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Inadvertently, the Monster Beast powerhouse in 4 all directions, but all looked at Chu Yan, with a face full of different colors, one of them was tall and mighty, like a hill-like silhouette, striding forward, watching Chu Yan, asked Ruosheng’s opening.

This man is nearly ten zhang tall, with a big beard and a full body, as if his entire face is occupied by a beard. His within the body has a force that seems to explode in an instant, although it is suppressed by his monster qi However, the horror power that overflowed slightly still made people feel trembling.

“Long Wu !?”

“Haha, this is interesting now!”

“This Human Race not simple, but Long Wu shot, it is estimated to be dead!”

On the Martial Arts Stage, there was a sudden silence. Several 10000 Martial Artists simultaneously shua shua looked over and saw Long Wu walking towards Chu Yan, all smiles.

A human Martial Artist appeared in Spirit Sect, which is all Monster Beast and Spirit Beast. This is quite strange. Although this is the gate of Sword Sect, but for several decades, no human Martial Artist has ever stepped on Sword Sect, so Gradually, everyone has become accustomed to the current coexistence of two sects, and naturally cannot adapt to the appearance of human Martial Artist.

Seeing a large shadow move, Chu Yan looked up and recognized it at once. The true body of the Dragon Wu was a sword-toothed ancient dragon with some thin Dragon Race bloodline.

Among the nearly 100 people present in the Dragon Race bloodline Monster Race powerhouse, he can be compared to the existence of Peak, and his cultivation base has reached the median Martial Venerable Realm Peak.

A little deep in thought, Chu Yan sneered, just preparing to speak, suddenly, the mutation suddenly.

Weng! weng! weng!

In the sky above the sky, large void ripples spread like water ripples, and a void crack slowly opened.

Boom … Rumble!

thunderbolt 10000 The average enchantment, soaring from the sky, rushing out of the void crack, instantly dispersing the whole sky, like a strong typhoon, sweeping across the audience, making everyone’s face suddenly change.

Even Chu Yan is frowned, his face dignified.

He clearly felt that his Divine Consciousness was suppressed by this powerful monster qi.

“It seems that this is one Bloodline Supreme Monster Beast, and the cultivation base is not low!” Chu Yan secretly said in one’s heart.

As the terrifying pressure sweeping through Heaven and Earth surges, above the sky, a red robe silhouette, dropping from the sky….

This is a young man, a few years older than Chu Yan at worst, with hair like a cannon, upright roots, green eyes, 2 golden fangs, protruding lips, valgus out, and a back behind him Handle Bone Blade.

The horror demon that has just swept Heaven and Earth is what this person sent out.

“A lot of people, hehe …”

red robe A red-haired young man, as soon as he appeared, a pair of crystal green eyes swept the audience, the corners of his mouth were light, and he brought a touch of arc, his face was full of evil smiles, and then he opened his mouth and looked up …


There was a roar of thunder, and it came out!

Above the entire sky dome, a large sea of ​​spirit clouds rolled wildly, and the violent roar brought layers of sound waves. Like a tsunami, the 100 li void trembles.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Above the square, some monster qi weak Monster Race Martial Artist, his face changed suddenly, his chest was touched, as if he was under a heavy hammer, fiercely shocked, his throat rolled, and a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

This beast roar, obviously with a strong coercion of the upper-level Monster Race, but also contains a powerful monster qi, so this trip has formidable power.

“Red blood monastery!”

“God, it turned out to be a blood-blooded tianjiao !?”

“He … He is the Young Patriarch of the Red Blood Tian Jiao! Look at the Spirit Seal of his eyebrows … it’s not wrong!”


Countless horrified sounds sounded, and there was an uproar in the square.

“My mother, it turned out to be a blood-red tianjiao, but this is the rank of the top 50 monster family. As long as you go to Martial Venerable Realm, you will be listed as Monster Sovereign bloodline of this monster …”

By the side of Chu Yan, two Monster Race powerhouses were frightened with cold sweat, a pair of eyes almost glared out of their eyes, and said with a trembling voice.

“Red blood ghost!”

Chu Yan hearing this , brows slightly wrinkle , Qilin ’s pupil urged, at a glance …

I saw this red robe red-haired young man, the Monster Crystal within the body was wrapped by a thick monster qi, like a fiery red sun, exuding a terrifying monster qi, so that his whole body of meridian blood A red color.

Chu Yan clearly remembers that Dangdang ’s blood is purple, which is completely different from the Monster Beast of ordinary …

That is to say, in Monster Race, only the extremely powerful Monster Beast bloodline, its blood color, will be different from ordinary people.

In front of me, this red robe’s red-haired “Red Blood Sky Jade” clearly belongs to this category.

“It’s worthy of Spirit Sect. Just one selection at a time will make this Monster Beast alive!”

Chu Yan’s heart, secretly thought, his eyes shining …

I just do n’t know what the ceremony of “myriad beasts selection” is, as if I have never heard of it.

“You … return you … and you, this Uncle’s name is Cyan, you must be saluted when you see this Uncle!”

Pale blue grinned lightly, his face covered, looking around the audience, and then said “If anyone sees me, dare not saluted, hum, I want him … yi !?”

The blue eyes fell on Chu Yan, his face suddenly froze, and his eyes fiercely flickered …

“This … how can there be humans, this person …”

Looking at Chu Yan, the blue brow furrowed tightly for a moment. He obviously felt a terrible aura on Chu Yan. Although he couldn’t tell what it was, the blue instinct told him that this person … very not simple!

“My name is Chu Yan and I have seen blue … Dao … friends!”

This bluish monster qi, with bloodline coercion, is not simple, but for Chu Yan, it is not worth mentioning at all, so of course, Chu Yan will not call him a dog or a “great uncle”, When speaking, the words “Fellow Daoist” were accented.


The bluish complexion instantly sank, and in the eyes, Jing green’s eyes were shining brightly, and 2 shots of rays of light were shot, staring straight at Chu Yan, the fiercely opened the mouth and said

“Human boy, what I said just now is very clear, you must call me Uncle Cyan, you dare to call me Fellow Daoist, you trifling Human Race, bloodline rubbish like water, even dare to sit on par with me, courting death, right?”

The words fell to the ground, and there was a tremendous anger in the blue body.

The most proud of this generation is his own bloodline, so he does not allow anyone to sit on his own, even Senior, even some old men of the same family, dare not call themselves uncle will not let go However, let alone a trifling human.

All Monster Race Martial Artists in the audience, when they saw Chu Yan dare to provoke this big demon, they were stunned ….

“I depend, is this person courting death? Long Wu didn’t teach him, he went to provoke the blue!”

“Yeah, I definitely don’t want to live! This person family is over!”

Everyone present saw that the blue had become furious, and he quickly remembered that as long as he saw the Young Patriarch, must call him Grandpa, and he would not go to trouble himself, because this person could not afford it.

However, at this moment, above the horizon, a cold sound suddenly sounded …

“A long worm, dare to let others call uncle, I think, go to your uncle, it’s almost the same!”


The Transmission Array lights up again, and a white robed youth who does n’t know where to send it appears a silhouette from the sky.

This young man, dressed in a silver white robe, has a clear eyebrow and no aura on his body, looks like an ordinary person.

Long … insects! ? go to hell! ?

In the audience, Monster Beast saw the appearance of the silver robe youth, but he directly ridiculed the Young Patriarch of the “Red Blood Ming Tian Jiao” family. He was suddenly stunned, completely stupid …

“This person….”

Chu Yan Qilin’s pupil was running, but at first glance, his brow furrowed tightly, his face full of surprise.

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