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Bang! Bang! Bang!

A path of sword light chopped out as if howling wind and torrential rain crashed into a bloody black ocean, setting off large waves of air and continuously weakening the attack torrent might.

When Chu Yan waved his last sword and chopped the black red attack torrent directly, the gas wave exploded, just 100 steps before Chu Yan, and the terrifying shock wave hit Chu Yan and rushed him to the full. 10000 steps …

And his 3 10000 elephants Avatar were directly swallowed by the shock wave and turned into nothingness.

“No! These four are too strong! They are not opponents at all!”

Chu Yan’s face was dignified. This time, if he wasn’t wearing a sky-robed gown, he might have been injured.

Feeling the qi and blood tumbling within the body, Chu Yan looked at the 4 enemies rushing across the opposite side, and his mind was flying …

If there is only one person or two, you still have the opportunity to work hard, but now you have no chance at all when facing 2 times the enemy.


Chu Yan no longer hesitated, the whole body was urged by True Qi, Roaming Dragon’s movement art unfolded, turned into a black startling, moved towards and flew away in the distance.

After 2 encounters, Chu Yan has fully seen the gap between him and the opponent. At this time, he no longer feels lucky and retreats.

Although he still has a hole card to play, does the opponent’s Great Elder and 4 Great Protector in the Black Blood Temple have no horrible hole cards? ?

This bet, Chu Yan didn’t plan to win, 10000 lost, he might have lost it here, this … this is not cost-effective at all!

As long as you give yourself some time, or you can learn more powerful Sword Art inside the sect, when the time comes to deal with these four people, it will be much easier.


Chu Yan urged movement art to the extreme, with a figure like electricity, constantly Tearing the Void, flying all the way!


“Never let him run away!”

Great Elder Mo Xiao saw that Chu Yan fled again, and suddenly jumped like thunder. The 4 people also launched the movement art with all their strength, and hurried to Chu Yan.

“Hmph! Want to kill me … You are not enough!”

Chu Yan perceives that the four people behind him are chasing, but they are sneaked. Although they can’t completely overcome each other, they really have to escape, and they may not necessarily be able to stop themselves.

“Clear Sky Sword, go!”

Chu Yan waved his big hand, the right hand Clear Sky Sword flashed, turned into a silver light, split open space, instantly disappeared… ..

From the Rakshasa Space, take out the ten must-have swords, Chu Yan glanced back, Divine Consciousness directly led, suddenly, escape into the Clear Sky Sword of the void, instantly stealth to the four people behind him, suddenly rushed out from the the sky, violent slash Protect one of the law …

“Not good! Iron corpse body protection!”

The zombie protector suddenly found that within 100 steps of his side, a silver light came, suddenly complexion greatly changed, furiously shouted, the grey airflow rushed out of his body, quickly merged with his body, and turned into a black iron body hair all over the body … ..


Clear Sky Sword chopped on these iron-colored corpse hairs, making a deafening sound of golden spear impact, Clear Sky Sword chopped off a large piece of iron hair, and was also flicked to the sky …

Mo Xiao Great Elder and the other two protectors, seeing this scene, his face was blue, but he did not dare to carelessly, he urged within the body qi and blood to thicken his body protection astral qi to prevent Clear Sky Sword from sneaking again attack.

However, as a result, True Qi changed their speed and greatly reduced their distance from Chu Yan.

“En !? A hard body, it seems that this zombie protector is a body refinement, Martial Artist!”

Seeing this scene, Chu Yan was slightly startled and immediately laughed out loud

“Ha ha ha, there is a kind of chasing …”

The laughter echoed, Chu Yan’s speed soared again, moved towards the distant sky, and continued to fly away …

“Damn! How could this guy have Divine Weapon !?”

“Awesome Divine Weapon, my body, even Martial Venerable Spirit Treasure can’t be broken, but the Divine Weapon cut off a large piece of body protection corpse hair, this … but it can’t be recovered!”

Zombie protector, flushed, looked at the large body of hair falling on his chest, jumped upright.

“You must kill him! Chase!”

Sou! sou! sou!

4 Personalize the emergency electricity, chase Chu Yan again, urge True Qi, little by little to draw closer to Chu Yan!

“If you go on like this, there is no way to get rid of them …”

After Chu Yan used the power of a Five Elements, the speed skyrocketed, but he also remained almost on par with only 4 people …

After a little pondering, Chu Yan no longer hesitated, and his white light masterpiece directly urged “White Tiger Black Mark Technique”!

Buzz …..!

After a wave of void, Chu Yan’s figure instantly became transparent and disappeared above the horizon …

“What !? It’s gone !?”

The Great Elder Mo Xiao and the Three Great Protectors chasing behind, suddenly looked dazed, slowly slowing down …

what’s the situation! ?

After chasing it well, such a big living person is gone! ?

Moreover, even the Divine Consciousness of the four of them locked on Chu Yan, also disappeared at the same time, completely unable to sense, this … too weird!


At the moment when 4 people were shocked, the void around Great Elder Mo Xiao suddenly exploded into the sky, a shocking sword light burst out …

This sword, the sword is soaring, contains the power of infinite Profound Rank, with endless sharpness and coldness, and the strength of the sword, so that Mo Xiao is complexion greatly changed.

“break for me !”

As the median Martial Sovereign Realm powerhouse, how quick the reaction is, plus the beginning of Chu Yan’s Clear Sky Sword sneak attack, the four of them have been vigilant, so the silhouette of Chu Yan suddenly rushed out from in the sky At that time, Mo Xiao still reacted immediately, raising his hand and shooting with a palm.


The sword light collided with the palm seal, and the two exploded, turning into the weather, dissipating invisible!

And the silhouette of Chu Yan is also in the tumultuous waves, once again disappeared …!

“Divine Consciousness is released, and the void is blocked for 1000 miles!”

Seeing this scene, Mo Xiao Great Elder suddenly understood that Chu Yan had a very powerful invisible technique, and immediately roared …

Immediately, Three Great Protectors and Mo Xiao urged Divine Consciousness at the same time, condensing a very huge Divine Consciousness web, moved towards 4 sides, all directions extended, almost in a blink of an eye, the void within 1000 miles , Completely covered.

This is the strength of Martial Sovereign Realm Martial Artist. In this case, any void fluctuations cannot escape their exploration. As long as Chu Yan wants to make a sneak attack, they can even take the lead before Chu Yan.

However, if Chu Yan restraining aura walks slowly, they can’t help …

It didn’t take long for Chu Yan invisible to travel with the wind, and soon left the Divine Consciousness blockade area, unfolded his body, and ran again.

True Qi is pushed to the extreme, and the invisible effect of White Tiger Black Mark Technique disappears suddenly.


The Great Elder Mo Xiao almost exploded, and their 4 Martial Sovereign Realm powerhouse, but they were chasing and killing a small Martial Venerable Realm Martial Artist, even if they were played by the other party, which would make him not angry.

Three Great Protectors are just like him, the same iron, and his chest rolls backwards, so he can almost spit out an old blood.

“Everybody, the more this is, the less we can let him escape, even if Up Into the Heavens, Down into the Earth, we must kill him!”

Great Elder Mo Xiao’s voice was like ice, his teeth gritted, almost approaching the edge of the eruption.

Three Great Protectors hearing this, at the same time heavy nodded, and determined at the same time, even if catch up with a month, a year, will never let this child escape!

“Great Elder, it is better to inform two blood elders!”

At this moment, Li Guihu hesitated and said.

“Blood old !? No … In this way, the plan of our temple may be exposed!”

Great Elder’s mouth refused flatly, but his eyes turned back, and he seemed to have the wish.

“But Great Elder, this child is extremely dangerous, if you really let him escape, and after a while, then …”

Yinkui protector also persuaded.

“Okay! There is blood coming out, this child has no way to live, it should have no effect! I will contact you immediately!”

Great Elder Mo Xiao thought for a moment, finally made up his mind, took out a piece of bloody Jade Talisman, hit a Divine Consciousness, and crushed directly …


in the sky, a naked eye, an invisible wave, moved towards the distant sky, constantly spreading out!

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