddenly shivered, almost suddenly asking subconsciously.


The voice fell to the ground, and the whole Nine Nether Palace, like aura like a frenzy, exploded!

Antiquity Eight Sects’ Medicine Sect, Dizong, Tianzong, 3 Sect Masters, plus several Supreme Elder-level Martial Sovereign Realm powerhouses, and countless Martial Venerable Realm Martial Artists, all turned their heads while looking to Nine In front of the Nether Palace, the 100 Yin-Yang Sect in the corner.

All the big brothers’ faces were just full of smiles, but at this time it was cold, countless Divine Consciousness, like the tide, moved towards them swept down.

Say what? !

To fight with Chu Yan… .. Life and Death Battle! ?

Just these pieces of material! ?

Originally Divine Consciousness could not attack the ordinary Martial Artist, but when several 10000 Powerhouse Divine Consciousness fell on a person at the same time, the feeling was like a north wind with ice slag, from the body Passing by …

For a time, Martial Venerable’s face was dead gray, and his body was trembling violently, as if being stared at by 10000 Antiquity Ominous Beast, fiercely, almost every Divine Consciousness contained a trace of killing intent, which made his heart feel dangerous and crazy Ascension …

This is nearly ten Martial Sovereign Realm powerhouse, and the top 100 Martial Venerable Realm powerhouse, just Divine Consciousness and gaze, enough to scare him soul flies away and scatters!

In front of this strength, what is the difference between him, including his Yin-Yang Sect, and the weeds on the road?


The upper teeth and lower teeth are constantly colliding together, and the Venerable Jintai almost spit out old blood!

fuck, are you a pig! ?

I was blinded by my own dog’s eyes, so I promoted you as a deputy Sect Master. You are simply killing me!

Waited for Sect to see if I wouldn’t cramp my skin! As long as you can still return to Yin-Yang Sect today!

“Chu … Chu Sect Master, today … today, actually … I came to congratulate … misunderstanding! Just … all misunderstandings! Open … joke, you 10000000 10000000 … don’t take it seriously!”

Jintai Venerable, in his Qi Sea, the inner core with golden hair-sized golden marks, almost urged to the extreme, let out a trace of True Qi, so that he can open his mouth to speak, but, voice Still trembling …


Chu Yan sneered, a little pondered, looked back at Chu Jiang, opened the mouth and said

“Father, how do you deal with this matter?”

Chu Yan did not arbitrarily, but handed over the judgment directly to father, after all, his time in Sect is very limited, and Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect after today, it is well known, when the time comes, everything must be Father Chu Jiang to deal with, now, it is time to help father establish prestige.

“I will stop here. If you dare to make trouble, don’t blame me Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect ruthless ~!”

Chu Jiang thought about it for a moment, shook the head, and looked at the golden-born Venerable who opened the mouth and said.

Many friends of Chu Yan came to congratulate today, and also improved a lot of confidence for Chu Jiang. Naturally, they will not give each other any face.

Hearing this, Jintai Venerable such as the amnesty, the tight Divine Soul and the heart that mentioned the throat and eyes, finally relaxed, instantly, the whole body sweated like a slurry, the whole body was wet …

“Hu! Many thanks Chu Sect Master, many thanks! I will never step into the Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect half step … many thanks!”

The Golden Birth Venerable has retrieved a life and has thanked the God of Manchu. In the future, even if he is given 10000 guts, I am afraid that he will not dare to step into the Vault of Heaven ….

“Let’s go! If you have a chance, you can still sit down!” Chu Yan waved

“Many thanks… .many thanks!”

Hearing the words of Chu Yan, Venerable Golden Starter was first startedled, and then his face was full of ecstasy, and his life was finally saved …

Immediately afterwards, Yin-Yang Sect counted 100 people, did not dare to stay in the slightest, turned around and fled, as if there was something terrifying existence behind him, one fled faster than one, and disappeared at the end of the horizon in a blink of an eye.

Afterwards, Chu Yan took all the senior executives of Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect in the Nine Nether Palace to feast on the continent giants …

“Today, many thanks to you guys, I just wanted to make a fortune. I did n’t expect everyone to support me. Chu Yan was not well received. I just hope you can join me with Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect. Thank you again! ! “

Chu Yan was above the throne, bowing his hands as a gift, bowing to all the bigwigs and powerhouses in the hall.

By doing so, all the powerhouses in the hall are complexion slightly changed, while Gong Yuntian and Shen Dang, as well as Dong Huang Tian, ​​a group of 3 people, but the pupil light flickers, and their nods are more than …

This Chu Yan, really has the tendency of superiors, either servile nor overbearing in words and deeds, with a grace of out of the ordinary!

“Chu Sect Master is welcome!”

“Today I saw Chu Sect Master, the blessing of three lifetimes ah!”

“Yes, we and Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect will always be good at Sect!”


The whole scene, because of Chu Yan’s remarks, once again set off a climax. Everyone pushed the cups and changed lights, making friends with each other, talking and laughing!

The entire banquet lasted for 3 stars before Chu Jiang led everyone to visit the Vault of Heaven …

Chu Yan, together with Shen Dang, Gong Yuntian and Dong Huang Tian, ​​came to the side hall together …

In the face of the 3 Sect Masters, Chu Yan did not conceal anything. He first reported the situation of the Black Blood Temple to the 3 Sect Masters. Then, he prepared himself to use Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect as a bait to attract the people of the Black Blood Temple. The plan came out truthfully.

Chu Yan’s plan was supported by the three major Sect Masters, and among the four cases, they discussed and immediately built Sect teleportation arrays with each other to deal with the Black Blood Temple, making 3 full preparations ….

As long as the Black Blood Temple dared to show up and took action against any Sect, the other 3 cases would go all out to fight for the power of the Black Blood Temple in the Central Heaven Continent in one fell swoop.

4 people were in the side hall, negotiating many details, and talking for a whole night, before everything was properly arranged.

Now, for the Black Blood Temple, everyone finally sighed in relief!

The strength of the Black Blood Temple, their 3 Sect Masters are naturally clear. To be honest, Antiquity Eight Sects any Sect, facing the Black Blood Temple alone, are a little uncertain. Now that 4 cases are aligned, it will be completely different!

Then Chu Yan pondered for a moment and asked

“3 Sect Masters, I don’t know on the Central Heaven Continent, there is a place where you can quickly raise the cultivation base, even if it’s dangerous, I’m afraid!”

In a word, the 3 Sect Masters, all startled.

Quickly improve the cultivation base! ?

Not afraid of danger! ?

This Chu Yan, even to quickly raise the cultivation base! ?

You know, his current cultivation speed has reached the abnormal level, but it is still too slow! ?

For a time, the 3 Sect Master looked at each other in blank dismay, and the air was instantly quiet!

“My mother is trapped in Danger Land and is suffering. I must be promoted to Martial Sovereign Realm cultivation base as soon as possible before I can go to save her! So, even if it is a breathing time, I will fight for it!” , Solemnly opened the mouth and said.

“Doesn’t Central Heaven Continent have a stronger cultivation place !?”

Speaking of which, the three Sect Masters slowly raised their heads, looked at each other, and then, lightly twisted his frowning brows, and hesitantly opened the mouth and said

“Of course, it’s just … oh! Well, there are some things that should be told to you!”

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