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Among the Monster Race, bloodline is respected, and the other is to respect the military force!

If you want to be recognized and respected by others in Monster Race, unless you have a noble bloodline, you need to have a big fist.

This respect of bloodline is not only to Monster Race, but even to some noble bloodline of human beings. They are as awesome as Monster Race. For example, the “Nine Characters Incantation Palace” that was approved by Monster Race 10,000 years ago was recognized as noble bloodline by humans. In the Monster Race, it is also respected by all Monster Race powerhouses.

It’s just that Chu Yan in front of him is naturally not part of the Nine Characters Incantation palace …

8 The words of the Golden Arm of the Arms fell, and immediately all Monster Race powerhouse simultaneously shua shua in the audience seemed to want to know that the always weak human Martial Artist dare not fight! ?

“One punch !? Can …”

Chu Yan didn’t think about it, nodded directly, and promised.

This 8-armed golden ape now grows only 4 golden arms. The cultivation base strength is equivalent to the human median Martial Venerable Realm powerhouse, which Chu Yan can see through at a glance.

“Okay! Take a punch!”

Hearing Chu Yan ’s words, the demon raised his hand to be punched out, terrifying monster qi, rushing out, loudly shouted said

“Power King Vajra punches!”

As Monster Race higher bloodline Monster Beast, like him with bloodline inheritance martial skill, the battle strength is extremely strong. In his opinion, as long as a punch, the human kid in front of him can be turned into meat residue.

Seeing the palm glow of a golden monster qi coming, Chu Yan’s face did not change, strode out, body flashed, just like a residual image, directly avoided this fist.

“What !?” Yaozun 8-armed golden ape, his face stunned.

All the Monster Race powerhouses in the audience are all startled, and the human Martial Artist didn’t expect so easily escaped this fist.

impossible! ?

This human Martial Artist seems to have just broken through to Martial Venerable Realm, but only the next Martial Venerable Realm Initial Stage cultivation base.

This cultivation base strength is simply impossible in front of the median Martial Venerable Realm powerhouse.

“Don’t hide when there is a species!”

8 Armed Golden Demon Lord saw that he had not defeated this human Martial Artist with a punch, and suddenly the complexion greatly changed, feeling ashamed, without the slightest hesitation, and single fist smashed out again.

“Power King Vajra punches!”

With a roar, a golden fist print came with monster qi, moved towards Chu Yan.

At this time, Chu Yan no longer avoids, with the body 18 inner core running in unison, stepping out with his right foot and raising his hand punched out.

In an instant, the silver man’s fist print, with 5 colors of light, burst out and greeted the golden fist print coming straight.

Boom … Long!

The entire Martial Arts Stage, fiercely shocked, 2 punches, and dissipated at the same time!


All Monster Race powerhouses in the audience, seeing this scene, suddenly face terrified look, this human kid, forcibly blocked the punch of the 8-arm golden ape! ?

You know, Monster Race Martial Artist’s most powerful is the Fleshy body strength, and as Monster Race’s higher bloodline’s 8-arm golden ape, its power of this fist is by no means the same level Martial Artist can bear.

What’s more, it’s a human kid who is inferior to Martial Venerable Realm Initial Stage, this book is impossible!

“No … impossible!”

Staring at a pair of huge orangutan eyes, 8-armed golden ape deity, his face full of unbelievable colors, he slowly stared at Chu Yan slowly.

There has always been only Monster Race powerhouse, and the leapfrog battles with the human Martial Artist. When has it been seen that the human Martial Artist can also leapfrog the monster race powerhouse. This … is fundamentally impossible!

“Say a punch! You hit 2 punches! Do you still have to punch !?”

The reason why Chu Yan First Fist avoids is to give the face of Monster Race Martial Artist, the second punch will naturally not give up, and now, if these Monster Race powerhouse are unbelievable, Chu Yan does not mind, take a good lesson on this Demon Venerable blocking his way.


Hearing Chu Yan ’s words, the 8-armed ape demon twitched the corners of his eyes, sighed against his chest, suffocated in his chest, and almost spit out a beast blood. Although he was still unconvinced, he said yes, there were so many Monster Race looked, he naturally regretted sorry, and then waved his hand

“Go in! It’s just enough for this Transmission Array, 100 people send it at once, you can be sent directly to the sword inside the sect!”

Chu Yan heard Fang, bowed his hand, and stepped into the Transmission Array with a small smile, his face lightly.

“Turn on teleportation!”

Seeing Chu Yan stepping into the Transmission Array, just enough to make up 100 people, the demon Lord loudly shouted, took out Jade Talisman, ready to start the Transmission Array.

However, at this moment, a coldly shouted suddenly sounded.

“No teleportation! The Young Master has not arrived yet, who dares to teleport!”

As the screaming sounded, an extremely terrifying monster qi came.

The 4 monster demon guarding the Transmission Array, and the number of 100 Monster Race powerhouse on the Transmission Array, were swept into the seat by this terrifying monster qi, and suddenly the complexion greatly changed, and the whole body trembled.

In the majestic and powerful monster qi, bloodline suppression with Monster Race is suppressed!

The master of the sound turned out to be Monster Race’s extremely noble bloodline, which formed an absolute suppression of the entire Monster Race.

“Unicorn jade rhinoceros!”

All Monster Race powerhouses present were on the look, with a glance, Monster Crystal fiercely shuddered.

This kind of Bloodline Monster Beast, in their Monster Race, bloodline dignity, can rank in the top 100, very noble!

didn’t expect, today there is such a noble Monster Beast, to enter Spirit Sect, is there any major event inside the sect? ?

Chu Yan brows slightly wrinkle, thinking secretly, when he entered this Martial Arts Stage, he found a lot of Monster Beast influx, and now comes the top bloodline Monster Beast, it can be seen that this spirit inside the sect, there must be a major event!

Immediately after, at the gate in the distance, an incomparably tall silhouette, striding meteor, step by step, a white leather armor, two arms with the thighs of other people, and a proud face, walked to the front of Transmission Array.

“Everyone stands by and asks the Young Master to participate in the” myriad beasts selection “. The Transmission Array will be opened for me immediately!”

The white leather armor young man, stepped out in one step, his face was dazed, and he did not put everyone in the eyes at all.

“Few … Young Master, this Transmission Array can only send 100 people at a time, and now ….. now it is full, can you wait a moment, the next batch …” 8 Arm Demon Venerable, the voice trembles, although the cultivation base The young master of the one-horned jade rhinoceros stands far above the eyes, but he dare not show any respect.

“What !? You asked Ben Young Master to wait …?”

White armor youth hearing this, instantly angry, full of face, fiercely staring at the demon in front of his eyes, but roaring, but his eyes were swept away, and he saw Chu Yan standing in the Transmission Array, suddenly more angry, full Blushing

“What a courage! A little human Martial Artist is on the Transmission Array, but you let Ben Young Master wait, let this human roll down immediately for me! Otherwise …”

Speaking of which, the white armored youth has reached the extreme point of anger, and directly mouthed a mouthful, the endless monster qi poured out frantically, and gave a loud roar …


With the sound of beast roar, the bloodline of his bloody pressure, moved towards all directions in 4 directions, swept out.

Within the audience, whether it was a demon statue or other Monster Beast, his face changed abruptly, some of the monster qi was low, and the body shook directly. Deng deng deng deng retreated for several steps before barely standing still A pale face …

One-horn jade rhinoceros!

King Rank bloodline’s coercion, the beasts are astonished!

“You … come down!”

Suppressed by the aura of the King Rank Monster Beast, the 8-armed golden ape Martial Venerable, and also trembling all over the body, no longer daring to hit the white armor young man, without the slightest hesitation turned his head to look at Chu Yan, raised his finger, directly opened the mouth and said.

“This Young Master of the jade rhinoceros, bloodline is distinguished, you have to give priority to the transmission, give him your position, wait for the next batch!”

Hearing this, Chu Yan’s complexion froze instantly …

“Good Monster Race Young Master, good trustworthy Monster Race, just promised first, now come to a Monster Race Young Master, just roar, you can destroy the promise, hmph! Shameless generation!”

Hearing Chu Yan ’s words, the 8-arm Martial Venerable knew that he was wrong, and his face was red, but he could n’t open his mouth. Strong disdain.

This man is courting death!

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