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Waiting for the old bloody silhouette to disappear into the void crack completely, Mo Xiao and the Three Great Protectors are all bitter, looking at each other and looking at the head.

Although they are so skeptical about the strength of Lei Martial Sovereign, whether blood elders have said so powerfully, but blood elders have already gone. With four of them, they want to rush into the Heavenly Mountain and deal with Chu Yan, even more impossible!

“Hmph! The Heavenly Mountain swallows the Thunder Martial Sovereign and countless Monster Beast. Chu Yan hides in, we can’t take him!”

Mo Xiao was extremely disappointed, looking frustrated.

“Great Elder, we have done our best, no one didn’t expect, Chu Yan will escape to swallow Heavenly Mountain’s veins …. Only from long-term consideration!”

Three Great Protectors, persuaded.

Immediately, the 4 people couldn’t think of a good way. They could only follow the blood elder and return to the Black Blood Temple.


At this time, swallow Heavenly Mountain …

In the void of 10,000 zhang peaks, a straight road leads to the endless expanse of Inner World.

This piece of World is the real core of the world that swallows Heavenly Mountain. Like Medicine Sect’s Inner Sect, it is hidden in the void. Normally, outsiders can’t open it with a hand seal. They can’t enter at all.

Chu Yan went all the way with Dangdang and entered the small world. Within the eyes, the sky is full of powerful Spirit Beast, and there are countless Monster Race powerhouses that have been transformed into humanoids, all of which are monster qi. tyrannical.

In the middle of the small World, there are 3 palaces in the large complex.

“Boss, the one on the right is mine!”

Dangdang came to see him because of Chu Yan and was very happy. He took him and rushed directly into his palace and took him around for 4 visits.

Chu Yan smiled helplessly. He found that Dangdang’s last injury had been completely recovered, and the cultivation base had also improved. However, the temperament is still the same as that of a ten-year-old girl.

Seeing Dangdang reminded Chu Yan of the four days she had spent with Vast Heaven Continent, she suddenly became much better, and followed her and visited 4 places.

“Boss, look at what materials my house is made of!”

Dangdang dragged Chu Yan into the hall, said with a smile.

“En !?”

Chu Yan hearing this expression started, immediately looked up at 4 times, at a glance, also complexion greatly changed.

didn’t expect, this dangdang hall was actually built by Amethyst Stones. This Amethyst Stones has a path of amethyst source core. At a glance, it is known that they are all the highest grade Amethyst Stones.

Divine Consciousness probed into it, Chu Yan could feel the rich Heaven and Earth Spirit Power, overflowing from Amethyst Stones, flooding the whole great hall.

“Good pure Amethyst Spirit Power!” Chu Yan looked towards Dangdang, nodded praised.

“Hehe, of course, this is the big brother and the second brother, specially built for me!”

When I saw Chu Yan complimenting, Dangdang immediately became proud, and raised a small face, said incomparably, and took off a little girl showing off her new clothes.

“Yes, with this palace, your cultivation speed can be increased by at least 3 times!”

Chu Yan is nodded, and he is very satisfied with Lei Martial Sovereign and Tian Zuo Martial Venerable. Dangdang is also very satisfied. If it is not the case, Chu Yan is really not worried about letting Dangdang stay in Heavenly Mountain.

Dangdang took Chu Yan around the palace for a long time, and suddenly, a heavy sound rang in the hall.

“Third Sister, come with Chu Yan!”

Hearing this sound, his face suddenly tightened, and he looked extremely scared.

“Big brother called me, let’s go!” Dangdang finished talking to Chu Yan, then pulled Chu Yan and walked to another palace.

Chu Yan knows that Ray Martial Sovereign is looking for himself, and he must have something to say.

Not far away, Chu Yan and Dangdang were in the middle palace …

On the throne in the hall, Lei Martial Sovereign and Tian Zuo Martial Venerable were all present, looking at Chu Yan with a black face and a smile on his face, making Chu Yan stunned for a moment.

“Boy, you come to me to swallow Heavenly Mountain, not just to watch this little girl!”

Ray Martial Sovereign looked towards Chu Yan and asked.

“On the one hand, it ’s to watch Dangdang. At the same time, the 3 Sect Masters have some words, let me bring you …

Chu Yan recalled a little, thinking about the content of the conversation with the three Sect Masters at that time, and told Lei Martial Sovereign of the content that was discussed.

“About the Black Blood Temple …” Chu Yan said

The following hour, Chu Yan passed the discussion contents of the three Sect Masters to Lei Martial Sovereign. The two people talked for nearly an hour before they ended.

“Spirit Sect is the branch of Heavenly Mountain that I swallowed. If Sword Sect is feasible, I will fully support Heavenly Mountain!”

Ray Martial Sovereign and Tian Zuo Martial Venerable, retreated into the apse, discussed for a while, and when they came out, they informed Chu Yan of the negotiation results.

“It’s so good! I will bring this to you!” Chu Yan was overjoyed. If he had Heavenly Mountain support, he and the three Sect Master plans would be more confident.

“Okay, boy, you can go!”

Hearing Chu Yan’s words, Thunder Martial Sovereign nodded, then waved a big hand, and a force swept out, directly wrapped Chu Yan’s body, rolled out of the palace, and moved towards the Heavenly Mountain.

“Big brother, I just met Boss!”

Seeing this scene, Dang suddenly looked displeased and angry.

“Uh … Third Sister, you’re about to retreat!” Lei Martial Sovereign explained when Dangdang was angry, but his face softened instantly and his face was full of laughs.

“Hmph! Ignore you …” Dangdang stomped and turned away.

“Oh, big brother, this status of Chu Yan in the hearts of Third Sister, but it is much higher than the two of us! Ah”

Tian Zuo Martial Venerable is also full of helplessness, looked towards Thunder Martial Sovereign, said with a smile.

“I only hope that this kid will have the strength to protect Dangdang in the future. Alas … It’s going to be a mess soon, or it’s more important to improve his strength as soon as possible!”

Ray Martial Sovereign faintly sighed, looking towards the direction where Chu Yan disappeared, his eyes flashing!

……… ..

After leaving the Heavenly Mountain vein, when Chu Yan appeared again, he went directly to the north of the Heavenly Mountain vein.

“This Thunder Martial Sovereign …”

After Chu Yan stabilized his body, he raised his eyes and looked at the situation in all around. He shook the head and smiled bitterly. He really did n’t expect. Ray Martial Sovereign was so swift and decisive, and if he let him go, he would do it directly. Some can’t hurry.

However, just that hand also made Chu Yan awe at Lei Martial Sovereign’s strength!

Afterwards, Chu Yan took out the Sword Sect Jade Talisman, which he had given to him at first, checked the direction, and moved towards the north.

After flying for another day, a huge seaside city appeared in the distance of Chu Yan in the distance.

“This is Spirit Sect … Heavenly-Spirit City !?”

Chu Yan fell in front of the huge city gate and looked at the city, which was all piled up by giant stones, with wide eyes, moved towards the city and looked away.

“A lot of Monster Beast powerhouse!”

Chu Yan stepped into the city, walked on the street, his eyes swept, his face filled with surprise, and beside him, there were no less than ten Monster Beast powerhouses of Martial Venerable Realm cultivation base. Although the monster qi was converged, Chu Yan ’s The pupil of Qilin is clear and clear.

Sky Spirit Sect, when Spirit Sect was at its heyday, the Greatest City in control, even now, is the Monster Beast capital of the entire Vast Heaven Continent!

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