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The white armored young man stared at Chu Yan. In the eyes of a pair of bulls, a root of blood continued to emerge, and the killing intent on his body became more and more intense.

“Human boy, give you the last chance, get me off immediately, otherwise, you will be abandoned now!”

Roaring loudly, the white rhino horns on the forehead of the white armored youth resembled jade stone, suddenly bursts of white light, monster qi rushed out constantly, moved towards Chu Yan and rolled away.

“Hmph! Abolish me !? Well, I want to see if you have this qualification!”

Chu Yan coldly snorted, his face covered with frost, and then his eyes turned into a piece of golden, in the sky behind him, a large piece of empty ripples appeared.

“Coercion, right! Don’t think you are the only one!”


Next moment, behind Chu Yan, the Huwei of 10 Star White Tiger Martial Soul Myriad Beasts King swept out like a torrential flood, as if a thunderbolt in a sunny day, exploded directly on the entire Martial Arts Stage.

All the monsters in the audience, including the unicorn jade rhinoceros, had a mad face, their bodies were fiercely shocked, their legs could not help trembling, and deep in their hearts, the endless Tide of Terror instantly swallowed them all.


When White Tiger Martial Soul stepped out of the void and a pair of golden tiger eyes swept the audience, the mighty Beast God turned into a circle of white ripples that rushed into the audience.


With the Supreme coercion of the White Tiger Divine Beast, sweeping the audience, all the Monster Race people can no longer hold on, and immediately kneel down a large piece, deep down on the ground, the whole body is shiver coldly, except the unicorn jade rhinoceros Lifts the head, except for a glance, almost everyone else’s suppressed heartbeat will stop.


The white armored youth, the young master of the jade rhinoceros family of King Rank Monster Beast, has rounded eyes, constricted pupils, and tremors throughout the body.

Open … What a joke!

This human teenager has the power of … Divine Beast!

Originally, Martial Soul of the human Martial Artist suppressed the bloodline of Monster Race. It was not strong at all. At most, it could only suppress the Monster Beast of the same family, while other Monster Race would not be affected at all.

But now, as soon as the Martial Soul of this young man comes out, nearly 10000 Monster Races of all kinds, including himself, are all absolutely suppressed, and among the Monster Races, the highest-level god beast might be suppressed …

This … is simply impossible! ?

What the white armor youth does not know is that Chu Yan within the body also has 4 other Divine Beasts. If they appear together, the light is just 5 Divine Beast Martial Soul ’s coercion, which is enough to make the whole Monster Race scare the urine pants. ….

This is … the power of Divine Beast!

“How !? Do you want me to give up my place !? Do you still want to scrap me !?”

Chu Yan’s eyes swept, looking coldly at the audience kneeling down, sneering opened the mouth and said.

In a word, among all the people in the audience, there are people who dare to speak, all leaning their bodies to the ground, and dare not speak.

Cracking a joke, but Divine Beast on the top of their head, these low rank Monster Beast, almost scared to faint, and dare to talk there.

A Human Race, even with Divine Beast Martial Soul, can only show that this person’s bloodline is more noble than Monster Sovereign!

“You … get up! Open for me to activate the Transmission Array!”

Chu Yan looked at the 8-armed Golden Ape Demon Venerable, the body of Huwei, directly crushed over.

“Ah … yes … yes!”

8 The golden ape demon with arms, his legs trembling, crawling for a long time, finally got up from the ground, but the whole audience shivered, almost even the Jade Talisman who started the Transmission Array in his hand was a little unstable!


10 breaths later, Transmission Array emits a rays of light, and Chu Yan, along with the 100 people in the Transmission Array, devours it at the same time.

The next moment, the terrifying pressure on the Martial Arts Stage, disappeared in an instant, and a sigh of relief sounded in the audience.

Nearly 10000 Monster Race Martial Artists, all paralyzed to the ground, gasping for breath, dull eyes, dead!

Even if it was just the arrogant young man in white armor, at this time, it was also dementia with binocular eyes, completely softened.

……… ..

This time transmission is completely different from the Transmission Array that Chu Yan entered before. Chu Yan only feels as if it has been in the Transmission Passage for a year, and in the middle, it seems to have stopped for a while. In the Transmission Passage, a Profound Light was shot. , Covering his whole body, continued to probe for a long time before moving on.

Soon, Chu Yan only felt his eyes shine, and his feet finally set foot on the ground.

“I rely on, what a big sword!”

Chu Yan just stabilized his mind, looked towards all around, and found that above the mountain peak in the distance, an extremely huge black treasure sword, hanging over the sky, was nearly 1000 zhang high degrees, straight into the 10,000 Among the zhang Spirit Peak, it seems that people are trembling!

The black sword of the thousand zhang of that handle, above the sword body, the four characters “Beneath Heaven Sword Sect” of flying dragons and dancing phoenixes, every stroke and every stroke contains Supreme Sword Intent… ..

An extremely mysterious Sword Intent fills the small World with a radius of 1,000,000 li in front of me, and even the Clear Sky Sword carrying Chu Yan behind him can’t help trembling, as if he feels the extremely powerful Sword Intent and wants to get out of it. war!

In an instant, Chu Yan’s whole body was boiling, his eyes were bright …

“Good Beneath Heaven Sword Sect, really out of the ordinary!”

Chu Yan’s eyes are like fire, and he constantly looks towards all around. He immediately looked forward to this Beneath Heaven Sword Sect’s trip.

In front of me, there is a golden square. Within my eyes, no less than 100,000 silhouettes, densely packed the entire golden square, and I can’t see the end at a glance.

When Chu Yan stepped into the golden square, it seemed to feel something. There were 4 directions in all directions. Everyone’s sudden shua shua turned his head, and at the same time Chu Yan looked!

“What’s the situation? It turned out to be human Martial Artist !?”

“I rely on! No way! Myriad beasts selection, there are humans !?”

“What’s the matter !? Wouldn’t it be a spy !?”


Countless shocking eyes fell on Chu Yan, a path of shocked consciousness echoed together.

“En !?”

Chu Yan completely ignored the attention of these Monster Race powerhouses around him, and directly operated Qilin’s pupils, looking at all the silhouettes on the entire Golden Dao Field, and suddenly he was stunned.

He did n’t expect that there are so many Monster Race powerhouses gathered here, including Martial Venerable Realm ’s no less than 1000 people, and the kind of superb Monster Race bloodline, similar to the noble bloodline of the white armored youth just now, no less than 100 people Much.

These bloodline noble Monster Race powerhouse, once the cultivation base breakthrough reaches the half-step Martial Sovereign Realm, it will become the name of “big demon” just like the demon night!

“Myriad beasts selected !? What is it !?”

Chu Yan heard the argument of all around, suddenly his face started, Divine Consciousness spread out, moved towards all around continuously extended, and continued to observe the Monster Race powerhouse on the square.

Monster Race gathers here, and there are some rare Monster Race Spirit Beasts that are hard to see. Chu Yan even found a few Divine Dragon bloodline Monster Races, which made Chu Yan an eye-opener.

If it ’s not Monster Beast and Spirit Beast that ca n’t be refined, Chu Yan ca n’t wait to directly display the “burning corpse to refine qi”, use Vermilion Bird emperor fire, and burn all these Monster Beasts, then how much pure qi and blood will be refining … ..

Feeling excited, Chu Yan was thinking wildly, his eyes moved upwards, across the square, looked towards the distance of Little World …

I saw a large mountain range in the distance, with 100 tall Spirit Peaks towering. In the depths of each Spirit Peak, there is a terrifying aura. There are 99 mountain peaks, which is extremely mysterious!

“A lot of monsters!”

Chu Yan’s eyes flickered, and he couldn’t see the terrifying monster qi rising from Spirit Peak.

At this moment, a great shout suddenly sounded, “Humanity, are you here, do you want to participate in” myriad beasts selection! “?”

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