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The sober words suddenly caught Chu Yan’s attention, suddenly looked up and looked straight at him …

“Chu Yan, you should know that I have the same source as Spirit Sect, connected branch, with the same basic source, two sects are like a case, but you should also find out that Spirit Sect is actually in name only, except for most of the recipes and My land sect is merged and temporarily controlled by our land sect. Spirit Sect’s high-level and elite disciple never appear on continent! “

“This … seems to be!”

Chu Yan slightly startedled, I remembered that I met some Spirit Sect gangsters at the Great North Continent 2 Holy Land. After arriving at the Central Heaven Continent, I have n’t heard of even the Spirit Sect mountain gate, and I have never seen one. Spirit Sect powerhouse, this is really a bit weird!

“Actually, Spirit Sect executives and elite disciple are in Sword Sect!”

Shen Dang said to the ground, looking to the east Huang Tian Yihe Gongyuntian of his side, with both eyes full of color of inquiry, as if he wanted to confirm again, whether to tell Chu Yan.

“Sword Sect !? Sword Sect is not a discreet discipline. Traveling through the world, is there almost no one at the gate ?!”

Chu Yan became more and more puzzled. To the best of his knowledge, within Antiquity Eight Sects, Sword Sect is the most powerful and mysterious. There are only 100 disciples under the door, but each is a powerful Swordsman with amazing strength. The teacher takes a disciple, travels full of continent, and never participates in continent division …

Because of this, the Sword Sect Mountain gate hardly knows there, or, within the mountain gate, it may be simply nobody!

“No! For some special reasons, Sword Sect seniors, at this time are in a very secret little World, training Spirit Sect elite disciple ……”

After seeing the other two Sect Masters slightly nodded, Shen Dang looked at Chu Yan and gently opened the mouth and said.

“Train Spirit Sect elite disciple !? Why do you need Sword Sect to train !?”

Chu Yan ’s Sea of ​​Consciousness is a mess, and it ’s simply not clear what ’s going on. Martial Soul World, Sect forces, even if the relationship is even better, it ’s impossible to see their own Sect disciple, let other Sects help train, this is simply not compatible reason.

And, the most important thing is what Sect Sword Sect is! ?

That was on Vast Heaven Continent, specializing in Spirit Sword, in order to seek the extreme Sect power of Sword Dao, that is to say, the power of Sword Sect disciple is mostly because of the power of Sword Dao.

But Spirit Sect! ? Spirit Sect is basically a Sect force composed of Monster Beast and Spirit Beast, and everyone knows that Monster Beast and Spirit Beast basically do not use weapons, but rely on their own beasts as weapons to attack …

Let Sword Sect train Spirit Sect disciple and teach them what! ?

Chu Yan heard this, it was basically confused, completely ignorant, looked at Shendang and asked

“Sword Sect is Sword Dao Supreme, Spirit Sect’s words … how to train this?”

The words fell to the ground, but the indifferently smiled, explained

“Good! It’s training Spirit Sect disciple to use Spirit Armament! Do you remember the Long Peak Holy Land Peak Master !? Think about it, does he have a gold blade Spirit Armament !?”

In a word, Chu Yan suddenly complexion changed, countless thoughts flashed in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, and the memories of the 2 Holy Lands poured out like a tide …

Soon, Chu Yan remembered that the crazy Master Master was really holding a spirit knife. When he was hunted down by the Black Blood Temple, the Peak Master had retreated his enemy with a spirit knife and helped himself. That might The scene of a single blade suddenly appeared in Chu Yan’s consciousness …


Chu Yan woke up suddenly, suck in a breath of cold air… ..

At that time, my cultivation base was low, and I just stepped into the Martial Soul World experience. I did n’t care about the use of the spirit knife for the Peak Master Peak Master, but now, in retrospect, this matter is really strange!

Chu Yan clearly remembered that Peak Master was a Monster Beast of the Tigers, on the back grows a pair of wings, with a huge golden “King” imprint on his forehead, with a shape similar to his White Tiger Martial Soul. 5 Points are similar.

He has been carrying a golden spirit knife on his back, and never left!

“Don’t …” Chu Yan stunned and his eyes widened!

“Yes! Peak Master is the first spirit Zong Tian trained by Sword Sect. Not only can he use Spirit Armament, but also martial skill, but the cultivation technique is not successful without cultivation!”

Dangdang nodded, the answer is exactly as Chu Yan guessed!


Hearing words, Chu Yan unable to bear, suck in a breath of cold air again, his face full of surprise.

You should know that Vast Heaven Continent Martial Soul World, Monster Beast and Human Race have their own strengths and different advantages. Human Race Martial Artist may cultivate and can use martial skill and Spirit Armament, but Monster Beast and Spirit Beast cannot cultivate. Cultivation technique martial skill, at most, is only some powerful Spirit Beast of Antiquity bloodline, and some bloodline inheritance of Sect’s Exclusive demon skills, basically relying on the strong advantage of the animal body, in order to slightly compete with human Martial Artist.

Moreover, even if the human body refinement flow Martial Artist, its Fleshy body strength is weaker than that of Monster Beast Martial Artist, so for a long time, the battle strength of Monster Beast Martial Artist has always been better than that of human Martial of the same order. Artist is one step higher.

If the Monster Beast family is really like the Sect Master, they can cultivate cultivation techniques and martial skills, and can also use Spirit Armament. In this way, the advantages of human Martial Artists will disappear, and Monster Race Martial Artists of the same order will Completely crush the human Martial Artist.

To put it simply, you can cultivate cultivation technique martial skill and use Spirit Armament Monster Race Martial Artist, each of which is equivalent to human Heaven’s Chosen rank Martial Artist, has the strength of battle strength of more than Rank 3, this … This is one of multi-terrifying Thing! ?

“Why !? Why the hell is that !? Why does Sword Sect help Spirit Sect cultivation cultivation technique and martial skill !? In this way, is the balance between continent humans and Monster Race completely broken? This pair We human Martial Artists, will …

Chu Yan’s eyes flashed, his expression agitated, and he asked anxiously.

It ’s not that Chu Yan is afraid that Monster Race will become stronger, but he is well aware that once the balance of any World is broken, when two evenly matched forces appear at the same time, it will inevitably cause a terrifying battle, when the time comes, the whole Martial Soul World will be caught in endless wars, this … Is it the situation that Antiquity Eight Sects, Sect Masters, want to see! ?

Chu Yan does not believe that with the savvyness of the three Sect Masters, this layer will not be imagined!

“Chu Yan, do you remember the natural phenomenon of” Bihaiqingtian “? You should know that it means …” Hao Heavenly Tribulation “!”

Shen Dang saw Chu Yan anyway, but there was a hint of comfort on his face, gently opened the mouth and said.

“Hao Heavenly Tribulation !?” Chu Yan startled, I never thought that this Sword Sect training Spirit Sect has anything to do with Hao Heavenly Tribulation! ?

“Chu Yan, there are some things I can’t tell you yet! As long as you know, Hiro Heavenly Tribulation is coming, these can use martial skill Spirit Armament, and Spirit Sect powerhouse of cultivation technique may be one of our Vast Heaven Continent hopes! “

Shen Dang side, Dong Tian Tian looked towards Chu Yan, gently opened the mouth and said.

“This …” Chu Yan looked startled, suddenly speechless!

“Okay! Chu Yan, not much else! You know these are enough!” Shen Dang opened the mouth and said

“Because, we want you to go to Sword Sect to train the small world cultivation of Spirit Sect powerhouse! That is where the mountain gate of Sword Sect is located!”

In a word, Chu Yan’s eyes lit up, and he looked at Shendang …

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