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3 silhouettes stand at the top of 10,000 zhang mountain peak, the aura on your body, like the vast sea, keeps improving …

Roar! roar! roar!

4 all directions, Monster Beast Spirit Beast in the endless mountain range, felt these three horrible auras, all roared, fuse together, turned into a rising wave, moved towards the sky, ready to chase Chu Yan’s blood elder and the others.


The blood elder felt the towering monster qi, suddenly the complexion greatly changed, and suddenly stopped, a pair of eyes, looking straight at the three silhouettes on top of the mountain peak, frowning tightly.

Ray Martial Sovereign … shot!


With a big wave, the monster qi skyrocketed wildly into a large cloud of monster qi, swallowed the whole peak of the Heavenly Mountain vein main peak, and directly drove the Black Blood Temple 5 back into the air …

The blood elder, Mo Xiao and 3 guardians of 5 people were forced to retreat by nearly 10 li for this extremely powerful monster qi before they barely stopped.

“This … this is the monster qi Great Array that swallows the veins of Heavenly Mountain !?”

Blood Elder and Mo Xiao looked at the same time, didn’t expect, I have always heard that the Monster qi Great Array that swallows Heavenly Mountain veins is much stronger than the ordinary Sect’s defensive spirit array. Seeing today, it is really extraordinary.

Even these five Martial Sovereign Realm powerhouses were forcibly forced to retreat, these 5 demon growls, really powerful!

“You black Blood Temple, courting death !?”

In the sky, a thunderous sound sounded, Thunder Martial Sovereign shouted sharply.

“Hmph! Ray Martial Sovereign, hand over Chu Yan!”

Mo Xiao was hearing this, but his face was dull, coldly snorted and said.

“Fuck, fart, within the territory of the Heavenly Mountain I swallowed, it’s still not your turn to Black Blood Temple impudent, give you 3 breaths time, get out immediately, otherwise … die!”

Thunder Martial Sovereign eyes are thunderous, electro-optical haunt, thunder roaring …

This shout out loudly, suddenly exploded, Heaven and Earth shocked together, a magnificent imposing manner swept Heaven and Earth, and instantly suppressed the Black Blood Temple 5 Martial Sovereign Realm powerhouse, all suppressed.

“Ray Martial Sovereign, do you want to fight with our black Blood Temple !?”

At this time, Blood Elder suddenly opened the mouth and said.

“You can’t go to war, it’s not your turn to say, do you have the right to speak in the Black Blood Temple? But it’s just a dog!”

Ray Martial Sovereign does not give that blood old face at all, so slow in his words is contemptuous.

“courting death !”

Also as Martial Sovereign, how could the blood elder swallow this breath, suddenly furious, the bloody gang yuan on his body surged wildly, and the black flag buzzed in his hand.

“Want to fight !?” Lei Martial Sovereign sees this scene, not angry and happy, said with a smile “I haven’t been active for a long time, I’d like to see, for 1000 years, you black Blood Temple these blood insects, have you grown up!”

To put it forward, waiting for the bloody hands, Ray Martial Sovereign took the lead.

Ray Martial Sovereign stretched out his right hand, condensed into a fist, and raised his hand to punch towards the sky.

This fist, turned into a white fist print, like a new round of sun, rushing to the sky, full of thousands zhang size white fist print, as if to break through the sky dome, terrifying.

Giant fist destroys everything, passing by all the way, the void continues to explode, crushing towards the blood elder with unmatched power.

“En !? really strong!”

Blood elder sees this, complexion greatly changed, he has heard that Monster Race Thunder Martial Sovereign is very strong, but didn’t expect, it became like this …

“Heaven Sacrifice Blood Banner!”

Blood old shouted loudly, black smoke billowing in his hand, Yin Fiend Qi of terror, straight to Nine Heavens!

A flag broke out, straight toward the white punch.

In an instant, above the sky dome, the black magic flag and the white beast fist divide the whole sky directly into one black one white, 2 kinds of might, all with a monstrous might, and at the same time crushing towards each other.

The black flag is so angry that it seems to destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth, where the aura sweeps, whether it is a forest or a mountain peak.

The white as a moon fist print seems to contain all the strength inwardly, tightly wrapped in palm glow, without any trace of overflow.

Obviously, Ray Martial Sovereign is a Martial Artist who is very good at manipulating power. Although this fist does not work hard, but this power alone makes people feel trembling.

Seeing that 2 people are about to collide, Mo Xiao and 5 protectors, dare not stay, go back crazy, afraid of being involved.

Under everyone’s stunned gaze, the incomparable gigantic white fist print crashed with the black flag!

Boom … Rumble!

Under the shock of the sky, almost half of the Heavenly Mountain’s veins were swallowed by the shock. The peerless Martial Sovereign’s attack was strong and mighty.

The black flag was extremely powerful, but the moment it touched the black flag, it was instantly bombarded into powder, and a large space collapsed into a huge shock wave, sweeping all directions.

White palm glow, one punch breaks the black flag, there is no stay at all, moved towards Blood Lao Zhi straight to kill.

Seeing white palm glow broke his tricks, blood old eyes were wide, his eyes twitched, look pale, but he did not dare to hesitate, waving a black flag in his hand, directly using the flag as a soldier, blocking the direction Palm glow.


There was another violent thunder, a blast of sky and dust, and a bloody tall silhouette, fiercely shocked, as if a cannonball came out, flying out, like a meteor, marking the side of the sky …

“Blood … blood old !?”

Mo Xiao and Three Great Protectors, who were still in the same place, were stunned and their eyes were wide, and they looked at Lei Martial Sovereign. They did not dare to stay in the slightest and turned to escape.

Even the powerhouse of blood elders was defeated by Lei Martial Sovereign, and they still stayed there …

shua shua shua!

Mo Xiao 4 people, all urge True Qi to the extreme, chasing the direction of the blood elder disappearing.


Ray Martial Sovereign shook the head, with a disdainful face, but a pair of eyes staring at the blood-old silhouette disappearing from the horizon, looking thoughtful.

“Big brother… ..”

Tian Zuo Martial Venerable standing beside him, also brows slightly wrinkle, turned to look towards Lei Martial Sovereign, whispered softly.

“En! You have discovered it too! Let’s go back and say this!”

Ray Martial Sovereign nodded, then turned around, looked at Chu Yan not far away, but found that Third Brother Dangdang, had already rushed to Chu Yan as soon as possible, suddenly face speechless, smiled and smiled the head.

Beyond 100 li …

The blood old figure, suspended in the sky above the horizon, with a cold face, looked towards the direction of Heavenly Mountain, light bloody pupil, flickering and flickering …

At this time, the blood old, the whole body of black mist dispersed, revealing his true face.

This person is different from the black Blood Temple Martial Artist in ordinary, but he is blessed and full of flesh, but his face is old, like a 100-year-old man.

The most peculiar thing is that the position of his eyebrows has a strange blood mark, like a blood-red eye pupil opened by a!

When Mo Xiao and Three Great Protectors rushed to his side, the blood elder raised his right hand, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and the black qi on his body spilled out, wrapping it all over again.

The move just made him disturb True Qi and suffered a lot of internal injuries.

“Old Blood, are you okay!”

Mo Great Elder panicked, rushed to the blood elder, and asked angrily.

At this time, in the act of besieging Chu Yan, he summoned the blood elders to go out. If accidentally, blood elders were injured, then he would be dead!

“It’s okay! Just a little injury!” Blood Lao said coldly, making Mo Xiao long relaxed.

“Let’s go! This person, I’m not an opponent! I’m afraid it won’t work with the strength of our five!”

“Ah!? This Thunder Martial Sovereign is so strong !?” Mo Xiao exclaimed at the same time.

“Nonsense! Otherwise, how can you swallow Heavenly Mountain vein with our Black Blood Temple for so long, don’t underestimate the Swallow Heavenly Mountain vein, you know, our Black Blood Temple ranks these Monster Beast family as the first enemy, Is it arbitrary? “

After speaking, the blood elder no longer talked much, directly waved his hand, tore a void crack, strode in, and disappeared instantly.

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