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Heavenly-Spirit City, backed by swallowing the Heavenly Mountain vein, is a rare city dominated by Monster Beast Martial Artist.

It is for this reason that this Monster Beast capital has also become the center of Continent Monster Beast Holy Land, gathering most of the Monster Race powerhouse on continent.

Monster Race powerhouse is different from human Martial Artists. They are extremely powerful in Sect. Most of them are based on scattered cultivation bases. They are distributed in every angle of continent and occupy most of the forest and mountain range.

A large number of Monster Beast powerhouses have been entrenched in Heavenly-Spirit City for a long time, making this city more and more prosperous, no less than any big human city.

Walking on the spacious streets of Heavenly-Spirit City, there are vendors everywhere, a bustling scene.

“Sell the map of Heavenly Mountain, Danger Land treasures, everything, as long as 1000 Origin Crystal!”

“Selling spirit wine, produced by the Moon Monkey Clan, must be a fine product, one bottle of Origin Crystal!”

“Walking past, let’s take a look. The good Human Race medicine pill is just 100 bottles, sold out and finished!”


All kinds of croaks, filled with streets and alleys, are sold and so on. Except for some Monster Race taboos, Spirit Beast eggs, Monster Beast materials, almost no one dares to sell them in Heavenly-Spirit City.

Chu Yan bought a map and looked at it carefully. Soon, he found Spirit Sect’s branch in Heavenly-Spirit City on the map.

“It turns out there is a Transmission Array to Spirit Sect in this city!”

Chu Yan packed the map and muttered to himself. On the map, there are clearly several Public Transmission Arrays in Heavenly-Spirit City, as well as several Transmission Arrays. Among them, Spirit in the north corner of Tianling East City In the Sect section, a Transmission Array belonging to the spirit inside the sect section is clearly marked.

And this Transmission Array can let Chu Yan send it directly into Spirit Sect.

According to Shen Dang Sect Master, Spirit Sect is actually within Sword Sect, so when you arrive at Spirit Sect, you are equivalent to Sword Sect.

However, Chu Yan not at all was anxious to go, but found an Inn in the city and temporarily stayed.

The previous battle with several people in the Black Blood Temple resulted in injuries that have not recovered, and Chu Yan needs to heal as soon as possible.

The Inn that Chu Yan stays in is the largest in Heavenly-Spirit City. The room is equipped with a defensive spirit array and a secluded spirit array, which is extremely luxurious.

After a night, Chu Yan finally recovered his injury with the help of Rakshasa Promise and Golden Pill.

It’s just that the sky lock robe has been completely damaged, and even the original 30% defense strength can’t be reached, which makes Chu Yan very sad.

This lock-up robe has been very helpful to Chu Yan in several battles. Therefore, Chu Yan plans to find some materials and repair it with “Tianwen 9 Remnant Furnace”. .

On the 2nd day, Chu Yan left Inn and moved towards the Sky Spirit Sect branch of the city …

Spirit Sect Division, a tall mansion, imposing manner, 4 corner cornices, Golden Dragon colorful phoenix winding, hundred zhang door tower rises from the ground, on the huge arch, “Ling Zong Tian Spirit City Division” several large characters golden light Chancan, it seems, extremely powerful out of the ordinary.

“En!? So many people !?”

Chu Yan glanced, but found that this Spirit Sect Division, a large number of Monster Race powerhouse entered, at a glance, no fewer than 1000 people, like the tide, poured into the Spirit Sect Division.

Moreover, the monster qi on these people is extremely powerful, and is very different from ordinary incarnation Monster Beast Martial Artist, many of them have Martial Venerable Realm cultivation base.

“What should happen?”

Chu Yan observed for a while, and no longer hesitated, strode out and entered the Spirit Sect branch.

Stepping into the gate, into the eyes, is an extremely vast Martial Arts Stage, there is only a 5 Layer building in the distance, there is no other building.

This Spirit Sect branch, said to be a branch, is actually a transit station.

After the decline of Spirit Sect, it can still work normally at present. Only the Transmission Array of Spirit Sect before Martial Arts Stage.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Chu Yan has just stepped on the Martial Arts Stage, and all four sides of the Monster Race powerhouses have turned their heads. It seems that a path of horrible aura, like the Yangtze River, hiding the sky and covering the earth, moved towards Chu Yan Come, everyone, staring at Chu Yan together, stunned and said in amazement

“En !? Human Martial Artist !?”

Before the 5 Layer building, beside the Transmission Array, several tall, tall and burly men suddenly exuded a powerful monster qi, staring straight at Chu Yan.

Seeing this scene, Chu Yan looked as usual, strode out, and approached.

“Everyone, under Chu Yan, want to go to Sword Sect!”

Chu Yan bowed his hand for a while, his face pale.

“Sword Sect !? Well, you are not Sword Sect disciple, why do you go to Sword Sect !? Give you 3 breaths time, get out of here immediately, otherwise, let you die without a burial site!”

a Roar sounded, it was a Martial Venerable order cultivation base Monster Race powerhouse guarding the Transmission Array, and shouted directly at Chu Yan.

This Transmission Array leading to Sword Sect is guarded by 4 Martial Venerable Realm Monster Race powerhouse.

The one who spoke to Chu Yan was obviously the first of four people. Chu Yan ’s pupil of Qilin swept away and found out that this person ’s body is an 4-armed golden ape, which is also considered to be the best in Monster Race. Waiting for bloodline, but the character is extremely violent.

4 Double beast eyes, looking at Chu Yan at the same time, full of tyranny and contempt.

4 all directions, a few 1000 Monster Race powerhouse, also looked towards Chu Yan with a playful look.

Martial Soul continent, Monster Race and human Martial Artist have always been different, and conflicts often broke out between each other.

Mainly also human Martial Artists often use kill Monster Beast as a calendar in mountain range forests, which will hurt some advanced bloodline Monster Race Spirit Beast, leading to deep grievances!

The 4 Monster Beasts guarding the Transmission Array are all bloodline superb beings in the family. They were already arrogant. When they saw Chu Yan, a human Martial Artist, he would be kind to him.

“Why !? Sword Sect has regulations, is it not allowed to enter non-Sword Sect disciple !?”

Chu Yan completely remained unmoved about all around, asked sneaked.


Hearing this, the 4 Monster Race powerhouse, but the face is started, Sword Sect is, after all, a human Martial Artist Sect, although there are very few people, there are very few Sword Sect disciple in Sect, and Sword Sect protects Spirit Sect, resulting in a lot of Monster Race in and out Spirit Sect, for a long time, let them have the illusion, Spirit Sect and Sword Sect are a bit indistinguishable.

Therefore, what they guard is simply the human Sword Sect Mountain gate, and Sword Sect naturally impossible stipulates that human Martial Artists cannot enter.

“Otherwise, let him go in …”

Of the 4 monster race powerhouses, one gently opened the mouth and said.

This human teenager, even though he didn’t know the immensity of heaven and earth, and broke into Sword Sect alone, it is estimated that there will not be any good results. Anyway, the sword inside the sect does not have the Sword Sect big brother, or Spirit Sect.

“No! Regardless of Sword Sect’s regulations, what I said before this Transmission Array is regulations. I can’t let him go in, it won’t!”

The 8-armed golden ape, a pair of beasts with wide eyes and shouted openings, is different from other people. He is extremely disgusted with the human Martial Artist.

In his view, human beings are shameless, despicable, and defiant, and are not worthy of entering Spirit Sect!

“Hehe … but you can go in as long as …”

Suddenly, the 8-armed golden ape seemed to think of something. Suddenly, his face was loose, and his face was full of smiles, looking at Chu Yan with a sneer opened the mouth and said

“As long as you can catch my punch, you can come and go as you please!”

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