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After Mo Xiao and Three Great Protectors released 1000 miles of summons, they no longer shot Chu Yan, but hung far behind Chu Yan …

Their move was obviously waiting for the arrival of two blood elders, and they were not in a hurry.

The original fierce confrontation suddenly calmed down, and several people ran after them, and no one could get rid of them. They chased them for 3 days and 3 nights at once.

After 3 days, Chu Yan’s patience was completely worn away.

Behind him, Mo Great Elder and Three Great Protectors thought, he naturally guessed that after 3 days, they followed closely behind his buttocks, it must be because they called for support, otherwise they were exasperated by their own state. May not attack yourself.

You know, now, after all, the four of them occupy the dominant position, but they are not sure not to let themselves escape.

Therefore, this time the support they called must be to completely surround themselves and not give them the opportunity to escape.

Another day later, before Chu Yan’s eyes, a large mountain range appeared at a glance.

In this mountain range, the beast roar is shaking, the monster qi is shrouded, and several ancient trees of ten zhang high are everywhere. The entire mountain range gives an ancient and desolate aura.

“Swallow Heavenly Mountain pulse !?”

Chu Yan didn’t expect, he has been advancing according to the Sword Sect that Shen Dang Sect Master said, and will pass through another main vein mountain and sea swallowing Heavenly Mountain vein.

Although there is still some distance from the place where Ray Martial Sovereign is located, it is not far away.

“Alright! Stop by and watch Dangdang. I don’t know if he recovered from his injury!”

After a little deep reflection, Chu Yan’s lips raised a chuckle, and after this piece of Heavenly Mountain was swallowed, not far away, it was the Sword Sect Mountain gate. If I rushed into the Sword Sect Mountain gate, I believe it was for Mo Xiao1000 Dare, he also don’t dare provoke Beneath Heaven Sword Sect!

When the time comes, I no longer have to worry about my life, and I can even find a way to use the power of Beneath Heaven Sword Sect to teach these 4 people!


Chu Yan flew all the way in a hurry, the air seemed to be cut straight by the blade, and the speed was fast as lightning!

Behind him, Mo Xiao and Three Great Protectors followed Chu Yan and flew over the Heavenly Mountain.

Roar … roar!

The sound of beast roar in the sky sounded from the forest below the sea, and the noise was loud.

Chu Yan and the four people behind him exuded the horrible aura, crushing the void all the way, making the Monster Beast in the mountain range feel the danger one after another, and 4 fled.

Even the weaker Heaven Beast Monster Beast hides aura, sleeps quietly, and dare not show up.

Swallowing Heavenly Mountain’s veins for 100000000 million miles, although Chu Yan has been there twice, the range I have seen is less than 2 li. If you want to go through the entire Heavenly Mountain vein, even if Chu Yan’s current cultivation base, It also takes at least 1,000,000 days.

Now, Chu Yan was in a section of the Heavenly Mountain vein, and turned around, moved towards the core area of ​​the Heavenly Mountain vein.

“From here to Sword Sect, it takes one day and one night, and it will be soon!”

Chu Yan said to himself, thinking of seeing Dangdang soon, he couldn’t help but feel good and his face was full of smiles.

However, when he sensed that the four Mo Xiao behind him, following himself, rushed into the range of Heavenly Mountain swallowing, unable to brows slightly wrinkle, a trace of doubt appeared on his face.

It stands to reason that Mo Xiao, as the Black Blood Temple Great Elder, impossible does not know that it belongs to the sphere of Thunder Martial Sovereign. They dare to enter the territory of Thunder Martial Sovereign in such a stately manner …

It has always been a legend that the Black Blood Temple will swallow Heavenly Mountain veins and has always been regarded as the first hostile force. They have a deep grudge against each other. Are they not afraid to cause a war! ?

Chu Yan frowned and pondered, thinking slowly, but at this moment, a cold and biting feeling suddenly rose in his heart, almost instantaneously, let Chu Yan’s whole body cold hair, directly explode!

“in danger!”

Chu Yan complexion greatly changed, True Qi broke out throughout the body, Clear Sky Sword appeared, Divine Consciousness was like a frenzy, and madness rushed to all directions in 4 directions.


At the same time, on the side of Chu Yan, a black shadow, such as a black streamer lightning, moved towards Chu Yan shot quickly.

A black Spirit Treasure, exuding monstrous aura, was suddenly shot from in the sky, exploding layers of void, and hit Chu Yan straight.

This is a black banner, a gust of wind, and between the shots, it brought a large black qi, screaming and ghostly howling, as if wrapped in the endless Qu ghost Resentful Soul, violent extreme!

The whole Spirit Treasure is only one person high, and its performance is not worse than Clear Sky Divine Weapon.


The black flag all the way to split open space, the speed is fast, rubbing the void, bringing zi zi sparks all the way, like a string of black flames left in the void.

This blow, for Chu Yan, definitely has a killing effect. Not only might it be powerful, and its speed is very fast. The most important thing is that it is like Clear Sky Divine Weapon. It suddenly appeared in the sky, unexpectedly …

“Not good !”

Chu Yan glanced over his eyes and saw the big black flag. The sense of crisis in his heart rose wildly, and even his scalp felt a little numb.

Do Mo Xiao, 4 people, obediently and honestly follow him for 3 days and 3 nights, it turns out they still have this method.

Although Chu Yan hasn’t seen the person who displayed the Spirit Treasure, Chu Yan can be sure that this person’s strength is definitely above Mo Xiao and Three Great Protectors.

The black flag draws a long black flame trail, and instantly reaches Chu Yan, it is too late to dodge.


In a hurry, Chu Yan roared loudly, with Clear Sky Sword holding a large silver light in his hand, True Qi Gang Yuan rushed out like a tide, and fiercely cut a sword above the black flag.


Clear Sky Sword slashed on the Black Flag Spirit Treasure, bursting a huge fire, the sound of the impact was deafening.

Chu Yan held Clear Sky Sword in his hand, only feeling from the right hand to the body, all trembling violently, almost couldn’t even hold the sword, and flew out directly.


The black flag was slashed by Clear Sky Sword, not at all was slashed, just the tip of the flag was twisted, and the thorn was originally thrust into the direction of Chu Yan ’s head, which turned into a thorn toward the chest, the might was greatly reduced, but still moved towards Chu Yan ’s chest Direct shot.

“Haha, Chu Yan is dead!”

In the distance, Mo Xiao and Three Great Protectors, seeing this scene, suddenly burst into laughter, their faces full of joy.

With bloody shots, Chu Yan is simply impossible and has hope for life, only dead end!

It can be said that among the Peak battle strength in the Black Blood Temple, only these blood elders are the core battle strength, and the biggest capital and card of the Black Blood Temple.


The black flag stabs heavily on Chu Yan’s chest and shoots his body protection astral qi through the entire body, directly hitting the sky-robed robe, and the power pours in. Chu Yan has a big mouth and sprays out the blood mist.


Under the immense power, Chu Yan’s body fell like a falling star, moved towards the forest below and fell down diagonally …


Seeing Chu Yan smashed into the forest on the ground, Mo Xiao and Three Great Protectors were stunned and surprised.

Originally, under the blow just now, it stands to reason that even the lower Martial Sovereign Realm powerhouse would be pierced through the chest and seriously injured, but that Chu Yan was just smashed.


Chu Yan’s body flew back quickly, flying out of 100 li, just stopped the retreat, and barely stood still, but the blood at the corner of his mouth still kept pouring out.

And in the distance, in the sky a silhouette appeared, grasping the floating black flag and strode towards Chu Yan.

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